Violent video games cause behavior problems essay. Video Games Cause Violence And Behavior Problems Psychology Essay 2022-10-29

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Violent video games have been a controversial topic for decades, with some arguing that they can cause behavior problems in those who play them. While there is evidence to suggest that violent video games may have some negative effects on players, the overall impact of these games on behavior is complex and not fully understood.

One argument in favor of the idea that violent video games can cause behavior problems is that they may desensitize players to violence. By repeatedly engaging in virtual acts of aggression, players may become less sensitive to the suffering of others and more likely to behave aggressively in real life. Studies have shown that individuals who play violent video games are more likely to report feelings of aggression after playing, and that they may also be more likely to engage in aggressive behaviors.

However, it is important to note that the relationship between violent video games and aggressive behavior is not a straightforward one. While some studies have found a link between the two, others have not. Additionally, there are many other factors that can contribute to aggressive behavior, including a person's personality, family background, and social environment. It is likely that a combination of these and other factors plays a role in the development of aggressive behavior, rather than any one factor alone.

Another argument against the idea that violent video games cause behavior problems is that they may serve as a outlet for aggressive impulses. For many people, playing violent video games may be a way to release pent-up frustration or aggression in a safe and controlled environment. In this way, violent video games may actually help to prevent aggressive behavior by providing a healthy outlet for negative emotions.

It is also important to consider the context in which violent video games are played. Many games are played in a social setting, with friends or family, which can provide a sense of community and support. In these cases, the social aspect of the game may actually have a positive influence on behavior.

In conclusion, while it is possible that violent video games may have some negative effects on behavior, the overall impact of these games on players is complex and not fully understood. While some studies have found a link between violent video games and aggressive behavior, other factors such as personality, family background, and social environment also play a role in the development of aggressive behavior. It is important for individuals to consider the context in which they are playing these games and to use them responsibly.

“Violent video games cause behavior problems.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

violent video games cause behavior problems essay

Violent content includes: blood and gore, killing, inappropriate language, and sexual content. As such the focus should be on the link between that of aggressive video games and violent juvenile crime. Such incidences are further magnified by the media and the blame is laid at the door of violent video games. People do not buy games and throw them away when they get home, do they? No significant changes were observed, neither when comparing the group playing a violent game to a group playing a non-violent game nor to a passive control group. Since then, many people have been saying that these games promote bad behavior and cause people to be more violent.


Free Essay: Violent Video Games cause Behavior Problems

violent video games cause behavior problems essay

Studies based on sex and violence on women have denoted that games featuring women often foster violence toward the women with those playing it developing an attitude of rape hostility Gabbiadini et al. Do graphically violent games desensitize children to violence? However, many of these studies fail to take into account other sociological and psychological factors which might possibly add to the effect. It is like a punching ball but virtually. The Surgeon General stated that most anti-social and criminal tendencies were a result of mental instability, poor environments and lack of good parental upbringing. As well an I. Even though newscasters and reporters may be seen as respected and credible sources this topic has always pinned video games as the culprit but they were never the ones to blame.


Do Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems

violent video games cause behavior problems essay

While such attacks have occurred in the past, they were and are extremely rare events. The claim of the author about the research on the effects of violent video games is strongly supported and backed through his use of rhetorical appeals and scholarly evidence. It helps them find real ways to navigate through a physical conflict and come out victorious. The key factor driving aggressive manifestation could be the extent to which children play these games, says Gentile. Parents and guardians should do the following to reduce the effect of violence. The thing is that can become less sensitive to others. Przybylski and Weinstein 2019 add by indicating that aggression depicted in video games could not correlate with the developments observed in the real world.


Violent Video Games and Behavior Problems

violent video games cause behavior problems essay

I completely agree with Grady. A recent study provides parents, physicians, and scientists with data proving that differences in brain function exist in teens that play violent video games, compared with those who do not Wendling. Shopkeepers should also administer judgment while selling rated video games to under aged teens. Parents are responsible to be kind, loving but at the same time attentive and firm to properly discipline their wards. These individuals will then turn to these as an automatic hostile response when they encounter someone they perceive to pose a threat against them. Too much playing of violent video game will make the kid socially isolated. This is why parents should make sure that their children do not have an easy access to such games.


Do Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems Essay Examples

violent video games cause behavior problems essay

Much of this focuses upon causal behaviour patterns i. This gap explains why some professionals believe that additional studies would be necessary. Rating inform the buyer to know what kind of game is being bought and what is in it, violence, drugs, sexual actions and many more. It is probable that they will not offer any kind of help to those people who suffer from this cruelty. It fosters little empathy among the adults and low moral values in children.


Argumentative Essay: Do Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems?

violent video games cause behavior problems essay

Lastly it desensitizes people to real life violence. Matthews saw that there is a decrease in normal blood flow after a week of playing violent video games Birk. Thus, lack of concentration is one of the issues that parents and teachers should be aware of. The tremendous combined time gamers spent inside playing can be substituted for doing more productive activities like reading, writing, and even getting active outside. Whenever there is a mass shooting in the United States of America, it does not take long before pundits blame violent video games and movies. Although, this essay will mention. Desensitizing Theory: The concept of exposure to graphic violence on screen forms the basis of desensitizing the true meaning and concept of this.


Do Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems: Essay

violent video games cause behavior problems essay

Sinai School of Medicine in New York. However, parents and teachers should not be paranoid about all video games, because there is clear evidence that these activities can boost children's learning capacity and improve their focus. It seems doubtful to some people that such violence and aggression can be caused from watching flickering pixels on a nineteen-inch television screen. These days, the popularity of violent video games has caused an increase in controversy. For example capitals of countries can be learned as well as the locations on a map.


Video Game Causes Behavioral Problems Psychology Essay

violent video games cause behavior problems essay

Admittedly, one cannot assume that the attitude toward violence or cruelty depends only on such a factor as playing video games. Throughout mankind 's history, each new means of expression has been castigated as the cause of evil in the world such as, books, art, and music Smith. It would be a good idea to make sure that children read quality books, involve themselves in sports and interact with other children and their friends. Me personally I feel as though kids under a certain age should be restricted from playing those games and parents should not pay for or buy this game for their kids. This can pave the way from one act of unnecessary violence to another.


Essay on Do Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems?

violent video games cause behavior problems essay

In fact in many ways violent video games benefit the children that are playing them. I believe it is a psychological issue in a person that makes them do such acts as commit mass shootings and robberies and things of that sort. Eugene Rubin shows that people can catch up social interactions and make your brain relaxed. The analysis looks at both sides of the argument and arrives at a deduction based upon the facts and evidence presented. Fourth paragraph third argument Even if video games and videos do not directly create killers and murderers out of the young people they may tend to contribute towards insensitivity and indifference towards violence. Players instead of being aggressive to people if they are angry can decompress in the game. He is not addicted to the video game and just sees it as a way to entertain himself at some times.


Video Games Cause Violence And Behavior Problems Psychology Essay

violent video games cause behavior problems essay

While there may be a brief glimpse of increased aggression upon the first few exposures, these violent games in the end act as a kind of forum where players learn and practice necessary physical solutions to end a conflict. Video Game Violence Research Paper 741 Words 3 Pages lex I agree with you that video game violence is not the reason behind why children act out and have violent behavior. This only shows that the level of aggression needs to be controlled by keeping a strict control on how much video games children are allowed to play. Researcher Douglas Gentile, from Iowa State University, found that 8. Although this warning related to television, it is a wonder if these same negative effects could be present in the use of violent video games. By escaping from reality into a video game, these individuals can feel normal once again. The Claim: Violent Video Games Make Young People Aggressive.
