Whats concise. Communicate clearly, concisely and effectively with this Checklist 2022-11-04

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Concise writing is a style of writing that is clear and to the point, without unnecessary words or details. It is an effective way to convey information and ideas in a clear and efficient manner.

One key aspect of concise writing is using active voice rather than passive voice. In active voice, the subject of the sentence is performing the action. For example, "The cat chased the mouse" is written in active voice. Passive voice, on the other hand, puts the object of the action at the beginning of the sentence and often includes the verb "to be." For example, "The mouse was chased by the cat" is written in passive voice. Active voice is generally more concise because it uses fewer words and is easier to understand.

Another way to be concise is to use specific and precise language. This means choosing words that are specific and accurate, rather than using vague or overly broad terms. For example, instead of saying "a lot," try using a more specific quantity such as "several" or "many." Using specific language helps to convey your meaning more clearly and efficiently.

It is also important to eliminate unnecessary words and phrases from your writing. This can include redundant words or phrases that add no additional meaning to the sentence, such as "in the end" or "in the final analysis." It can also include filler words like "very," "really," or "totally," which do not add any new information to the sentence. Removing these types of words can help to make your writing more concise and straightforward.

In summary, concise writing is an important skill that involves using active voice, specific and precise language, and eliminating unnecessary words and phrases. It helps to convey information and ideas clearly and efficiently, making it easier for readers to understand and remember what you have written.

What Does Concise Mean?

whats concise

The Elements of Style has this to say about concision: Omit needless words. In other words, turns of phrase—a great opportunity to omit needless words. In general, try to limit your use of qualifying sentences. A concise edition of your diary might be 50 pages of the most important entries. ADHD brains work differently than neurotypical brains.


Concise Definition & Meaning

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Simple multi-word phrases are often significantly clearer than obscure, esoteric words that say the same thing. Adverbs act like adjectives for verbs and sometimes for adjectives , offering additional information about the way the verbs are performed. My father was killed by you. Ozeki uses an equal amount of concrete nouns and verbs; additionally, she occasionally uses adjectives, though only about one-fourth as frequently as nouns and verbs. What is my purpose in communicating with this person? But in fact almost every reader values concision, since concise writing is usually easier to read, better thought out, and better organized—that is, simply better writing. An extra set of eyes never hurts when omitting needless words, so take a look at our Concise writing will both sharpen and polish your writing style. Simple writing is more concise, in that the reader can more easily glean meaning.


Communicate clearly, concisely and effectively with this Checklist

whats concise

This 7C Checklist saves time! Again, concision is not about writing in a clipped or spare fashion. I'm Cena and I work with high performers, professionals, and entrepreneurs with ADHD. In active voice writing, the subject does the action. Writers break the rules all the time, testing the barriers of language and meaning. In this example, there are far more of those connective words.



whats concise

Better: They drove past the fire hydrant. How can you be sure your intended message is not just well crafted and shared, but more importantly received appropriately on the other end? Overuse of adjectives can also threaten concise writing. You may notice that many of these words look and sound alike. This paragraph is filled with nouns and active verbs, which are the core of expressive language. A good synonym is succinct. Redundancies occur inevitably in writing, but learning to recognize and condense them is a necessary element of concise writing.


Concise Writing: How to Omit Needless Words

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Articles are grammatically necessary; non-articles are often optional. For example, if I started writing about the green grass, that would be rather redundant, since grass—unless otherwise specified—is green. Let your nouns do most of the work, and bring in the occasional adjective to help paint a more vivid picture. This word is of Latin origin. Some pronouns include: he, his, her, hers, they, theirs, who, your, it. .


What does concise mean? definition, meaning and audio pronunciation (Free English Language Dictionary)

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Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen I WILL be more collected—more concise. A concise Italian-English dictionary, is shorter than an unabridged one. The Sherman and Clayton acts are century-old, remarkably spare and concise statutes, which means that antitrust law has been made based on the precedents that have been laid down in these previous cases. Concise writing simply means writing that is clear, vivid, and impactful—writing in which every word carries its weight. We also let redundancies slip when relying on colloquial turns-of-phrase.


whats concise

What does the word concise mean? Try to write sentences that are mostly nouns, verbs, and adjectives, and use auxiliary words when they are grammatically necessary or present crucial information. If you're an entrepreneur or high- performing professional who is distracted, overwhelmed, and feeling lost in the shuffle, let's talk. Emma, by Jane Austen A short dialogue on the subject of the country ensued, on either side calm and concise—and soon put an end to by the entrance of Charlotte and her sister, just returned from her walk. In English, the main auxiliary verbs are be, do, and have. Working with a Certified ADHD Coach is essential.


whats concise

As my mother says… when writing, always err on the side of being more polite and formal than less. What are synonyms and antonyms of concise? You are encouraged to prepare to die. Perhaps this is a doorway to other, equally discolored objects throughout the city. Annotated Tissue, NCI Thesaurus A concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol. But the thesaurus is often your friend as a writer, and if a shorter equivalent exists, you should use it most of the time.
