Vigorous definition sentence. Use vigorous in a sentence 2022-10-17

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A vigorous definition sentence is a statement that clearly and concisely defines a term or concept in a way that is thorough and accurate. This type of sentence is important because it helps to ensure that the reader or listener understands the meaning of the term being defined and can use it correctly in their own communication.

There are a few key elements that make a definition sentence vigorous. First and foremost, it should be precise and specific. Vague or general definitions can leave room for interpretation and confusion, so it is important to choose words and phrases that accurately and specifically describe the term being defined.

In addition to being precise, a vigorous definition sentence should also be complete. This means that it should provide all of the necessary information about the term being defined, including its meaning, usage, and any relevant context or background information. This helps to ensure that the reader or listener has a full understanding of the term and can use it appropriately in their own communication.

Another important aspect of a vigorous definition sentence is that it should be clear and easy to understand. This means using language and terminology that is accessible to the intended audience and avoiding complex or technical language that may be difficult for some readers or listeners to comprehend.

Overall, a vigorous definition sentence is an essential tool for effective communication. By providing clear, precise, and complete definitions, we can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and able to communicate effectively and accurately with one another. So, it is very important to use vigorous definition sentence in order to make the communication more effective and clear.

Vigorous in a sentence

vigorous definition sentence

The Dartford sort is generally approved, but it is difficult to say which is to be preferred, if they be but healthy and vigorous. Show More Sentences The Sydney Unitarian Church was founded 1850 under a Reverend Mr Stanley and was a vigorous denomination during the 19th century. As has already been said, the heart rate is just about doubled in vigorous exercise. As with coppicing, only species with vigorous epicormic growth may be made into pollards. But there was a residual wiriness, as he sat, a strength remaining from a lifetime of vigorous activity in nature. He is not afraid of an idiomatic touch, nor of pithy, vigorous words.


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vigorous definition sentence

Meanwhile Peter and Nathaniel had withdrawn to the house, where they were involved in a vigorous and determined effort the one to convince and change the mind of the other 71. The Dorian was in a minor scale, and was considered to be manly and vigorous. For instance, compared to the typical ectomorphic or endomorphic child, the mesomorphic boy or girl may have more energy and a greater motivation for vigorous play with peers. The writing is vigorous and there is no sloppy sentimentality. If untempered by this awareness and untethered from the Constitution, then the vigorous president becomes dangerous in all the ways about which Madison was so rightly worried.


How to use "vigorous" in a sentence

vigorous definition sentence

A vigorous new moon in your sign will soon restore that amorous confidence, and you'll be perkier than ever, sans pharmaceuticals. The book is fully documented, and written in a vigorous style with touches of black humour. Polio, for example, has been eradicated in the Western hemisphere thanks to a vigorous international immunization program. A lot of vigorous literature has grown up around the relation between these views. Throughout the middle ages it was the scene of vigorous struggles between Sla y s, Byzantines, Franks, Turks and Venetians, the chief memorials of which are the ruined strongholds of Mistra near Sparta, Gerald anc. And the sixth mountain was quite full of clefts some small and others large; and the clefts were grassy but the plants were not very vigorous but rather as it were decayed 51. It encourages the competition that keeps our free enterprise economy vigorous and expanding.


Use vigorous in a sentence

vigorous definition sentence

He had a rounded, muscular, and vigorous hand, as well as a long, strong arm. But the most vigorous letter of all was the one I addressed to the Count of Aranda. If not for his fame or was it notoriety as a lover, would have Casanova had half as many affairs? The named cultivar may not have been as vigorous a grower as the base and often winterkilled from cold temperatures. He was as proud of his seductive blinking ability as he was of his sexual prowess—especially when homing in on a receptive female Photinus, nailing her to the leaf in his vigorous display of sexual ardor—A happy bug! This met vigorous opposition and he was forced to concede that the General Assembly should continue to run the church. He deserves a more vigorous reproval, if only for signing, along with fifteen others, the infamous letter. Southerners could, for example, plant a mass of vigorous full-sized yaupon hollies next to the back door, and a cluster of dwarf yaupons at the yard's far edge. Show More Sentences A vigorous vine which is necessary to produce abundant fruit and to protect from sunscald.



vigorous definition sentence

They built up great estates, especially in the principality of Tripoli; they quarrelled with one another, until their dissensions prevented any vigorous action; they struggled against the claims of the clergy to tithes and to rights of jurisdiction; they negotiated with the Mahommedans as separate powers; they conducted themselves towards the kings as independent sovereigns. A prudent prayer, and a vigorous dance, with many interwoven leaps and twirls and pirouettes, and hastas all around. An ardent Federalist, Marbury was active in Maryland politics and a vigorous supporter of the Adams presidency. Show More Sentences In 1584, he introduced bishops, but met vigorous opposition and had to concede that the General Assembly running the church should continue to do so. In 1873 President Grant nominated him for chief justice of the United States, but in spite of his great learning and eminence at the bar, his ante-war record and the feeling of distrust experienced by many members of the senate on account of his inconsistency, aroused such vigorous opposition that his nomination was soon withdrawn. The young leaves of the sycamore maple are lush and vigorous when the long, grape-like flower-clusters appear below the twigs. His hair was completely gray now, but otherwise, he looked as vigorous as ever 36.


Vigorous: In a Sentence

vigorous definition sentence

Healthy, vigorous perennial grass is the best type of vegetation with which to surround a lagoon. The qualitative analysis give a quite normal condition, and shows, I should infer, in itself a vigorous state of health. Lloyd George himself became Prime Minister, with the nation demanding he take vigorous charge of the war. The wizened little headman was as cheerful and lively and vigorous as ever. Here the boys emerged from under the table, and, with hands and faces well plastered with molasses, began a vigorous kissing of the baby. Art of the period was characterised by a very vigorous style in both sculpture and painting. At night we returned ruddy faced and tired, but elated by vigorous exercise in such inspiring surroundings.


Rigorous Definition & Meaning

vigorous definition sentence

Even if you are dedicated to having a low-maintenance lawn, you will need to fertilize with nitrogen to sustain thick, vigorous tuff. It brimmed with the famously vigorous and boisterous life of fledgling Kennedys. The Zaydi highland tribes emerged as national heroes by offering a stiff, vigorous resistance to the Turkish occupation. A vigorous, aggressive, and ambitious mayor will not rely overmuch upon his adjoints, but a mayor of the more passive type will lean heavily upon them. Through much of the 1920s, France was the most vigorous of the wartime Allies in seeking to enforce the treaty's harsher terms, especially with regard to reparations. He is a very vigorous man 35.


Vigorous Definition & Meaning

vigorous definition sentence

But Zenko's roost at CFR is with a small subgrouping called the Center for Preventive Action, notable in that its purpose is to promote vigorous and active diplomacy. Show More Sentences This practice in the course of the late war, was found replete with obstructions to a vigorous and to an economical system of defense. Under the vigorous administration of the Tudors, who governed England during the latter part of the fifteenth, and through the whole of the sixteenth century, no baron was powerful enough to dare to disturb the public security 9. It was thus due to Cassin's vigorous efforts that the rear was held so firmly on that trying day. Jacob Korg believes that Thomas's fiction work can be classified into two main bodies, vigorous fantasies in a poetic style and, after 1939, more straightforward narratives. Men are conservatives when they are least vigorous, or when they are most luxurious. Ruddy and vigorous, he is not sicklied o'er with any pale cast whatever.


vigorous definition sentence

Rough, vigorous sex is better than soft, gentle sex; because vigorous sex brings genius bos into the earth, while soft sex brings thieves and rapists 86. Fabius Cunctator, or the delayer, so called from the policy of delay which he opposed to the vigorous movements of Hannibal. He was vigorous in his denunciations of the intrigues of the court and of the "Austrian committee"; but the violence of the extreme democrats, culminating in the events of the 10th of August, alarmed him; and when he was returned to the National Convention, he attacked the Commune of Paris October 24 and 25. The hackee looked soyned and tried to scyle. On the 28th of May Rupert and d'Estrees, believing that De Ruyter was too much afraid of their superior numbers to venture to sea, sent in a squadron of light vessels and fire-ships to attack him, but he took the offensive at once, scattering the light squadron, and falling with energy on the restof the fleet, which, not being in expectation of a vigorous assault, was taken at a disadvantage.


vigorous definition sentence

Belief which is never oxygenated by open confession can never nourish the soul into vigorous and exhilarant health. So some vigorous alternative is needed, though it cannot be a form of collectivism any more than it can be laissez-faireism in Roepke's view. He has waffled on doing away with the Patriot Act, courted the gun lobby and promised vigorous dialogue with the right. The fence will look truly stark and bare when it's gone, so I shall plant three or four vigorous climbing jasmines along it, water, and retire to a safe distance. To this Cherokee responded by vigorous wagging of the stump of his tail. Show More Sentences From the 1880s onward, there had been vigorous competition for influence in Korea between China and Japan. Vigorous exercise within three to four hours of bedtime could inhibit sleep 2.
