What does the title two kinds refer to. What does the title "Two Kinds" mean? What are there two kinds of? What do those two kinds have to do with the piano pieces "Pleading Child" and... 2022-10-23

What does the title two kinds refer to Rating: 4,2/10 767 reviews

The title "Two Kinds" refers to the two types of daughters that are depicted in the short story of the same name by Amy Tan. These two types of daughters are Jing-mei, the protagonist of the story, and her mother's idealized version of a daughter. The story follows Jing-mei as she struggles to reconcile her own identity and desires with her mother's expectations and attempts to turn her into a prodigy.

The title "Two Kinds" is significant because it highlights the dichotomy between these two types of daughters and the conflict that arises from it. Jing-mei is a typical American girl, trying to find her place in the world and make her own decisions. However, her mother has a specific vision for her daughter's future and pushes Jing-mei to become a child prodigy, someone who excels in a particular field at an early age. This pressure and expectation cause a rift between Jing-mei and her mother, as Jing-mei resists her mother's efforts to mold her into a certain type of daughter.

The title "Two Kinds" also suggests the theme of the story, which is the tension between individuality and cultural expectations. Jing-mei's mother immigrated to America from China and wants her daughter to succeed in a way that will reflect well on the family and their cultural heritage. However, Jing-mei resists these expectations and wants to forge her own path. This conflict between the two characters is a common experience for many immigrants and their children, as they navigate the complexities of maintaining their cultural identity while also assimilating into a new society.

Overall, the title "Two Kinds" refers to the two types of daughters that are portrayed in the story and the conflict that arises from the clash between their individual identities and cultural expectations. It serves as a poignant reminder of the universal struggle to find one's place in the world and to be true to oneself, despite external pressures and expectations.

What does the title "Two Kinds" mean? What are there two kinds of? What do those two kinds have to do with the piano pieces "Pleading Child" and...

what does the title two kinds refer to

What is the irony in Two Kinds by Amy Tan? However, as she starts playing and hits the wrong notes, she longs for the performance to go well. But now as an adult, she is - maybe not perfectly contented - but she is much more content than she was as a child. In an essay, Follow all directions here. I just need help summing down the question to my understanding because there are to many words for me to focus I have read the story but i don't know what the question is asking me to do. Who is the antagonist in Two Kinds? Cite this page as follows: "What Does The Title "two Kinds" Mean? She attempts several television-inspired talents. She used to be a pleading child, who never appreciated what her mother was trying to do for her.


What does the ending of "Two Kinds" mean?

what does the title two kinds refer to

As an impetuous and head-strong child, the narrator doesn't appreciate all that her mother does for her. You're free to find your ideas and details in the stories themselves. As an adult she realizes all that her mother tried to do for her - buying her a piano, arranging lessons, pushing and motivating her. Why is Two Kinds a good story? She and I were the same. The other half is "Perfectly Contented.


The title "Two Kinds" refers to _____. A. the customs of China and America B. the contests the

what does the title two kinds refer to

But, among the possible options, the best one would be option D, as two kinds refers to the songs she encounters in the story; "Pleading Child" and "Perfectly Contented". Jing-mei's mother wants her to be obedient, but Jing-mei feels like she is the other kind of daughter. Suyuan tests her daughter in different activities restlessly. What is the irony in the story Two Kinds by Amy Tan? What is the conflict in Two Kinds? The title of this story is very appropriate because it highlights the contrast between Jing-Mei and her mother. What is the theme of Two Kinds by Amy Tan? You can't count on a particular tutor to be online.


What does the title of the story Two Kinds mean?

what does the title two kinds refer to

What do those two kinds have to do with the piano pieces "Pleading Child" and "Perfectly Contented"? Cite this page as follows: "What does the title "Two Kinds" mean? Jing-mei remembers two different songs, when in fact they are part of the same song. She gives Jing-mei piano lessons too. At the end of the story, however, she comes to realize that her mother's love for her was not at odds with the qualities she found infuriating. When Jing-mei confronts her mother about this, the mother denies trying to turn her daughter into a genius, claiming she just wants her to be the best she possibly can be. What symbolic meaning do the titles of the two songs Jing-Mei plays at the end of the story have in what sense are they two halves of the same song? What is the main theme in Two Kinds? Then you'll no doubt need to go back into the story to get details.


What does the title “Two Kinds” mean? What are there two kinds of?

what does the title two kinds refer to

What Do Those Two Kinds Have To Do With The Piano Pieces "pleading Child" And "perfectly Contented"? Jing-mei wished her mother would leave her alone, feeling that the only reason she was pushed into all these activities was that her mother wanted to be able to boast about her, using her achievements in a game of one-upmanship with other mothers. As she finds that they are two halves of the same song, she comes to understand her mother's character better, realizing that her infuriating behavior, like her self-sacrifice, was an expression of love for and pride in her daughter. A few months later, her mother sees a Chinese girl playing the piano on the television, and makes her daughter start taking piano lessons. This action is that her mother. Still believes that her daughter can become a great pianist. Jing-Mei and her mother have a rocky relationship, and it comes to a head over the whole prodigy thing. None of them take.


The title "Two Kinds" refers to the statement by the mother that there are only two kinds

what does the title two kinds refer to

I looked at my reflection, blinking so that I could see more clearly. Jing-Mei has developed her own talents and abilities, which was really what her mother wanted her to do all along. It is a metaphor for childhood. She arguably feels it is her duty as a parent to push her daughter to become a prodigy for her own good. For example, Jing - Mei's mother wanted Jing - Mei to be perfect and Jing - Mei wanted to be perfect to. What is a theme of Two Kinds? She wants to hurt in the defy her mother B. Refer to events and details in the story to support your response.


What Does The Title "two Kinds" Mean? What Are There Two Kinds Of? What Do Those Two Kinds Have To Do With The Piano Pieces "pleading Child" And "perfectly Contented"?

what does the title two kinds refer to

The title "Two Kinds" refers to the statement by the mother that there are only two kinds of daughters: "Those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind! What is the irony in Two Kinds? The girl staring back at me was angry, powerful. Take it step by step: 1. She is taught to play the piano by a retired neighbour, Mr Chong, who is deaf. It needs to be clear in your mind before you tackle this. What is the meaning of the short story Two Kinds? What is the central theme of Two Kinds? Jing - Mei feels like two people, but they are really just "two kinds" of daughters. I already wrote it, but I don't feel too sure about it.


What does the title "Two Kinds" refer to? two kinds of failure two kinds of parents two kinds of

what does the title two kinds refer to

She feels bad for disappointing her mother, but when she catches sight of her own reflection in the mirror, she realises how strong she is, and decides to defy her mother, who eventually gives up trying to school her daughter into becoming a genius. But she is also motivated by a desire to feel pride as a parent. She is determined not to commit to it because her mother has pushed it so hard. When her mother enters Jing-mei into a talent competition, Jing-mei decides to sabotage it by not practising and performing badly. At the end of "Two Kinds," Jing-mei plays two complementary melodies on the piano her mother bought for her. What is the main conflict in Two Kinds? The main conflict in the story Two Kinds was the struggle between what the daughter wanted and what her mother wanted for her, based on the background and cultural differences between the two. Though Jing-mei and her mother genuinely care for one another, their different cultural backgrounds influence their ideas about success, responsibility, and happiness.
