What factors increase obedience. Factors that Increase Obedience 2022-10-15

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Obedience refers to the act of following orders or instructions given by someone in a position of authority. Obedience is a common and often necessary behavior in society, as it allows individuals to cooperate and work together towards a common goal. However, obedience can also be a controversial topic, as it can lead to harmful or unethical actions if the orders being followed are not morally just.

There are several factors that can increase obedience to authority. One important factor is the perceived legitimacy of the authority figure. If an authority figure is seen as legitimate and having the right to give orders, individuals are more likely to obey them. This can be influenced by factors such as the authority figure's level of expertise, their position of power, and their reputation.

Another factor that can increase obedience is the presence of social influence. If other people around us are also following the orders of the authority figure, we are more likely to do so as well. This is known as social proof and is a powerful force in shaping our behavior.

The presence of consequences for disobedience can also increase obedience. If an individual believes that they will face negative consequences for disobeying an authority figure, they are more likely to follow their orders. This can include consequences such as punishment, loss of privileges, or social ostracization.

The relationship between the authority figure and the individual can also impact obedience. If an individual has a close relationship with the authority figure, such as a parent or teacher, they may be more likely to obey their orders. Similarly, if an individual perceives the authority figure as someone who cares about their well-being and has their best interests at heart, they may be more inclined to obey them.

Finally, the individual's personality and personal values can also impact obedience. Some individuals may be more prone to obedience due to their personality traits or their values. For example, individuals who are more conformist or who place a high value on authority may be more likely to obey orders.

In conclusion, there are several factors that can increase obedience to authority, including the perceived legitimacy of the authority figure, the presence of social influence, consequences for disobedience, the relationship between the authority figure and the individual, and the individual's personality and personal values. Understanding these factors can help individuals make informed decisions about when to obey authority and when to resist it.

What are the three factors that affect obedience?

what factors increase obedience

This process is called entrapment, and it illustrates the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. Prior to the study, forty psychiatrists that Milgram consulted told him that fewer than 1 percent of subjects would administer what they thought were dangerous shocks to the learner. Setting up his experiment at Yale University in 1963, Milgram recruited 40 American volunteers to participate in a study designed to see whether individuals would obey an authority figure and inflict pain on another person using electric shocks. An individual at peace is bound to generate creative and innovative solutions to problems that exist in the society today. One of the factors is lack of information.


What are the factors that influence obedience?

what factors increase obedience

The powerful ability of those in authority to control others was demonstrated in a remarkable set of studies performed by Stanley Milgram 1963. This plays to belonging and esteem needs as we seek the approval and friendship of others. Get Help With Your Essay If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! Throughout the course of the experiment, the experimenter firmly commanded the teachers to follow the instructions they had been given. Donec aliqu icitur laoreet. What are some of the factors that contribute to obedience? In fact, if behavior is changing these four elements are in place — the trainer may or may not be aware that they're in place, but they are. Participants also showed continual signs of distress and conflict throughout the experiment and Milgram 1963 stated this conflict appeared to be caused by two opposing demands — the external authority of the experimenter giving orders and the internal authority of the conscience. It is thought that this is why people end up being involved in riots, for example, when this is something that is completely out of character compared to how they would behave normally.


[Solved] What factors increase obedience? Which one of these factors has...

what factors increase obedience

The teacher could not see the learner, but could hear him grunting or complaining about the pain at various stages of voltage. Discuss the same in the context of obedience. Many military officers and commercial managers are interested only in obedience. It is assumed that without such an order, the person would not have acted in this way. Obedience and conformity are two kinds of social influences when people change attitude or behavior under the influence of the views of others. Psychological evidence indicates that people tend to respect and follow those whom they perceive to have legitimate authority. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have.


Factors that Increase Obedience

what factors increase obedience

Journal of Communication 4: 13—25. Authority is the most frequented individual exposed to giving instructions, and or orders. He did this by carefully screening his participants and altering the maximum shock level to 150v, rather than 450v. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. What is a dispositional factor affecting obedience? Institute for Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI, pp. It is assumed that without such an order, the person would not have acted in this way. Social Psychology 7th ed.


The One Factor That Increases Obedience The Most Free Essay Example

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Milgram's obedience experiments: A rhetorical analysis. Individuals are more likely to obey an individual perceived as having real authority. Likely link with Obedience: Those with internal locus of control will be more likely to be defiant, those with external locus of control will be more likely to be obedient. People obey easy commands first and then feel compelled to obey more and more difficult commands. In compliance, you have some choice.


What factors make obedience more likely quizlet?

what factors increase obedience

What are the explanations for obedience? A situational factor is an external influence which can impact a child or young person's life, such as parental divorce. Factors that increase obedience include: Proximity and legitimacy of the authority: When the authority figure is close by, obedience is more likely. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. One needs to defend their attitudes so as to offer resistance to persuasion that is negative and not content-based. Health Communication, 19 3 , 259-267. He believed that people behave on an autonomous level, but under certain circumstances an agentic shift can take place, meaning responsibility is placed on the person giving orders.


Which factor is most likely to increase obedience to authority?

what factors increase obedience

In more extreme situations, people obey even when they are required to violate their own values or commit crimes. The teacher was told to increase the shock level each time the learner made a mistake, until a dangerous shock level was reached. In 1950 Theodor Adorno presented the theory of the authoritarian personality in an attempt to explain the levels of anti-Semitic behaviour by the Nazis in World War II. The subject did not see other subjects disobeying commands. Factors that increase obedience include: Proximity and legitimacy of the authority: When the authority figure is close by, obedience is more likely. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Factors For Increased Obedience

what factors increase obedience

For example, if someone was caught up in a crowd who were protesting against inequality, people become so involved that their views match those of the group, showing conformity to group norms rather than loss of individual identity. Fusce dui ipiscing elit. Obedience was highest when: In everyday situations, people obey orders because they want to get rewards, because they want to avoid the negative consequences of disobeying, and because they believe an authority is legitimate. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. The essence is that conflict cannot be avoided but creating solutions during conflicts leads to peace. What factors might have affected the level of obedience shown in the Milgram experiment? Deindividuation and lack of expertise in the participants were also associated with higher levels of obedience.
