Which of the following are products of cellular respiration. Which of the following is a product of cellular respiration? Carbon dioxide Oxygen Carbon 2022-10-13

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Cellular respiration is the process by which cells produce energy through the breakdown of organic molecules. This process occurs in all living cells and is essential for the survival and function of organisms. There are several products of cellular respiration, including ATP, water, and carbon dioxide.

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the main energy currency of cells. It is produced during cellular respiration and is used to power the various chemical reactions that occur within cells. ATP is produced through a series of reactions that involve the breakdown of glucose, a simple sugar that is the primary source of energy for cells.

Water is another product of cellular respiration. During the process of cellular respiration, hydrogen atoms are removed from glucose and combined with oxygen to form water. This process releases energy, which is used to produce ATP.

Carbon dioxide is also produced during cellular respiration. It is produced as a byproduct of the breakdown of glucose and is released into the atmosphere through the process of respiration in animals and through the process of photosynthesis in plants.

In summary, ATP, water, and carbon dioxide are all products of cellular respiration. These products are essential for the functioning of cells and play important roles in the overall metabolism of organisms.

What is the products of respiration?

which of the following are products of cellular respiration

Learn more about cellular respiration here: SPJ2. Then, answer Part B. D H+ ions serve as the final electron acceptor. Aerobic respiration is the respiration that is done in the presence of oxygen. Thus, the correct option is A. E Cellular respiration is a single chemical reaction with just one step.


Which of the following statements regarding cellular respiration is false? Flashcards

which of the following are products of cellular respiration

All through cellular respiration, one sugar molecule is converted into 38 ATP molecules. B ATP is synthesized when H+ ions move through a channel in ATP synthase. This type of respiration requires oxygen, so it is called aerobic respiration. Which of the following statements regarding cellular respiration is false? The inner membrane is folded, which increases the surface area where respiration occurs. Does respiration make carbon dioxide? The product of cellular respiration is carbon dioxide.


Which of the following is a product of cellular respiration? Carbon dioxide Glucose Mitochondria

which of the following are products of cellular respiration

A series of metabolic processes known as cellular respiration take place inside living cells. Which of the following statements are TRUE about cellular respiration? The products of cellular respiration are oxygen and glucose. Cellular respiration is the process by which biological fuels are oxidized in the appearance of an inorganic electron acceptor such as oxygen to yield huge amounts of energy, which drives the bulk production of ATP. There are two types of respiration- aerobic and anaerobic respiration. This reaction is exactly the same as the photosynthesis reaction. After ATP is created for the plants it makes its own energy afterward.


Which of the following stages of cellular respiration takes place in the

which of the following are products of cellular respiration

Part A Willa is studying the growth rate of a specific type of org … anism called a ciliate. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll which absorbs energy from the Sun. C Electron carriers are associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane. Consider four possible explanations for why the last two carbons in acetate are converted to CO2 in a complex cyclic pathway rather than through a simple, linear reaction. Which statement best explains how chloroplasts function during the process of photosynthesis?. Cellular respiration is the process by which food molecules are broken down to release energy.


Cellular Respiration Flashcards

which of the following are products of cellular respiration

During aerobic respiration, complete oxidation of carbohydrates takes place. The utilization of photoautotrophic activities to obtain the glucose required for cellular respiration is an illustration of cellular respiration in plants. D A gradient of H+ exists across the inner mitochondrial membrane. First, answer Part A. The reactants in this process are glucose and oxygen, whereas the by-products are carbon dioxide, water, and energy ATP. Therefore, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere during the process of cellular respiration.


Cellular Respiration

which of the following are products of cellular respiration

Therefore this option is correct. If you are talking about aerobic respiration oxygen is the main product for it because it reacts to glucose. In the oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA, one carbon atom is released as CO2. It takes up carbon dioxide and water and releases oxygen. A cell transfers energy from glucose to a more usable form of energy ATP. Why Does the Human Body Release Carbon Dioxide? The reactants of cellular respiration are water, carbon dioxide and energy. Oxygen and glucose are transformed into water and carbon dioxide during cellular respiration, whereas the byproducts are energy, water, and carbon dioxide ATP.


Which of the following is a product of cellular respiration? Carbon dioxide Oxygen Carbon

which of the following are products of cellular respiration

She places 2 cells in a dish and records the number of cells over time. In micro-organisms such as yeast, a uni-cellular or single cell fungi, the process of anaerobic respiration is called fermentation. Photosynthesis is unrelated to this reaction. If DNP is reducing the proton gradient, and thus efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation, you would expect less ATP to be produced from these mitochondria compared to those obtained from the control mice. B Photosynthesis occurs in mitochondria, and cellular respiration occurs in chloroplasts. How many carbon atoms are present in the intermediates from which CO2 is removed? Which of the following is not a product of anaerobic respiration carbon dioxide alcohol and energy water? The inner membrane is circular in shape, which affects the rate at which glucose is metabolized.


all of the following are products of cellular respiration except A. carbon dioxide. B. energy. C.

which of the following are products of cellular respiration

The process of respiration produces energy for organisms by combining glucose with oxygen from the air. Through the process of cellular respiration, organisms mix oxygen with food molecules, directing the chemical energy contained in these substances toward life-sustaining processes. Which gas is a bio product of respiration and fermentation? Which best describes cellular respiration? The common measure in which the energy released during respiration is stored is ATP. It is easier to remove electrons and produce CO2 from compounds with three or more carbon atoms than from a two-carbon compound such as acetyl CoA. B a substance that gains electrons is said to be oxidized. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll which controls the diffusion of oxygen into the cell.


Chapter 6 Flashcards

which of the following are products of cellular respiration

Which of the following statements regarding photosynthesis and cellular respiration is true? A The inner mitochondrial membrane plays a role in the production of pyruvate. In plants, photoautotrophic processes are used to obtain the glucose required for cellular respiration. A cell uses glucose and carbon dioxide to complete cell division. Citrate can then be oxidized sequentially to release two molecules of CO2. Which best explains why aerobic respiration is favored over anaerobic respiration? It releases more oxygen than anaerobic respiration. It produces more energy than anaerobic respiration.


Which of the following is one of the products of cellular respiration? Glucose Mitochondria

which of the following are products of cellular respiration

During aerobic respiration carbon dioxide , water and energy are the only biproducts hence alcohol is the false entity. Express your answer as a power. The table shows her results. Why does the human body produce carbon dioxide? The inner membrane is smooth, which allows oxygen molecules to attach. Glucose is broken down by oxygen to release energy, while carbon dioxide and water are the by-products of the reaction. When an animal breathes, it takes in oxygen gas and releases carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere.
