Which of the following are characteristics of the pardoner. pardoners tale Flashcards 2022-11-01

Which of the following are characteristics of the pardoner Rating: 6,3/10 1132 reviews

The pardoner is a character in Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales," a collection of stories told by a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury. The pardoner is one of the characters who tells a tale, and he is also a prominent figure in the general prologue, which introduces the characters and describes their characteristics.

One characteristic of the pardoner is that he is dishonest and corrupt. He is a member of the clergy, but he uses his position to take advantage of people and make money for himself. He is described as a "pardoner of sin," but he does not actually have the power to grant forgiveness. Instead, he sells indulgences, which are pieces of paper that supposedly grant the holder a reduction in the time they will have to spend in purgatory. The pardoner admits that he is a "false pardoner" and that he only sells indulgences to make money, not to help people.

Another characteristic of the pardoner is that he is greedy and self-serving. He is willing to do whatever it takes to make money, including lying and cheating. He even admits that he would sell indulgences to the devil himself if he could. The pardoner is also extremely vain and proud, and he is obsessed with his appearance. He spends a lot of time and money on his appearance, including his long, curly hair and expensive clothes.

A third characteristic of the pardoner is that he is manipulative and convincing. He is able to persuade people to buy his indulgences, even though they are essentially useless. He uses his charm and charisma to convince people that they need his help and that they will be forgiven if they buy his indulgences. The pardoner is also skilled at playing on people's emotions, using fear and guilt to convince them to buy his indulgences.

In summary, the pardoner is a dishonest, greedy, and manipulative character who uses his position as a member of the clergy to take advantage of people and make money for himself. He is also vain and obsessed with his appearance, and he is skilled at manipulating and convincing people to buy his indulgences.

What is some characteristics of The Pardoner?

which of the following are characteristics of the pardoner

What is the topic of every sermon that the Pardoner preaches? The Pardoner also has a gift for singing and preaching whenever he finds himself inside a church. Ultimately, it's the greed of these rioters that causes their own death at each other's hands. The Pardoner in the Canterbury Tales had bulging eyes and a voice like a goat. These kinds of practices were commonplace in medieval England. Chaucer's Pardoner in the Canterbury Tales reveals himself to be a fraud: his relics are fake, his intentions are not genuine, and his prime motivation is money.


What are the characteristics of the Pardoner?

which of the following are characteristics of the pardoner

The youths run down the crooked path to the tree, where they find not Death but eight bushels of gold. He also talks about cheating the poor out of the little money and food they have. The Knight quickly intervenes to help them all avoid conflict. The Pardoner criticizes the swearing of false oaths, saying that cursing and perjury are wretched. His only motivation is money. Pardons often took the form of indulgences, a kind of favor issued by the church for a price. From his prologue and tale, the reader discovers that the Pardoner is well read, that he is psychologically astute, and that he has profited significantly from his profession.


What are a few characteristics of the Pardoner?

which of the following are characteristics of the pardoner

Instead of the figure of Death that they expect to find, the three revelers find bushels of gold that ultimately lead them to their deaths through their greed. What sin does the Pardoner preach against? He places poison in the wine for the other two to drink. He admits that his relics are false, and he confesses to selling these worthless items to the rich and poor alike - even if it means their children will starve! Is the Pardoner entitled to a percentage of the take? Character Traits in The Pardoner's Tale We shouldn't feel too sorry for the Pardoner. He is even associated with Rounceval, a hospital and house of worship that was accused of selling false pardons during Chaucer's lifetime in 1379. The Description of the Pardoner in The Canterbury Tales Chaucer's Pardoner Canterbury Tales description portrays the pardoner as possessing big bulging eyes and having a voice like a goat. Rather than mourning their friend, they rashly seek their own glory. As a representative of the church, he's allowed to give sermons and convince people to buy pardons.


The Pardoner in The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer

which of the following are characteristics of the pardoner

His items, however, are clearly not authentic. In fact, they insult him harshly when he completes his tale. He then denounces their gambling: dice, he says, are the mothers of lies. The Pardoner in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales would have felt right at home with the traveling pilgrims. In Flanders, there were three young men who loved to amuse themselves by singing, reveling, and drinking.


The Canterbury Tales: The Pardoner

which of the following are characteristics of the pardoner

This exterior description is meant to reveal information about his internal character and motivations. While he is away, the other two rioters plot to kill the third when he returns so that the two of them will each get a bigger share of the treasure. It may preach against sinful acts, but its own people sometimes have the greatest potential for greed. Yet Chaucer places him at the very bottom of humanity because he uses the church and holy, religious objects as tools to profit personally. As the Pardoner himself reveals to the traveling party, he is a greedy charlatan who sins without remorse. He is seemingly aware of his sin—it is not clear why he tells the pilgrims about his sin in the prologue before his tale commences.


pardoners tale Flashcards

which of the following are characteristics of the pardoner

Chaucer's attempt to turn things on their head extends to the church as well. Chaucer's Pardoner offers a tale to his fellow pilgrims that takes the form of a "religious fable" that warns against sin. They were headed to Canterbury as part of a religious ritual to visit the shrine of the martyred saint, Thomas Becket. The Knight must step in to resolve the conflict, telling the Host and the Pardoner to kiss and make up. At first glance, it seems odd that the friendly host wants to fight a man of God, while a seasoned warrior keeps the peace.


The Canterbury Tales The Pardoner’s Tale Summary & Analysis

which of the following are characteristics of the pardoner

All of their evil ways are the same as his own. The Pardoner rides in the very back of the party in the General Prologue and is fittingly the most marginalized character in the company. How does the Pardoner manipulate? He goes to an apothecary, buys the strongest poison available, and pours it into two bottles, keeping a third clean for himself. The Pardoner uses this story to his own advantage, as he always preaches against greed as the "root of all evil. Along with receiving the indulgence, the penitent would make a donation to the Church by giving money to the pardoner.


which of the following are characteristics of the pardoner

The Pardoner has long, greasy, yellow hair and is beardless. Throughout his 12-year academic career, Eric has taught both literature and composition. These qualities would have made the other pilgrims laugh and make fun of him. The other pilgrims, knowing the greedy and sinful nature of the Pardoner, attack and ridicule him when the tale is finished. First, he denounces their gluttony, which he says caused the fall of Man. His preaching is correct and the results of his methods, despite their corruption, are good.


which of the following are characteristics of the pardoner

Analysis of Chaucer's Descriptions of the Pardoner In terms of physical appearance, Chaucer's portrait of the Pardoner in The Canterbury Tales is not exactly complimentary. In his prologue, the Pardoner frankly confesses that he is a fraud motivated by greed and avarice and that he is guilty of all seven sins. It also speaks to how trusting people must be, to believe these sellers of indulgences and give them money. Since visiting relics on pilgrimage had become a tourist industry, the Pardoner wants to cash in on religion in any way he can, and he does this by selling tangible, material objects—whether slips of paper that promise forgiveness of sins or animal bones that people can string around their necks as charms against the devil. They could then reduce or eliminate the sinner's time in Purgatory, a temporary middle-ground between Heaven and Hell. After telling the group how he gulls people into indulging his own avarice through a sermon he preaches on greed, the Pardoner tells of a tale that exemplifies the vice decried in his sermon. Other Characters in The Pardoner's Tale The Pardoner's Tale is a kind of sermon in itself.


which of the following are characteristics of the pardoner

What is the main focus of the Pardoner? What topics does the Pardoner preach about? While not typically an official member of the clergy, a pardoner was someone who issued pardons to members of the Catholic church for the absolution - or forgiveness - of sin. . This social commentary would then apply to all medieval pardoners. Lesson Summary A pardoner is a representative of the Catholic church who sells indulgences for the forgiveness of sins. He makes a move to leave, but the rioters demand that he tell them where they can find Death. What is ironic about the Pardoner? The items in his trunk are cheap imitations and not at all consistent with ancient, holy artifacts to be sold as relics.
