Various approaches to management. Different Approaches To Management Essay Example 2022-10-22

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Management is the process of coordinating and organizing the activities of an organization in order to achieve its goals and objectives. There are various approaches to management that have been developed over time, each with its own unique set of principles and techniques.

One approach to management is the scientific management approach, which was developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the late 19th century. This approach focuses on increasing efficiency and productivity by breaking down tasks into their smallest components and standardizing the way they are performed. It involves the use of time and motion studies to determine the most efficient way of completing a task, as well as the use of incentives to motivate workers to perform at their best.

Another approach to management is the human relations approach, which was developed in the 1930s by researchers such as Elton Mayo and Abraham Maslow. This approach emphasizes the importance of considering the psychological and social needs of employees in the workplace. It suggests that creating a positive work environment and providing support for employees can lead to increased motivation and productivity.

The systems approach to management, which emerged in the 1950s, takes a holistic view of the organization and focuses on understanding how all the parts of the organization fit together and interact. This approach emphasizes the importance of aligning the various parts of the organization in order to achieve its goals and objectives.

The contingency approach to management, which developed in the 1960s, acknowledges that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to management and that the best course of action will depend on the specific circumstances and context of the organization. This approach suggests that managers should be flexible and adapt their management style to the needs of the organization and the situation at hand.

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on sustainable and ethical approaches to management. The sustainable management approach focuses on the long-term viability of the organization and the impact it has on the environment and society. The ethical approach to management emphasizes the importance of acting in an honest and responsible manner, with a focus on fairness and respect for all stakeholders.

Overall, there are a variety of approaches to management, each with its own unique set of principles and techniques. The most effective approach will depend on the specific goals and context of the organization.

Project Management Approaches and Methodologies

various approaches to management

In fact, the programme evaluation and review technique PERT concept was subsequently developed based on the Gantt chart. Lean Project Management — A3 problem solving and 6 Sigma DMAIC Lean project management is based on the principles of lean manufacturing that aims to provide high value for customers while minimizing waste and reducing time. Fayol, at the outset, classified business operations of an organization into six activities, and then outlined 14 principles of management. It puts more stress on individual attitudes and behaviors and on group processes. The application of management principles and practices should be contingent upon the existing circumstances. Contingency approach: focuses on use of different methods for different circumstances.


Viewing Management Through Various Approaches

various approaches to management

What are the different types of approaches to financial management? Indeed, there is a positive danger in relying too much on past experience……. The classical school of thought developed in three different directions: the scientific management approach, the administrative approach, and the bureaucratic approach, which also falls under the administrative school of thought. His work also linked worker behavior to individual motivation. You can tick most boxes right on the checklist of performance management and organisational success by fostering a culture of trust. His view of job specialisation and close supervision led to effective results.


Different Approaches to Management

various approaches to management

Henry Mintzberg one of the prominent challengers of Fayol's theory believed that managers weren't always controlling the staff; they had other roles to play in the organisation like, interpersonal, informational and decisional. This will further enable them to restructure their goals and set new goals for their performance. Mere technology cannot make the organisations successful. Administrative management is based on the belief that management is a separate and distinct activity from work itself, and that managers should use their knowledge and skills to plan, organize, and control work. Some of the drawbacks of scientific management are: The basic principles of scientific management revolve around operations problems and do not focus on managerial issues, essential for managing an organization.


Various Approaches to Management

various approaches to management

An output may refer to the final deliverable product or the intermediate products generated by a specific task within the process. Theory X essentially represents a negative view about people, that is, people are lazy by nature, have little ambition, dislike work, avoid responsibility, and require direction to work. Traditional approaches to management focus on goals and objectives that the senior management of the company establishes. Chester Barnard and H. The task of a manager, as per this theory, is to identify which techniques will—in a particular situation, under particular circumstances, at a particular point of time—best contribute to achieving organizational goals. Thus, the empirical school is based on analysis of past experience and uses the case method of study and research. Security: It ensures the protection of employees and property.


Major Approaches to Management Theory

various approaches to management

By and large, they integrated management with their respective areas of specialization. This serves the interest of the workers as well as the management, as the workers feel motivated to maximize their earnings, while the management gets the benefit of increased productivity. As a part of their performance management plans, businesses are now trying to bring innovation in helping their employees to destress. Moreover, some may think that employees are not very receptive to feedback. The principle of impersonality nurtured job appraisals without any biasness. The scientific management approach is based on the idea that there is a science to work, and that work can be studied and analyzed in order to develop efficient methods of doing it.


7 Extraordinary Approaches to Performance Management

various approaches to management

Having said that, the fundamentals of performance management is among the most salient management prerequisites for every business. Analysis of the results showed that the group encourages neither too much nor too little work. His contributions to the scientific management school of thought are the introduction of the task and bonus system and a chart commonly known as the Gantt chart. The Communication Centre Approach : ADVERTISEMENTS: This approach views management as a centre receiving information, processing it and disseminating it thus emphasizing the role of communication in management of business. Data is objectively collected and analysed by the social scientists to study various aspects of human behaviour. It has various branches, such as management science, operations management, and management information systems.


Different Approaches To Management Essay Example

various approaches to management

Contemporary approaches to leadership include transformational leadership, leader-member exchange, servant leadership, and authentic leadership. The management science approach visualizes management as a logical entity, expressing management in terms of mathematical symbols, relationships, and measurement data. It is towards the achievement of a common objective. It draws from other fields of knowledge and adapts within it those parts of these fields which are specially useful for managers. This condition was later labelled as the Hawthorne effect.


Approaches to Management: Classical, Modern, Scientific and System Approach

various approaches to management

Management science approach: focuses on logical processes of management. What is the best management approach? These have been discussed in detail in Chapter 6. In the process of control, if there is any deviation from the plans or targets, it can be corrected by verifying each of the earlier functions and identifying where things could have gone wrong. Taylor propounded this theory by observing the intentional inefficiency of workers in his company. But with all these advantages, one must be conscious of the limitations of this school of thought.


What are the modern approaches to management?

various approaches to management

Most of the mathematical tools mentioned earlier are used in operations management. Organizations need to become democratic to accommodate employees and managers. Discipline: To ensure obedience and respect for superiors, and rules, procedures and policies. What is administrative management approach? This approach is the opposite of the waterfall or phased approach, where the previous phase needs to be completed before proceeding to the next one. Even the failure stories unfold certain mystery and this forms a part of management lessons.
