Winter at valley forge summary. Valley Forge in the Revolutionary War Lesson for Kids: History & Winter 2022-11-09

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Winter at Valley Forge was a particularly harsh and difficult time for the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. The army, led by General George Washington, had been fighting the British for several years, and by the winter of 1777-1778, they were stationed at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia.

The conditions at Valley Forge were brutal, with cold temperatures, snow, and ice making it difficult for the soldiers to stay warm and dry. Many of them were poorly clothed and lacked adequate blankets and other necessities, which made the winter even more difficult to endure.

In addition to the physical challenges, the Continental Army faced many other problems at Valley Forge. The soldiers were low on supplies and food, and they often went without proper meals. This, combined with the cold and harsh conditions, led to widespread sickness and disease among the troops.

Despite these challenges, the soldiers at Valley Forge persevered. They trained and drilled relentlessly, improving their military skills and becoming a more effective fighting force. They also built log huts to provide some shelter from the elements and established a hospital to care for the sick and wounded.

The winter at Valley Forge was a turning point for the Continental Army. The hardships and challenges they faced helped to build their resilience and determination, and they emerged from the winter stronger and more united than ever before.

In the end, the Continental Army was able to defeat the British and win the American Revolutionary War, thanks in large part to the sacrifices and perseverance of the soldiers who braved the winter at Valley Forge. The winter at Valley Forge has become a symbol of the strength and determination of the American people, and it is remembered as a crucial moment in the country's history.

Winter at Valley Forge in the American Revolution

winter at valley forge summary

Here the British attacked and were mowed down by the American sharpshooters until they were forced to retreat due to their lack of gunpowder. Von Steuben was able to greatly improve sanitation in the camp by reorganizing the kitchen and latrines. It all started when General John Burgoyne needed to get his forces to Albany. Horses and oxen were in such short supply that the men were reduced to yoking themselves to makeshift carts. Pox Americana: The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1775—82.


Valley Forge Summary

winter at valley forge summary

December 23, 1777 dawned cold and dank over the hills of On his mind? The… Valley Forge Turning Point No battle was fought at Valley Forge, yet it was the turning point in the Revolutionary War because it gave the army a backbone, made the soldiers stronger for upcoming battles, and helped them win alliance with the French. Retrieved February 24, 2018. Washington, having survived various intrigues, such as the Conway Cabal, to remove him from command, cemented himself as the army's military and spiritual leader, while the men, stiffened by von Steuben, were superior soldiers to those that had arrived in December 1777. It was during this time that the American Army turned from an unorganized group of soldiers into a proper army. Valley Forge Winter: Civilians and Soldiers in War. He symbolized qualities of discipline, aristocratic duty, military orthodoxy, and persistence in adversity that his contemporaries particularly valued as marks of mature political leadership.


Valley Forge in the Revolutionary War Lesson for Kids: History & Winter

winter at valley forge summary

In March, Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Von Stenben came to the camp to help train the army. Today at Valley Forge Americans can get a glimpse of how life was in 1777. Nearly 2500 died due to these problems. Fatal Sunday: George Washington, the Monmouth Campaign, and the Politics of Battle. Reconstructed army huts at Valley Forge. Because there were no sanitary conditions, insufficient food and blankets, and a lack of oxygen, disease and exhaustion were a part of the situation.


Valley Forge

winter at valley forge summary

The British had a strategy of isolating the Americans and starving them to death, but Washington used his superior numbers and tactics to prevent them. With little clothes and food,many of the soldiers died. One reason I would not have re-enlisted is because of the deaths from illnesses. Retrieved February 24, 2018. Lastly, Valley Forge was close enough to the occupied capital of Philadelphia for my army to keep an eye on the British and prevent any surprise attacks on settlements in the countryside. Without the winter at Valley Forge, Britain would still have power over us.



winter at valley forge summary

Fatal Sunday: George Washington, the Monmouth Campaign, and the Politics of Battle. Labour on the public works was gruelling and physically intense with workers having to dig and move earth and stones. . They also thought that they were not taking a stand because they thought that they could just go to a different country, not be under the kings rule, and they thought what they were doing was wrong. During the winter of 1777 to 1778, the American Continental Army faced many hardships at Valley Forge in Pennsylvania, including illness and harsh conditions, which led some to become deserters, who are soldiers that leave without permission and with no intention of coming back.


Winter at Valley Forge

winter at valley forge summary

Morgan, The Birth of the Republic, 1763—89, Fourth Edition Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012 , 82. Memoir of a Revolutionary Soldier: The Narrative of Joseph Plumb Martin. But it didn't start off quite as well as the colonists would have liked. Retrieved February 24, 2018. Once they left Valley Forge, the American forces were prepared to face the British army again and defeat them at the Battle of Monmouth in New Jersey. There are many men sick and dying. Epic on the Schuylkill: The Valley Forge Encampment.


Valley Forge: George Washington’s Most Dismal Christmas Ever

winter at valley forge summary

It had a lot of high places nearby so that if the British launched a surprise attack, the American army could go to high places and fight back. Selecting a Site With the campaign season ending and cold weather rapidly approaching, Washington moved his army into winter quarters. The Americans had done little more than run away from the Europeans in previous battles and fought hard, but they overwhelmed them once more. Because of the extremely poor weather, the two southern divisions were unable to cross the river and had to call off their assault. He planned to use the whole winter to train the army. Amputations occurred, but no corroborating sources state that death occurred from the freezing temperatures alone. Valley Forge's high terrain meant that enemy attacks would be difficult.


Valley Forge: Facts, Location & Baron von Steuben

winter at valley forge summary

He also writes and edits on geography, science, and even math. Additionally, the location next to the Schuylkill worked to facilitate the movement of supplies. Many men need more clothing and blankets, but there are not enough for everyone. On December 19, 1777, George Washington and his army bivouacked here, as most fighting halted during the harsh weather conditions. She has a BA in history from Wright State University, as well as a MEd in education from the University of Dayton. Despite great adversity, the troops remained united and determined to fight for their independence. To facilitate re-supply of the army, a bridge was erected over the Schuylkill.


Winter at Valley Forge, Summary, Significance, Outcome

winter at valley forge summary

Sadly many are sick and wounded. There is Smallpox going around and they are trying this new thing called inoculation. Starvation, disease, and exposure killed nearly 2,500 American soldiers by the end of February 1778. In theory, it would incentivise workers to increase their productivity as it had the potential to provide much more income than a set wage. Lice would also spread disease and would often live in the hair follicles of soldiers and rats. What I believe is that the men at Valley Forge took a stand against the British Continental army.
