What plan does the host propose to the pilgrims. What plan does the host propose to the pilgrims? 2022-10-19

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In "The Canterbury Tales," the host proposes a plan to the pilgrims that involves a competition to see who can tell the best story. The host, Harry Bailey, believes that this will be a way to pass the time on the journey to Canterbury and to bring some joy and entertainment to the group.

The host's plan is for each of the pilgrims to tell two stories on the way to Canterbury and two more on the way back. The person who tells the best story will be crowned the winner and will be treated to a meal at the host's expense. The host also suggests that each person should choose a story that is appropriate for the occasion and that will be entertaining for the group.

To ensure that the competition is fair, the host proposes that the winner be chosen by the group. The host also suggests that each person should be given a set amount of time to tell their story, and that they should not repeat a story that has already been told by another pilgrim.

Overall, the host's plan is meant to bring some fun and excitement to the journey, and to give each of the pilgrims an opportunity to share their stories and entertain their fellow travelers. It is a clever and engaging way to pass the time and to bring the group closer together, and it ultimately becomes one of the main highlights of the pilgrimage.

What plan for the group does the Host propose in The Canterbury Tales?

what plan does the host propose to the pilgrims

What standards will the host use to judge the tales? Include a photo of the winning entry if it was user-generated content contest or of the contest prize. At the end of the trip, the Host will pick the best story and its teller will receive a prize -- a free dinner. As they travel together to Canterbury, each is to tell two tales and on the return trip, two more tales. A cheerful, friendly person, the Host focuses the pilgrims and keeps the storytelling contest from devolving into chaos. The Host has the pilgrims draw lots to decide who will go first, thus beginning the tale-telling game.


What plan does the host propose to the pilgrims?

what plan does the host propose to the pilgrims

What game does the host propose how many stories must each pilgrim tell? The Parson is a very wealthy man, despite his lack of worldly goods part of his poverty. Although Chaucer narrates the events of the frame story, the Host takes charge of the contest and creates structure. What is the contest the host proposes Why does he propose it what is the prize? What was the prize for telling in the Canterbury Tales? How does Chaucer describe the host? The tales will be judged by the Host on two criteria: entertainment value and moral lesson. Why is the Narrator on his journey? Stout and brawny, the Miller has a wart on his nose and a big mouth, both literally and figuratively. The Parson has a very poor life in terms of goods after taking a vow of poverty. Whoever tells the best one gets a free dinner at the inn when they return.


The Canterbury Tales: The Host

what plan does the host propose to the pilgrims

When and where will the prologue take place? What does the host propose? The Host further keeps the momentum by helping pilgrims who have fallen out with each other to reconcile. What competition does the Host propose? The winner, chosen by the Host, will receive dinner at the Tabard Inn at the expense of all the other pilgrims. Show how this is true by analyzing 2 characters who belong to this group. Something to keep everyone entertained on their journey to Canterbury, a storytelling contest. It was widely believed that those who made this journey would be bestowed with blessings or even miracles resulting from prayer. How do the pilgrims decide who tells the first story? What did Harry Bailly do for the pilgrims? Chaucer the pilgrim, who narrates the General The Host, Harry Bailey, owns the Tabard Inn.


How many stories does the host propose each pilgrim tell?

what plan does the host propose to the pilgrims

In addition, in Canterbury Tales, what does the host say? What kind of entertainment does the host provide for the journey? This plan was for entertainment and to pass the time on the long journey he proposed that each pilgrims tell two take in the way there and two on the way back. If the contest asked entrants to submit some user-generated content a photo or video , attach it to the post. The criteria includes that each pilgrim would tell two tales each—one on the way there and one on the way back. What will the winner receive? The tales mostly written in verse, although some are in prose are presented as part of a story-telling contest by a group of pilgrims as they travel together from London to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. He proposed that each pilgrim tell two take in the way there and two take in the way back to pass the time on the long journey. The Host, Harry Bailey, of the inn suggests that to pass the time the pilgrims should tell tales.


What plan for the group does the host propose in Prologue to the Canterbury Tales?

what plan does the host propose to the pilgrims

There are 29… How to announce the winners of a contest? Anyone who complains about his decision will be punished, as well as a reward for telling the best story. Is the Friar more corrupt than the monk? Find at least 3 pilgrims whose inner natures are revealed by their outer appearances. Chaucer appears to enjoy himself and his company. The other pilgrims agree that Harry Bailly should judge who tells the best tale. It is the Innkeeper who comes up with the idea to offer a prize. What does the host propose as a prize for the best storyteller group of answer choices? They will each tell two on the way down and then two more on the way back. How is the host described? It is the Innkeeper who comes up with the idea to offer a prize.


What does the host propose as a prize for the best storyteller?

what plan does the host propose to the pilgrims

However, he sometimes reveals things about himself in his comments to the pilgrims. He lays out his plan: each of the pilgrims will tell two tales on the way to Canterbury and two more on the way back. Bailly suggests the storytelling competition that is the frame for The Canterbury Tales. The Knight draws the shortest straw. Either way, a crucial component is announcing or notifying your winners and losers.


what plan does the host propose to the pilgrims canterbury tales?

what plan does the host propose to the pilgrims

Why was everyone at The Tabbard? The Host has the pilgrims draw lots to decide who will go first, thus beginning the tale-telling game. In such situations, Judgify has a number of suggestions for ways to announce awards results. Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer Is Chaucer a good host? What is the prize for the winner? The Host is a commoner in the lower classes, but he is highly respected in that class. He has introduced the frame into which the individual stories can be placed. Why did the Pilgrims decide to tell tales? Something to keep everyone entertained on their journey to Canterbury, a storytelling contest.


What is the game that the host suggests the pilgrims play?

what plan does the host propose to the pilgrims

The host is a striking figure with wide girth and bright eyes. These incomplete tales include Who is the Miller in the Canterbury Tales? The Innkeeper is the one who comes up with the idea of giving a prize. The point of this is that the telling of the tales will help to pass the time on the long journey. This encourages some friendly competition and gets the long trek off to an interesting start. He says that he is sure they will be telling stories as they travel, since it would be boring to travel in silence. There is a punishment for anyone who complains about his decision and a reward for the best tale. What is the game that the host proposes that the pilgrims play in the General Prologue? He proposes that they memorize Bible verses and recite them to the group each evening.


When and why are the pilgrims traveling, and how does the host quickly win their trust?

what plan does the host propose to the pilgrims

What is the name of the host in Canterbury Tales? He lays out his plan: each pilgrim will tell two stories on the way to Canterbury and two on the way back. In order to decide who will tell the first story, Harry Bailly asks the Knight, the Clerk and the Prioress to draw straws. Why is the narrator on his journey? He is wise and tactful, a merry man. He is genial, likes to joke, and is good at organizing people. So, you have 21 complete stories, and 3 incomplete stories, and poor pilgrims like the Haberdasher, the Weaver, and the Dyer, and the Tapistry-Maker get no story at all. What does the host do in The Canterbury Tales? The Knight The Knight — a man of honor, truth, and chivalry; tells the 1st tale. The Host's plan is that each pilgrim will tell two tales on the way to Canterbury and two more on the way back to London.
