Weakness of random sampling. Advantages and Disadvantages of Random Sample Essay Example 2022-10-18

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Philadelphia is a 1993 drama film directed by Jonathan Demme and starring Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington. The film tells the story of Andrew Beckett, a successful lawyer who is fired from his firm after being diagnosed with AIDS. Beckett decides to sue his former employer for discrimination and enlists the help of Joe Miller, a homophobic lawyer who initially wants nothing to do with the case.

One of the main themes of the film is the stigmatization and discrimination faced by people living with HIV/AIDS. The film portrays the fear and ignorance surrounding the disease at the time, as well as the prejudice and discrimination that Beckett experiences from his colleagues and the legal system. The film also touches on the issue of homophobia, as Joe Miller initially refuses to take on Beckett's case because of his own biases and prejudices.

Another theme of the film is the power of resilience and determination. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Beckett remains determined to fight for his rights and prove his innocence. He is also able to overcome his initial fear and shame about his diagnosis, and becomes an advocate for others living with HIV/AIDS.

Tom Hanks delivers a powerful performance as Andrew Beckett, and his portrayal of a man facing discrimination and illness with dignity and determination is both moving and inspiring. Denzel Washington's portrayal of Joe Miller is also noteworthy, as he convincingly portrays a man struggling with his own biases and prejudices.

Overall, Philadelphia is a poignant and thought-provoking film that tackles important social issues with sensitivity and nuance. Its portrayal of the stigma and discrimination faced by people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as the power of resilience and determination, make it a powerful and memorable film.

Simple random sampling

weakness of random sampling

Budget can greatly affect the sampling method chosen, therefore it is important to ensure the sample is as accurate and precise as possible, identifying the types of sampling method that will bring the best results, achieving the goals set prior to sample being conducted. If this disadvantage is present, then there is no guarantee that the published findings are accurate, even if the data itself was collected without bias. What are the advantages and disadvantages of sampling? Although simple random sampling is intended to be an unbiased approach to surveying, sample selection bias can occur. Get your paper price 124 experts online Stratified random sampling is used when the researcher knows some of the variables within a population that will affect the representativeness of the sample. Problems with Sampling 1 Undercoverage — not enough sample participants for study 2 No response — response not high enough 3 Response bias — ex. Trying to initiate a random sample to serve as a foundation for theoretical supposition would be virtually impossible. As a result, those chosen for national samples and national surveys are assiduously selected, resulting in specific samples of only 2,000-3,000.


18 Advantages and Disadvantages of Purposive Sampling

weakness of random sampling

Researchers using this method may not need to hold industry-specific experience to produce results, but they do need to have information collection experience to be effective at what they do each day. The advantages and disadvantages of purposive sampling offer significant levels of flexibility, but they also require a higher level of evidence-based techniques to prove to outside observers that there is relevance to the information collected. Another key feature of simple random sampling is the representativeness of the population. If that skill is not present, the accuracy of the conclusions produced by the offered data may be brought into question. When researchers use the homogeneous purposive sampling technique to collect information, then they are selecting individuals who have a shared set of characteristics.


13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Systematic Sampling

weakness of random sampling

Instead of letting random data produce the repetitive answer organically, the information comes out with an inherent bias that no one else would recognize upon analysis. The major weakness, of course, is that it is very hard to know if results will be generalizable to the entire population. In other situations, however, it might be far more difficult. ANOVA is more flexible than other analyses, because it can be used to examine data from two or more groups. They are the guardians of authenticity in results generation as well, which means there must be an understanding of what each observable point represents to the overall population. Stratified random sampling is different from simple random sampling, which involves the random selection of data from the entire population so that each possible sample is equally likely to occur. This is achieved through subjects with specific characteristics that have been placed into sub-categories containing similar populations.


Simple Random Sample: Advantages and Disadvantages

weakness of random sampling

You can take advantage of numerous qualitative research designs. Sampling Techniques, third edition. Asking who they want to be their President would likely have a Democratic candidate in the lead when the whole community would likely prefer the Republican. Strengths and weaknesses of simple random sampling Advantages Disadvantages In comparison with other probabilistic sampling procedures: In comparison with other probabilistic sampling procedures Each possible combination of sampling has an equal probability of being selected. Purposive sampling can involve multiple phases.


What are disadvantages of stratified random sampling?

weakness of random sampling

However, analysis procedures are available for most levels of measurement. The only difference is that the latter option restarts from the randomized starting point once the entire population receives consideration. Several researchers and those involved in conducting samples consider random sampling to be most beneficial, believing random sampling should be used as often as possible. The purpose of the analysis may be to describe relationships between variables, clarify the relationships among theoretical concepts, or assist in identifying possible causal relationships, which can then be tested by causal analyses. The flexibility of purposive sampling allows researchers to save time and money while they are collecting data. It provides every member of the community an equal opportunity to get selected when using this technique.


17 Advantages and Disadvantages of Random Sampling

weakness of random sampling

It may be impossible to contact the cases which are very widely dispersed. With the answer being when using a limited budget to conduct the sample, the researcher s will be able to use a bigger sample using the cluster sampling method, with the increased size of the sample compensating for and counteracting the deficit of precision. Foreman, 1991 Many respected organisations and researchers are forced to rely and use non-random sampling due to random sampling being difficult to accomplish. However, there is a high risk of under-representation and over-representation of the population. A simple random sampling is the preference for many researchers because the process reduces the risk of bias or inaccuracy within the data being collected.


Pros and Cons of Probability and Non

weakness of random sampling

If data were to be collected for the entire population, the cost will be quite high. Some examples of variables include age, gender, ethnicity, and medical diagnosis. Although you cannot extrapolate information from the targeted group to make generic claims about an entire population, the various purposive sampling techniques do provide researches with the justification to make a generalization from their sample. It request less experience and knowledge to complete the work. When this disadvantage occurs, then it can bias the population as non-participants will be different than those who get to be part of the process. The strata ensure that all levels of the variable s are represented in the sample. There are four types of random sampling.


Strengths and weaknesses in sampling

weakness of random sampling

These disadvantages include the time needed to gather the full list of a specific population, the capital necessary to retrieve and contact that list, and the bias that could occur when the sample set is not large enough to adequately represent the full population. The systematic sampling method creates fractional chances for selection, which is not the same as an equal chance. The sampling technique is preferred in heterogeneous populations because it minimizes selection bias and ensures that the entire population group is represented. However, it is very simple to avoid a systematic bias from occurring, through examining the list prior to conducting the sample, as well as communicating with those in charge of putting together the list, asking how the list was assembled. This is the basic method of sampling. The samples that get created from systematic sampling have a higher level of precision than other randomized methods. Any statistics produced from a process influenced by this disadvantage could not be trusted.
