Use culminate in a sentence. Culminate in a Sentence 2022-10-16

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The word "culminate" means to reach a final or climactic point, or to come to a peak or climax. It can be used as a verb to describe the action of reaching this point, or as an adjective to describe a final or climactic event or situation.

Here are a few examples of how "culminate" can be used in a sentence:

  1. The long and grueling marathon race finally culminates at the finish line, where exhausted runners cross to the cheers of excited spectators.

  2. The year-long fundraising campaign for the new community center culminates in a gala event, featuring live music and a silent auction.

  3. The tension between the two rival sports teams culminates in a heated matchup on the field, with fans cheering on their favorite players.

  4. After years of hard work and dedication, Sarah's academic career culminates in her graduation from medical school, a proud moment for her and her loved ones.

  5. The conflict between the two nations culminates in an all-out war, causing widespread destruction and loss of life.

In each of these examples, the word "culminate" is used to describe the final or climactic point of a process or situation. Whether it's a marathon race, a fundraising campaign, a sports matchup, or a war, "culminate" helps to convey the sense of a grand finale or a high point in the narrative.

Culminate Sentence Examples

use culminate in a sentence

They culminate with Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra, whose life provides a fitting grand finale to the first three millennia of this ancient civilisation. The first challenges are simple crypto-based challenges to get participants into the right frame of mind, and they culminate with exploiting a hash length extension vulnerability. You can then culminate the ritual in a way you that you think would send it to you're victim 7. What part of speech is culminate? When a star or other heavenly body culminates, it reaches its highest point above the horizon from the vantage point of an observer on the ground. The secret passageways that twirl like DNA through the building all culminate in a room in the sub-basement I call The Bunker.


Use "culminate" in a sentence

use culminate in a sentence

Students will demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in their major emphasis concentration of study. The verb is the action the person or thing takes or the description of the person or thing. Compelling evidence now suggests that inflammation can trigger a cascade of responses that culminate in tissue destruction that is characteristic of this disease. They were unaware that a degraded environment leads to a scramble for scarce resources and may culminate in poverty and even war. What is culminate meaning? When the generals received orders to abandon Moscow, licentiousness reached its culminating point 92. Want to learn more? What does culminating mean in a sentence? To come to completion; end: Years of waiting culminated in a tearful reunion.


Use culminates in a sentence

use culminate in a sentence

Why is it that men always believe kissing should culminate in sex? The 17th cycle, which is when the prophecies culminate, began in year 25. The concave walls are four metres or more in height and culminate in what is known as the vert. What is the difference between culmination and combination? Adam chose to have him turned mortal, believing he would quickly die as a human, sparking the succession of events that culminates in Faefever when Darroc destroys the walls between the worlds of Man and Fae, setting the long-imprisoned Unseelie free 18. That an earthly party is closer still to culminate? We have already mentioned the final conception in which Lotze's speculation culminates, that of a personal Deity, Himself the essence of all that merits existence for its own sake, who in the creation and government of a world has voluntarily chosen certain laws and forms through which His ends are to be realized. However, by the end of the 11th century, when Jewish skills were less essential, the religious fervor of the crusades found expression in anti-Jewish sentiment, beginning a process which culminated in the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492 34.


When do you use culminate? Explained by FAQ Blog

use culminate in a sentence

Nasser's response was a series of challenges to British influence in the region that would culminate in the Suez Crisis. Many students are now in their final term of the academic year: all the hours spent attending classes, studying and revising culminate in the assignments and exams scheduled for the next couple of months. Still, it is important to digest idiom phrases for a new language because it can assist with greater comprehension of the language and also accelerate learning of vocabulary words. Please go into my room some morning early and look out to the gate, the cobwebs must be diamond-sprinkled on the circle at the doorway, the catalpa trees must stand like stiff, prim, proper, knickerbockered footmen, on either side of the hedge, the ground must rise in a very gradual swell and culminate in the rose- covered gate. I see, in Kant, a theoretical elaboration of this notion of error that culminates in the 4. At age eighty, after sixty years in four business careers culminating in a media empire, Pops never forgot his farm roots 13.


How do you use culminate in a sentence?

use culminate in a sentence

Learning English Faster Through Complete Sentences with "culminate" Sentences are everywhere. This stage culminates into yearning for the object of desire then at second stage desire compels us to initiate an action to possess that object; outcome of this stage is agitation 12. The quarter and semi-finals will then be held in London and will culminate in the nail-biting national final. Undulations move along the body in propulsive waves that culminate, like oar sculling, in straight-line forward thrust. This morning was also the beginning of the Fire Conference, which continues tomorrow and will culminate on Saturday morning.


How Do You Use Culminate In A Sentence?

use culminate in a sentence

The music was culminating, and when the 54. This will all culminate in a mini-series event called The Defenders. The strategy agreed on 6 August was for raids on military and economic targets in towns and cities to culminate in a major attack on London. In one direction the tabby shows a tendency to melanism which culminates in complete blackness, while in the other direction there is an equally marked tendency to albinism; grey cats, which may be regarded as tabbies whose stri p es have disappeared, forming the connecting link between the tabby and the white cat. The rise in the level of lead in the drinking water culminated in the declaration of a state of emergency in the town.


Culminate in a sentence

use culminate in a sentence

This success culminated in the Springbok 32. Performing art camps often run 3 or 4 week sessions that culminate in some sort of performance that parents and families attend. The culmination is the end point or final stage of something you've been working toward or something that's been building up. Four types of sentence structure. What is the opposite of culmination? Late 1997 was a difficult time to make any money in the market, and by early 1998 the market was pushing into new high ground following the sharp market break and correction that culminated in a 554 77. What does culmination mean in the Bible? Focus your English learning on sentences with "culminate". In this chapter, we describe one set of discount-purchase transactions in detail; these culminated in the November 1968 public offering of the F 79.


How to use "culminate" in a sentence

use culminate in a sentence

The universe consists of subatomic particles of energy that culminate as different atoms with specific number of neutrons, protons and electrons 21. If we have regard to the highest qualities of glyptic art, Sassanian sculpture must be said here to culminate. An example of cumulative is the increasing amount of water in a pool that is being filled. Which preposition is used with culminate? It is the absolute melding of our two spirits together in a culminating burst of love in the action of sexual intercourse called ecstasy 48. They continued to scan, watching for points of change they could use when they saw, in one probable outcome, events culminate drastically to curtail his purpose: He had been killed 10. Strange fluted designs also adorned the hull, which culminated in a number of large protrusions extending into the air 36.


Use culminate in a sentence

use culminate in a sentence

Their many years of research have finally culminated in a cure for the disease. But if you learn whole sentences with "culminate", instead of the word "culminate" by itself, you can learn a lot faster! This combination of new technology and its widespread dispersion will culminate in the frabjous day when the undertaking that began with genome sequencing reaches fruition. The Cordillera of the Andes in Tierra del Fuego is formed of crystalline schists, and culminates in the snowcapped peaks of Mount Darwin and Mount Sarmiento 7200 ft. Their official organs, indeed, continued to fulminate against the " unconstitutional " government, but the enthusiasm with which the programme had been received in the country showed the Coalition leaders the danger of their position, and henceforth, though they continued their denunciations of Austria, they entered into secret negotiations with the king-emperor, in order, by coming to terms with him, to ward off the fatal consequences of Kristoffy's proposals. The conference will culminate with the results of the hotly-contested election for the post of NFU president. What is the correct meaning of culminate? It was only upon my representing to him that I had given a promise that "The Adventure of the Second Stain" should be published when the times were ripe, and pointing out to him that it is only appropriate that this long series of episodes should culminate in the most important international case which he has ever been called upon to handle, that I at last succeeded in obtaining his consent that a carefully-guarded account of the incident should at last be laid before the public 27.
