Why did the neolithic revolution happen. Neolithic revolution 2022-10-19

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A journal article review is a critical evaluation of a published research study. It provides a summary of the main points of the article and assesses the strength of the research methods and findings. Writing a review of a journal article can be a helpful way to familiarize yourself with the latest research in a particular field and to develop your critical thinking skills. In this essay, I will provide an example of a journal article review and explain the steps involved in completing this type of assignment.

The journal article that I will be reviewing is titled "The Effect of Social Support on Mental Health Outcomes in Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis." This article, published in the Journal of Gerontology, reports the results of a meta-analysis of previous research studies that examined the relationship between social support and mental health outcomes in older adults. The authors of the article conducted a comprehensive search of the literature and selected studies that met certain inclusion criteria. They then analyzed the data from these studies using statistical techniques to determine the overall effect of social support on mental health outcomes in older adults.

To begin my review of this article, I will start by providing a summary of the main points. The authors found that social support was significantly related to better mental health outcomes in older adults, with a moderate-to-large effect size. They also found that the strength of this relationship varied depending on the type of social support and the mental health outcome being measured. For example, the effect of social support on depression was stronger than the effect on anxiety, and instrumental support (e.g. help with practical tasks) had a stronger effect than emotional support.

Next, I will assess the research methods used in the study. The authors conducted a thorough literature search and used appropriate inclusion criteria to ensure that the studies included in the meta-analysis were relevant and of high quality. They also used appropriate statistical techniques to analyze the data and reported the results in a clear and transparent manner. Overall, the research methods used in this study were well-conducted and appropriate for the research question being addressed.

Finally, I will evaluate the findings and implications of the study. The results of this meta-analysis suggest that social support is an important factor in the mental health of older adults and that interventions that aim to increase social support may be effective in improving mental health outcomes. However, the authors also note that the strength of the relationship between social support and mental health outcomes varies depending on the type of social support and the mental health outcome being measured. Therefore, more research is needed to understand the specific mechanisms through which social support influences mental health and to determine the most effective types of social support for different mental health outcomes in older adults.

In conclusion, the journal article "The Effect of Social Support on Mental Health Outcomes in Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis" is a well-conducted study that provides important insights into the relationship between social support and mental health in older adults. The research methods used in the study were appropriate and the findings have clear implications for the development of interventions to improve mental health outcomes in this population. Overall, this article is a valuable contribution to the field and would be of interest to researchers and practitioners working in the area of mental health and aging.

How did life change after the Neolithic Revolution?

why did the neolithic revolution happen

Incidentally, you seem to share the latter position with them, as testified by: Given as it seems controversial in the anthropological literature and we could make the argument without it, it didn't seem worth going into as it would take an article in itself just to set out the controversy, let alone weigh it all up and take sides. However, it would also be a mistake to dismiss agency, that is, choices to live differently. The emergence of agriculture allowed humans to create permanent settlements with the hope of a stable food supply. The Neolithic Revolution was the critical transition that resulted in the birth of agriculture, taking Homo sapiens from scattered groups of hunter-gatherers to farming villages and from there to technologically sophisticated societies with great temples and towers and kings and priests who directed the labor of their … Why did the Neolithic Revolution happen? The domestication of sheep, cattle and goats The domestication of thehorseoccurred at that time, in the Central Asian area, along with that of the camelids, which occurred in different sectors. In fact, it is believed that agriculture would have initially meant longer and harder work than hunter-gathering. What caused Neolithic Revolution? The Neolithic revolution led to people living in permanent or semi-permanent settlements. The Neolithic Age is sometimes called the New Stone Age.


Climate, class, and the Neolithic revolution

why did the neolithic revolution happen

First Agricultural Revolution circa 10,000 BC , the prehistoric transition from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture also known as the Neolithic Revolution Arab Agricultural Revolution 8th— 13th century , the spread of new crops and advanced techniques in the Muslim world. Technology advancements, fresh demands due to imperialism and more efficiently produced resources, they time period flourished for many years. It went from hunting and gathering to farming. A few of the foundations of the industrial revolution was development in agriculture and economy, the cascade of scientific discoveries and the politics and culture in Britain. This revolution brought about many new technological changes and these changes led to competition between farmers to see who was better doc 5. Since the beginning of life until about 10000 BCE, people were called nomads. In Blench, Roger; Spriggs, Matthew eds.


How Did The Neolithic Revolution Change The World

why did the neolithic revolution happen

It may have taken humans hundreds or even thousands of years to transition fully from a lifestyle of subsisting on wild plants to keeping small gardens and later tending large crop fields. How was life like in the Neolithic Age? Also, the new farming equipment helped make the lives of both worlds a lot more productive and easier. The Neolithic Age occurred essentially around the end of the Stone Age. The technique called dry farming, designed for a very different, much more wet, climate, ruined the topsoil of the land. Also, foraging and hunting led to domesticating animals and farming. It greatly affected the way people lived and worked.


What inventions were made in the Neolithic Age?

why did the neolithic revolution happen

Because of this fewer people led a nomadic lifestyle. The origins of class society has not so much to do with the gendered division of labour, but more probably with the emergency of the monogamous family unit through inheritance in the patrilineal line, a form of association directly opposed to gentile society, and which has been marked from its inception by the inferior position of the woman in the household for the same reasons. Division and specialization enhanced productivity and also improved the living standards of the people. What did the Neolithic people do? Anticipation implies a conscious apprehension, while I argue that the diffusion of power in primitive communist societies for the larger part takes place unconsciously in the sense that the people involved do not realize what effects their actions may have. The development of larger societies led to the development of different means of decision making and to governmental organization. In Anne Birgitte Gebauer and T. The Agricultural Revolution was a period of technological improvement and increased crop productivity that occurred during the 18th and early 19th centuries in Europe.


Neolithic Revolution

why did the neolithic revolution happen

The Neolithic Revolution—also referred to as the Agricultural Revolution—is thought to have begun about 12,000 years ago. Besides being a direct source of food, certain animals could provide leather, wool, hides, and fertilizer. . Most archaeologists believed this sudden blossoming of civilization was driven largely by environmental changes: a gradual warming as the Ice Age ended that allowed some people to begin cultivating plants and herding animals in abundance. So their argument is that rather than the state being a product of agriculture, agriculture was at least in this case a product of the state. How did the Neolithic Revolution change humans? In advanced stages, there was the need for governments as people had started living in settlements with tighter and more complex social situations.


What are 2 causes of the Neolithic Revolution?

why did the neolithic revolution happen

Again, there's no reason to assume this was uniform across hunter-gatherer bands, and as it doesn't relate directly to agriculture we left it out. Before the Neolithic Revolution people lived nomadic lives. I'm not saying at all that they were incapable of doing so, I'm merely saying that the diffusion of power probably happened for the larger part on an unconscious level, though not necessarily always. Indeed, many of the details in Morgan's prime work Ancient Society, 1877 are dated, and his division of the history of society into the rigid stages of savagery, barbarism and civilization seems in retrospect quite naive. One of the remarkable achievements of the Neolithic Period was the invention of wheel. It is this last point which is most original, but also, which requires the most explanation.



why did the neolithic revolution happen

In fact, I'm quite sure that if you were to argue that mother-right was a thing these days in academic anthropology, many would scoff at you, for there seems a blind acceptance that it is 'controversial' and therefore not worth researching you wouldn't want your name attached to controversy, now would you? Essay On Agriculture In The Middle Ages 1327 Words 6 Pages The now rich soil brought about by the agricultural revolution let the crops give the nutrients which helped peasants withstand childbirth and live longer, leading to an increase in population. What was the main theme of Neolithic art? The development in agriculture and as a result the increasing economy was a big factor as to why the Industrial Revolution happened in Britain. The Neolithic Revolution began something like 12,000 years ago. It is regarded as the period in which people started living in groups and family units. The Age Of Reason: The Industrial Revolution In Britain 1533 Words 7 Pages The Industrial revolution has changed our history and has influenced the way we live today.


What happened to the Neolithic Revolution?

why did the neolithic revolution happen

For the peasant international La Via Campesina and their Western NGO allies, the solution lies in Ancient history The genus Homo emerged around 5 million years ago, while the species Homo sapiens, our own, the sole extant species of the genus, emerged around 200,000 years ago. This period is commonly known as the period that developed spread of agricultural practices and the use of polished stone tools. Firstly, there is no word on the role of mother-right in primitive communist societies, nor on the importance of the accompanying division of such societies into tribes and gentes often with the intermediate phratries. The notion of 'anticipation' remains inadequate in this context. .
