Under western eyes mohanty. Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses by Chandra Talpade Mohanty 2022-10-24

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"Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses" is an influential essay written by Chandra Talpade Mohanty, a prominent feminist scholar. In this essay, Mohanty criticizes the way in which Western feminists have tended to portray Third World women as passive victims in need of rescue and liberation by the West. She argues that this approach is fundamentally flawed, as it fails to take into account the agency and autonomy of Third World women and the complex social, economic, and political contexts in which they live.

Mohanty begins by pointing out that Western feminists have often relied on a narrow and stereotypical portrayal of Third World women as helpless and oppressed, lacking agency and the ability to resist their own exploitation and oppression. This portrayal, she argues, is based on a colonialist discourse that sees the Third World as a backward and primitive place in need of the guidance and assistance of the West.

However, Mohanty argues that this portrayal is not only inaccurate, but also harmful to Third World women. By portraying them as passive victims, Western feminists deny them agency and the ability to resist and challenge the systems of oppression they face. This, in turn, reinforces the power dynamics of colonialism and perpetuates the idea that the West is superior to the Third World.

To counter this portrayal, Mohanty calls for a more nuanced and complex understanding of Third World women that takes into account their agency and the social, economic, and political contexts in which they live. She suggests that feminists should focus on understanding the ways in which Third World women resist and challenge the systems of oppression they face, rather than viewing them as passive victims.

Overall, "Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses" is a powerful and important critique of the way in which Western feminists have tended to portray Third World women. Mohanty's argument is relevant not only to feminists, but to all those who seek to understand and challenge the systems of oppression that exist in the world today.


under western eyes mohanty

To what extent does world music create spaces for transnational feminist praxis? Hamsa Mounif, interview by author, July 27, 2018 Performers and audience members interviewed overwhelmingly agree that, by providing spaces for engaging with the music, stories and struggles of women musicians, WOMAD can challenge exoticist stereotypes, indicating that such encounters can restore the agency of feminist musicians. Razumov is a student in the One night, Mr. Notice that this is quite similar to sexist discourse labelling women as weak, emotional, having math anxiety, etc. Haldin leaves and, later that night, is caught. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.


Chandra Talpade Mohanty's Essay 'Under Western Eyes'

under western eyes mohanty

By comparison, Western women are defined as educated and modern, with control over their bodies and life choices. Black Feminism Reimagined: After Intersectionality. Some revolutionaries, led by Necator, attack him and smash his eardrums. Others encouraged the use of black women as sex objects. He is married to an aristocratic lady, who has a temper and is rumoured to beat him.


Notes on Mohanty's "Under Western Eyes" Flashcards

under western eyes mohanty

. On his way to the post office, the narrator comes upon him, but Razumov takes no notice of him. Tekla recounts her life story. In these very fragmented times, it is both very difficult to build these alliances and also never more important to do so. Peter Ivanovitch leaves and Natalia introduces herself to Razumov, who feels compassion for her. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.


Summary of Mohanty_Under Western webapi.bu.edu

under western eyes mohanty

In other words, the 'sexual division of labour' and 'women' are not commensurate analytical categories. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Some audience members are already conscious of the transnational critique of Western feminism prior to their attendance at WOMAD, but others actually arrive at this conclusion through their experiences at its festivals. The author argues that the rape and sexual violence that was prevalent during this era and its impact on Black women received minimal attention. My concern about such writings derives from my own implication and investment in contemporary debates in feminist theory, and the urgent political necessity of forming strategic coalitions across class, race and national boundaries. Afterwards, they come upon Peter Ivanovitch and Razumov.



under western eyes mohanty

Maria Rose Cutrufelli, Beverly Lindsay, Fran Hosken, Patricia Jeffery, and Juliette Minces are the main scholars that Mohanty critiques. A wonderful scholarly work. Not only is it problematical to speak of a vision of women shared by Arab and Muslim societies, without addressing the particular historical and ideological power structures that construct such images, but to speak of the patriarchal family or the tribal kinship structure as the origin of the socio-economic status of women is again to assume that women are sexual-political subjects prior to their entry into the family. In this text, the author expands the discussion of the challenges that African American women contended with prior to and during the civil rights movement during the mid-twentieth century. He said "It must be admitted that by the mere force of circumstances Under Western Eyes has become already a sort of historical novel dealing with the past. Harbouring no sympathy for Haldin's actions or his ideals, Razumov is brought closer to conservatism out of the simple fear to survive. We need to understand each other to find respect for each other.


Under Western Eyes by Chandra Talpade Mohanty

under western eyes mohanty

Justice and the Politics of Difference. A deaf Razumov is crushed by a tramcar and crippled. Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. While it is naturally impossible to completely apply Third World feminism to that in Ukraine - after all, Ukraine is not a Third World country - the discussion of Western feminism and how its representatives, consciously or not, define themselves as the ultimate universal true feminist movement, speaks to me on many levels. They exist, as it were, outside history. Thus, Omvedt can talk about 'Indian Women' while referring to a particular group of women in the State of Maharashtra, Cutrufelli about 'Women of Africa' and Minces about 'Arab Women' as if these groups of women have some sort of obvious cultural coherence, distinct from men in these societies. In the context of an overwhelming silence about the experiences of women in these countries, as well as the need to forge international links between women's political struggles, such work is both pathbreaking and absolutely essential.


Full article: From tourism to solidarity: transnational feminism and world music in the UK

under western eyes mohanty

So what does this average third-world woman look like? Third-world women, on the other hand, never rise above the debilitating generality of their 'object' status. Gender and the Musical Canon. Let's start by defining Mohanty's argument, as well as the terms she employs. Hoping to find more works on the subject. They visit Razumov's lodgings but do not find him.


“Under Western Eyes” Revisited: Feminist Solidarity through Anticapitalist Struggles

under western eyes mohanty

However, one thing I do not like about this article is the use of unnecessarily big words. In his apartment, he writes down a set of political principles which paint him as a reformist and not a revolutionary. The first analytical presupposition I focus on is involved in the strategic location or situation of the category 'women' vis-a-vis the context of analysis. Shadows in the Field: New Perspectives for Fieldwork in Ethnomusicology. I found Mohanty's work in connection with my interest in postcolonial feminism as I found this theory something relevant to my life and t A wonderful scholarly work. The definition of colonization I wish to invoke here is a predominantly discursive one, focusing on a certain mode of appropriation and codification of "scholarship" and "knowledge" about women in the third world by particular analytic categories employed in specific writings on the subject which take as their referent feminist interests as they have 333 This content downloaded from 132. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
