What makes me me. What Makes Me "Me"? 2022-11-01

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There are many things that make up who I am as a person, and it can be difficult to pinpoint just one thing that defines me. However, some of the key factors that contribute to my identity include my personality, my values, my experiences, and my relationships.

My personality is an important part of what makes me who I am. It shapes my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and it influences how I interact with the world around me. I am an introverted, compassionate, and curious person, and these traits have a big impact on how I approach life and the decisions I make.

My values are another key part of my identity. These are the things that are most important to me and that guide my actions and decisions. For me, honesty, kindness, and fairness are among my core values, and I try to live my life in accordance with these principles.

My experiences also play a role in shaping who I am. The things I have done, the places I have been, and the people I have met have all had an impact on me, shaping my perspective and shaping my identity.

Finally, my relationships are an important part of who I am. The people I surround myself with have a big influence on my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and they play a crucial role in shaping my identity. My family, friends, and colleagues are all important to me, and they contribute to my sense of self in different ways.

Overall, what makes me me is a combination of all these factors: my personality, my values, my experiences, and my relationships. Together, they form the unique person that I am today, and they will continue to shape and influence me as I grow and change over time.

What makes you unique?

what makes me me

I left Iran with a heavy heart as I started missing my family and the safe haven of my home right at the juncture when I was about to board a flight to America, the land of my dreams. A lot is due to heredity. Essentially, "What makes you unique" really means, "What makes you an exceptionally good candidate? One of the biggest lessons we gleaned about learning environments is that youth -- especially middle schoolers -- are eager to explore and cultivate their sense of self, but they rarely get the time and space to connect to themselves and others. The difference is that I am not immediately asking for assistance, which decreased the pressure they feel to assume that I need their attention as a priority. I am still the same person. I think this experience gives me a slight edge over other applicants. Make your answer compelling.


7 Amazing Sample Answers to "What Makes You Unique?"

what makes me me

Even if I have organ transplants from another person, I am not a different individual. This realization brought me to a new level of self-reflection. Tums Antacid Tablets are my comfort food. Despite the heavy influence of my elder siblings, I always had an independent streak in me which allowed me to be fiercely adventurous in thought as well as action. I follow all the major motor sports activities around the world which include formula racing as well car rallies and dirt track racing.


What Makes Me "Me"?

what makes me me

This was a wakeup call for my parents who forbid all such activities and asked me to concentrate on academics and finish school before I could consider any ambitious aspirations of becoming a racer. Although my parents have immigrated from their home country, they make this country feel like their home. I began to have a small level of understanding of the difficulties experienced by those from other countries who immigrate to America who are trying to embrace our culture while maintaining reverence and respect for their own. The most innate and basic human abilities, so easily taken for granted, that they underutilised in efforts to promote child well-being and development. This was my first personal experience with a culture that is profoundly different than my own.


What Makes Me Me?

what makes me me

To help ease the tension that combining cultures can sometimes cause, it is imperative to increase cultural sensitivity within our own sphere of influence. Educators, parents and others working with youth: We invite you to support young people in exploring and expressing themselves, starting with sharing this workbook:. People these days are defined and grouped by how they look, act and dress. I may have been through very difficult times in my life, but I see them as hurtles that has shaped me to what I have become today. The artists are members of The Opportunity Tree and STARS, two Valley organizations that provide services such as education and job opportunities. Bananas have them, too. You don't want to sound like you make mistakes all the time, but you'll stand out if you mention how you turned a failure into a success.


What Makes You, YOU

what makes me me

This was my first personal experience with a culture that is profoundly different than my own. To watch me take advantage of the opportunities that are at my reach. I grew up in a predominately white middle class farming country in Oklahoma. After this assignment, I realize that I still have so far to go. Both of my parents immigrated to this country for nothing more than a hopeful future, what some would refer to as the American Dream.


Little Things That Make Me "Me"

what makes me me

The experiences in my native country have inculcated in me the qualities of hard work, perseverance, passion and responsibility. We call them G, C, A, and T. From a very young age, my parents have raised my siblings and I with a strong emphasis on the importance of education. Metaphysics includes the study of transcendentals. Motivation, respect and other important traits separate me from those of different cultures and heritages. In the most advance economies and welfare systems this will not require fundamental changes to polices, but rather adaptations to implementation and practice. Though not popular in my native country, I always wished to partake in motor sports somewhere else in the world.


What makes me me

what makes me me

After this assignment, I realize that I still have so far to go. My way of live is neither better nor worse than others, just different. Motivation, respect and other important traits separate me from those of different cultures and heritages. I realized at that time how naïve it was of me to believe that everyone is the same at the base level. My team and I came up with a more successful strategy to avoid these mistakes in the future, and ended up increasing traffic by 20%. We are excited to showcase the questions that arose.


What Makes Me Me

what makes me me

I am apart of a closely integrated community so diverse and rich in culture. What makes you, you, what makes me, me, shapes every living thing you see. Conversations with middle schoolers from Burton International Academy inspired a zine that invites youth to explore who they are. I am still the same person. My parents have had a big affect on my life. My parents are enlightened individuals who raised their kids in the most appropriate manner, with traditional religious values interspersed with modernity in thought as well as action.


What makes me, me ? Essay

what makes me me

I think that peoples characteristics differ from where they have been brought up. The technological developments of the modern age have brought many wonderful conveniences to the for front of humanity; however, with much of society interacting on a global stage, it has become more important than ever to employ cultural sensitivity in our lives. The big spaces are the closest I can get to the ocean in landlocked Colorado. I moved to Plano in Texas where I pursued my studies and am now a senior at Plano West Senior High School. And that they themselves should be willing to engage their own core capacities in that process.


What Makes Me Me

what makes me me

If you think your prior experience could deter interviewers from seeing you as exceptionally qualified, this is an optimal chance to prove them wrong. This question, posed by Scotus, is essentially the same question we are pondering here. My view on cultural difference was limited to learning about other cultures to understand what makes humanity diverse and interesting. I have never been to Kansas, but I think I might like it there. I want to remind myself and others not to measure up your interests and habits with what you feel they should be.
