Urinary bladder fetal pig. Urinary Blader, Kidney, Ureters 2022-10-30

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The urinary bladder is a muscular sac that stores urine produced by the kidneys before it is excreted from the body. In mammals, including humans and fetal pigs, the urinary bladder is located in the pelvis.

During fetal development, the urinary bladder begins to form around the third week of gestation. Initially, it is a small, simple sac-like structure that is connected to the developing kidneys by a pair of ureters. As the fetus grows and develops, the urinary bladder becomes more complex and begins to take on its characteristic shape.

In a fetal pig, the urinary bladder is located in the pelvic cavity, posterior to the pubic bones. It is a relatively small organ, measuring only a few centimeters in length and width. The walls of the urinary bladder are composed of smooth muscle tissue, which allows the bladder to contract and relax as it fills and empties.

The main function of the urinary bladder is to store urine produced by the kidneys until it is ready to be excreted from the body. Urine is produced when the kidneys filter waste products and excess fluids from the blood. The urine is then transported to the urinary bladder through the ureters, which are long tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder.

As the urinary bladder fills with urine, the smooth muscle walls of the organ begin to stretch and expand. This stretching stimulates the bladder's stretch receptors, which send signals to the brain indicating the need to urinate. When the individual is ready to urinate, the muscles of the urinary bladder contract, expelling the urine through the urethra and out of the body.

In fetal pigs, as in humans, the urinary bladder is an important organ that plays a vital role in the body's ability to maintain homeostasis and eliminate waste products. Understanding the development and function of the urinary bladder can provide insight into the overall functioning of the urinary system and the body as a whole.

Urinary System

urinary bladder fetal pig

To locate both organs, you will need to push aside the intestines because they lie deep to them. Anterior vena cava, posterior vena cava Figure 13. The epiglottis projects up into a region called the pharynx. The pericardial sac is the fluid filled sac that surrounds the heart. It extends along the length of the stomach from the left side of the body your right to the point where the stomach joins the small intestine. The urethral opening is the tiny hole that you pee out of, located just below your clitoris.


1.11: Fetal Pig Dissection

urinary bladder fetal pig

A cut is made on the side of the animal from the point just posterior to the diaphragm dorsally. Pigs have 2 kidneys that are located on either side of the spine. Anterior vena cava, coronary artery, right external jugular vein, right internal jugular vein, larynx, lungs, right subclavian vein, trachea. Urethral prolapse occurs when the inner lining of the urethra protrudes through the opening of the urethra. Shortly after birth, the ductus arteriosus closes and blood in the pulmonary artery goes to the lungs instead of the body. The urethra appears larger than normal and is purple or red and circular. Mouth and Neck Region Use a scalpel to cut the sides of the mouth so that the bottom jaw can be opened for easier viewing see the photograph below.


Histology & Anatomy of Fetal Pig

urinary bladder fetal pig

Gene Gene name Description Tissue distribution mRNA tissue Tissue specificityscore Detected in some 74. They are located dorsal to the intestines and you will need to remove the peritoneum to expose them. The gene classification strategy highlights genes with an elevated level of expression in one or a group of tissues compared to all other tissues. The pig surface is folded while the human urinary bladder surface is more flat, the stratification and details of the urothelium looks similar, this can be observed in the Kidney The kidney was dissected into cortex and medulla respectively, and the highest expression value was used for gene classification of kidney expression compared to other tissue types. How many does the pig have? In male pigs the bladder and ureters will be connected to the umbilical cord but in females, that is not the case.



urinary bladder fetal pig

This structure stores bile produced by the liver. Figure 3 summarizes the number of genes in respective category. The kidneys are part of the urinary tract where blood is filtered and urine is produced. Which structure conveys urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder pig? Repeat this with the back leg. Contraction of the diaphragm forces air into the lungs.


Urogenital System (Fetal Pig) Flashcards

urinary bladder fetal pig

It is held in place by ligaments that are attached to other organs and the pelvic bones. Find the posterior part of the large intestine called the rectum and observe that it leads to the anus. The large hard structure attached to the trachea is the larynx. The thyroid gland is darker and lies between the posterior ends of the two lobes of the thymus gland. Based on histological comparison, the pig and human kidney looks similar while the urinary bladder show a slight difference. An incision was made on the side of the neck to enable the injections.


What is the thickness of the urinary bladder of the fetal pig?

urinary bladder fetal pig

Figure 2 summarizes the number of genes in respective category. Locate the cecum, a blind pouch where the small intestine joins the large intestine. The parotid gland is the gland on the right side of the picture, which is closer to the ear than the mandibular gland. Use the probe to peel away muscle tissue until the thymus gland on each side of the trachea is exposed. At present, the domestic pig Sus scrofa domestica is considered the best donor of biological material for xenotransplantation. Where is the urinary bladder located in a pig? Small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, spleen, stomach.


The pig proteome: kidney urinary bladder

urinary bladder fetal pig

How does urine flow from the kidney to the bladder? Extend a single cut along the midline of the ventral surface of the animal to about 2 cm from the chin. What does the urethra look like? In the upper chest region, there is the thyroid, thymus, and collar bone. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that lie on the left and right sides of the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity. The left lung contains three lobes and the right lung contains four. Description: The cortex is the outer portion of the kidney. The liver secretes chemicals and produces bile to breakdown fats for the small intestine to digest in able to keep the body pure of toxins.


Reading: Fetal Pig Dissection

urinary bladder fetal pig

Penis, scrotum, urogenital opening Figure 13. Is the urethra part of the bladder? Esophagus, larynx, trachea, bronchus, and lungs. The pancreas is located dorsal and posterior to the stomach. For example, Table 2, The 10 genes with the highest level of enriched expression in kidney. In the photograph below, the heart and blood vessels of the neck region have been removed so that the trachea can be seen more clearly. Accumulated urine will pass out of the bladder via the urethra.


Where is the urinary bladder located in a fetal pig?

urinary bladder fetal pig

Left atrium, brachiocephalic artery, left common carotid artery, right common carotid artery, coronary artery, external iliac artery, external iliac vein, posterior vena cava, pulmonary trunk, renal artery, renal vein, left subclavian artery, right subclavian artery, umbilical artery, left ventricle Excretory System Figure 13. It is divided into four anatomical parts: the apex or dome, body, fundus, and neck. The urogenital sinus divides into three parts, with the upper and largest part becoming the bladder, the middle part becoming the urethra, and the lower part changes depending on the biological sex of the embryo. In the abdominal area of the pig we observe the teats, umbilical cord and the urogenital opening. Where are the organs of the urinary system found in a fetal pig? Esophagus, larynx, trachea, bronchus, and lung.
