Two essays on analytical psychology. Two Essays on Analytical Psychology 2022-11-03

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Analytical psychology, also known as Jungian psychology, is a psychological theory and practice developed by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. It emphasizes the importance of the individual's unconscious mind and the role it plays in shaping behavior and personality. In this essay, we will discuss two essays on analytical psychology: "On the Nature of the Psyche" by Carl Jung and "Jung and the Shadow" by Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer.

In "On the Nature of the Psyche," Jung explains his concept of the psyche, which is the collective term for the conscious and unconscious mind. He asserts that the psyche is not just a collection of isolated parts, but rather a dynamic and interconnected system. Jung believes that the psyche is made up of three main components: the ego, which is the conscious self; the personal unconscious, which contains memories, thoughts, and feelings that are not currently in the conscious mind; and the collective unconscious, which contains archetypes, or universal symbols and themes that are shared among all humans.

Jung believes that the ego is the center of consciousness and the source of the individual's sense of self. It is responsible for organizing and interpreting the experiences of the individual and for making decisions. However, Jung also notes that the ego is not the only source of consciousness, as the unconscious mind also plays a significant role in shaping an individual's behavior and personality. He suggests that the unconscious mind is a vast and largely unknown territory that contains both positive and negative aspects, including both the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious.

Jung believes that the collective unconscious is particularly important in shaping an individual's behavior and personality. It contains archetypes, which are universal symbols and themes that are shared among all humans. These archetypes are thought to represent fundamental human experiences, such as the mother, the father, the hero, and the wise old man. Jung believes that these archetypes shape an individual's worldview and influence their behavior and personality.

In "Jung and the Shadow," Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer discusses Jung's concept of the shadow, which is the part of the psyche that contains the negative aspects of an individual's personality. Mayer explains that the shadow is not necessarily evil, but rather it represents the parts of ourselves that we deny or repress. The shadow can contain both positive and negative traits, such as aggression, sexuality, and creativity. Mayer argues that the shadow is an important part of the psyche and that it must be integrated in order for an individual to achieve a sense of wholeness and fulfillment.

Mayer suggests that the shadow is often projected onto others, leading to negative or discriminatory behavior. She argues that by acknowledging and accepting the shadow, individuals can become more self-aware and less prone to projecting their negative traits onto others. Mayer also notes that the process of integrating the shadow can be difficult and may require the assistance of a therapist or other trained professional.

In conclusion, analytical psychology is a psychological theory that emphasizes the importance of the unconscious mind in shaping behavior and personality. Jung's concept of the psyche and the shadow, as discussed in these two essays, provide valuable insight into the inner workings of the human mind and the role that the unconscious plays in shaping our behavior and personality. Understanding these concepts can help individuals to become more self-aware and to better understand and manage their own psychological states.

Two Essays on Analytical Psychology Summary

two essays on analytical psychology

It should be a mandatory read for anyone who's fresh to Jungian psychology and is trying to understand his concepts, his psychiatric methods, and his relationship to other psychoanalytical schools Freud and Adler. Still, it is a goal. This volume from the Collected Works of C. This is the aspect which the matter presents from the standpoint of the power-psychology. Unfortunately, we are too inclined to talk of man as it would be desirable for him to be, rather than as he really is.


Full text of "Two Essays On Analytical Psychology"

two essays on analytical psychology

Naturally her phantasies were occupied chiefly with this disturbing time. Man represses his feminine qualities in order to develop his persona; hence, the relation between the anima and the persona is compensatory. Two Essays on Analytical Psychology is Jung's most sober and systematic, and at the same time, complex piece of writing I've come across. The original method was by hypnotism, the procedure consisting either in questioning the patient under conditions of hypnotic concentration, or in the spontaneous production of phantasies under these conditions. She was not a swimmer and Mr.


[PDF] Two Essays on Analytical Psychology by C.G. Jung eBook

two essays on analytical psychology

A healthy man, of uncommon physical strength and abounding energy, he was reduced to the condition of a peevish child. It became evident that among the hundreds of hysterical S5miptoms there was no such thing as haphazard or chance origin; they could all be shown to spring from psychical occurrences. I wanted to read this book as a jumping off point to Jung's work. As soon as we begin to speak of the collective unconscious we find ourselves in a sphere, and concerned with a problem, which is quite precluded in the practical analysis of young people, or of those who have remained infantile too long. Father and mother play a large part ; whatever significant influences or conditions enter into the life of the patient are carried along the line of a direct causality back to these original sources.



two essays on analytical psychology

All these phantasy-projections are dependent upon personal reminiscences. In this way the bogey is seized and war declared against him to our satisfaction. Before we enter upon a closer presentation of the subject itself, something must be said about its position in relation to hitherto existing science. Our patient had now the opportunity to go walking alone with Mr. The earliest versions of the essays are included in an Appendices, containing as they do the first tentativeVOLUME 7: TWO ESSAYS ON ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY Abstracts of the Collected Works of C.


Two essays on analytical psychology pdf

two essays on analytical psychology

From the material narrated the following item stands out. Whoever has most at heart the power of the ego will revolt against the first conception, but he who cares most for love will never be reconciled to the second. When we formulate these facts theoretically, the resultant generalization nms some- what as follows : In neurosis there arise two tendencies which stand contraposed in an absolute sense one to the other, and of which one is unconscious. This is definitely the fastest way to write an essay! If, however, we now consider the comse of the same illness from the standpoint of the other instinctual urge, namely, the will to power, it assumes a quite different aspect. Has anyone made clear to himself what that means — a yea-saying to instinct? As a method for perceiving the anima it is suggested that it be objectified; i.


Volume 7: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology

two essays on analytical psychology

The analyst, however, is cautioned to ignore the literal content of the fantasies and to probe beneath them in order to discover the underlying operative processes. He is, so to speak, attracted by them. That this technique, and the problems it brings to Ught, go far beyond the specialized requirements of medical therapy might reasonably go without sa5dng. She then broke off brusquely all connection with the young man. Thus she heard — and yet did not hear. So many people still cling, tenaciously to the conception of Jung as a writer and investigator in the realm of psycho- logical therapy, that only a comparatively few readers are liable to make the discovery that in the second essay he is providing a fairly circumstantial description of a technique of relation to the unconscious which adds an entirely new dimension to the frame of normal human experience.


Two Essays On Analytical Psychology : C.g. Jung : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

two essays on analytical psychology

In these observations it is evident that I describe the two types only in their most general outline. The others made way, but she, beside herself with fear, held to the middle of the road, running in front of the horses. Marett : The Threshold of Religion. The unconscious is seen as standing in a compensatory relation to the conscious mind. Fbr I would point out at once that the conflict inducing illness, though certainly a personal affair, is also a conflict of humanity that becomes manifest in the individual. It is also that which it has made and will make out of both urgencies.


Two Essays on Analytical Psychology by C.G. Jung

two essays on analytical psychology

Now the war is over and the waves begin slowly to subside. Although from one point of view the infantile tendencies of the unconscious are the most conspicuous, it would nonetheless be a mistake to define or evaluate the unconscious entirely in these terms. All around her men were falling to the ground dead or wounded ; she, however, quite calm and clear-headed, espied a gate leading into a yard, over which she made her escape into another street. But, as experience repeatedly demonstrates, other phantasies begin to appear, which represent the physician as saviour or as a god-like being. I was surprised to find much of the first part of this book, "On the Psychology of the Unconscious", to be a critique of Freud as much as an outline of Jung's position on the topic. But how is it possible, we may well ask in astonishment, that the instinctual nature of man should drive him into separation from his kind, into absolute isolation from humanity, into an aloofness from the herd maintained by loathing? In fact, that's one of the key necessities for understanding, as we tend to only believe and conceive the psychological 'facts' we experienced. If you have any questions related to the order, do not hesitate to contact your writer through a private chat that you will Days of stress are over now because our professionals would help you at every phase Jung Two Essays On Analytical Psychology Pdf and extend professional assistance in completing your law assignments.
