What is theme for english b about. What Is the Tone and Mood of the Theme for English B? 2022-10-24

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"Theme for English B" is a poem written by Langston Hughes, an African American poet and social activist who played a key role in the Harlem Renaissance. The poem reflects on the experience of being a black man in a white-dominated society, and the theme of the poem is the struggle for identity and acceptance in a world that constantly tries to define and categorize people based on their race.

The poem begins with the speaker, who is a black man, being asked by his English professor to write a paper about himself. The speaker is conflicted about this assignment, because he doesn't know how to write about himself in a way that will be acceptable to his white professor. He wants to be able to express his true identity and experiences, but he is also aware that he must conform to the expectations and standards of the dominant culture.

As the speaker grapples with this dilemma, he reflects on the various aspects of his identity that shape who he is. He talks about his race and the ways in which it has affected his life, including the discrimination and prejudice he has faced because of it. He also talks about his love of music and how it has been a source of solace and inspiration for him.

Ultimately, the theme of "Theme for English B" is the struggle to find and express one's true identity in a world that tries to define and pigeonhole people based on external characteristics such as race. The speaker is torn between his desire to be true to himself and the pressure to conform to the expectations of the dominant culture. Through his reflections on his own experiences and identity, the speaker ultimately affirms his own humanity and the shared humanity of all people, regardless of their race or other external characteristics.

Essay About Theme for English B

what is theme for english b about

The theme is the overall meaning of the poem. Imagery impacts the message by subtly describing the racism the author endures on a daily basis. City College was originally founded as the Free Academy of the City of New York in 1847 with the mission of providing good education to the children of immigrants and other poor families. This is appropriate for such a long poem since it can be read more than once by anyone who reads it. The theme of a poem is the message an author wants to communicate through the piece. The author hints about racism as he thoroughly discusses the route he takes from school every day. In 1951, colored was a prominent way to identify African Americans.


What is the rhyme scheme in Theme for English B?

what is theme for english b about

How did they get to America? This atmosphere evokes a particular kind of feeling or emotion in the reader or the audience, if the poem is performed or read out loud. The tone of the narrator slowly changes from one of uncertainty over whether his skin color will affect the outcome of his work to one of him knowing his work will be just fine. The mention of music is especially important. Message is the thing that encourages poets to create poetry. The imagery presented throughout this poem symbolizes the strength and courage of a man. That instantly depicts an image in our heads of the separation that he experiences in his class metaphorically speaking.


Analysis of the Poem "Theme for English B"

what is theme for english b about

To determine theme, start by figuring out the main idea. The teacher wants to get to know the author by having him write a paper that is profound and personal about who the author is, but will it then be true? He is human and enjoys the basics of life like his classmates, but his skin color is the only barrier that holds him back from having the freedom to do and live like those of a different skin complexion. These facts set him apart from those around him. Who Is Theme for English B by? The atmosphere at the start of the poem reflects the warmth of the "yellow wood" and the traveler's anticipation of having to select his own way, thus it's light-hearted, almost anticipatory. Being able to identify yourself as one person ,but being labeled as another, definitely gets one to question many things about themselves as well as their surroundings.


"Theme for English B" by Langston Hughes Flashcards

what is theme for english b about

A grade 7 is fantastic. How can I pass in university? It was also the phrase used at the water fountains and bathrooms. Order now Segregation was the imagery identified as well. The theme differs from the main idea because the main idea describes what the text is mostly about. The meaning of this poem is to show how black and white people are not much different from each other. What are main themes? He is human and enjoys the basics of life like his classmates, but his skin color is the only barrier that holds him back from having the freedom to do and live like those of a different skin complexion.


What Is the Tone and Mood of the Theme for English B?

what is theme for english b about

The image of prejudice comes to mine. An author might also discuss social issues in his or her own voice while using the formal language of poetry to make a strong statement about humanity's need for moral guidance "Drunkenness Prevalent" by John Dryden. See eNotes Ad-Free Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. . The image of prejudice comes to mine. The Harlem Renaissance was an African-American art and cultural movement in the early 20th century. Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri, in 1902, not in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, as the poem says.


What is the theme of the poem Theme for English B?

what is theme for english b about

As we know from his mention of Bessie Smith and Bach in line 24, the speaker of this poem likes music. How do mood and tone affect the theme? I like to work, read, learn, and understand life. Cite this page as follows: "Theme for English B - Themes" eNotes Publishing Ed. Its speaker, a black student at Columbia University in the 1950s, is given a seemingly simple assignment: write one page about himself. They make him wonder if he will be able to write.


Theme for English B Themes

what is theme for english b about

If an end sound repeats the end sound of an earlier line, it gets the same letter as the earlier line. All works of literature contend with certain complex ideas, and theme is how a story or poem approaches these ideas. Being able to express his obstacles, struggles, and differences between him and his white classmates. Speaker The speaker of "Theme for English B" is a college student, but he is not Langston Hughes. I guess being colored doesn't make me not like the same things other folks like who are other races. Also, since this poem is told through imagery and not words, everyone can understand it even if they don't know what it's called or who wrote it.


what is theme for english b about

The imagery we get from these lines are racism. Free verse poems are nonetheless poetic. A grade 7-7 will be aligned to an old grade A, and a grade 4-4 aligned to an old C, with 1-1 aligned to an old grade G. The speaker begins by asking how it feels to be colored, then continues on to wonder if being black or white is better. How the reader to conclude message poetry is closely related to the point of view of the reader toward something. If something comes out of you that means it is apart of your identity. The opening lines frame the poem as an assignment in a university writing course, offering first the professor's instructions to the students about writing and then the student's process as a writer, reflecting on that process in ways that complicate the act of writing by suggesting that there are specific obstacles faced by the Black writer in trying simultaneously to complete the assignment and to be true to his own identity.


what is theme for english b about

Is a grade 7 GOOD? In this imagery, the author wants to show that he is not drastically different from his classmates. In terms of age, the narrator is a young man, still developing his own identity distinct from that of his parents. Example: As an African American, the speaker likely faced more intense racial discrimination before moving to Harlem from the South. Harlem Renaissance poet Langston Hughes wrote a number of famous poems. Being able to identify yourself as one person ,but being labeled as another, definitely gets one to question many things about themselves as well as their surroundings. It's appropriate for students studying race and ethnicity in the United States.


what is theme for english b about

In this imagery, the author wants to show that he is not drastically different from his classmates. Tone communicates the writer's attitude toward the poem's subject. There is no segregation when writing a paper, the paper will be white and the utensil used will be an ink pen, that seems like the point he is hoping to make. The narrators in Hughes'"Theme for English B" and Hurston's "How It Feels to Be Colored Me" are both exploring their racial identities, but while the narrator in Hurston's story embraces her differences, the speaker in Hughes' poem is more concerned with questioning the aspects that cause him and his family to be different. How does a rhyme scheme work in a poem? Is Langston Hughes African American? Is grade 3 a pass? In general, a poem will use one of these to convey information about the poem itself or its content: tone, imagery, metrical pattern, alliteration, metaphor, simile, implied comparison. These elements interact to create a mood for the reader.
