Tuan space and place. Space and place : the perspective of experience : Tuan, Yi 2022-10-20

Tuan space and place Rating: 6,7/10 997 reviews

Tuan Space and Place is a concept developed by Yi-Fu Tuan, a prominent geographer and humanist, in his book "Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience." In this work, Tuan explores the relationship between space and place, and how they shape our understanding of the world and our place within it.

According to Tuan, space is the physical environment in which we live and interact. It is a three-dimensional, measurable entity that is objective and objective. On the other hand, place is the subjective experience of space. It is a mental construct that is shaped by our personal and cultural experiences, and it is the way in which we assign meaning and value to space.

Tuan argues that space and place are interconnected and inseparable. Our perception of space is influenced by the places we have experienced, and our understanding of place is shaped by the spaces in which we live and interact. In this way, space and place are not just physical entities, but also social and cultural constructs that are deeply embedded in our personal and collective experiences.

One of the key ideas in Tuan's concept of space and place is the idea of "topophilia," or the emotional attachment we have to particular places. Tuan suggests that we develop strong emotional connections to certain places because they hold significant meaning for us. These places can be places of comfort and security, like our homes, or places that hold cultural or historical significance, like a place of worship or a national monument.

Another important aspect of Tuan's concept of space and place is the idea of "place-identity," or the way in which our sense of self is tied to the places we inhabit. Tuan argues that we develop a sense of identity that is closely tied to the places we live, work, and play. These places become an integral part of our personal and cultural identity, and they shape the way we understand ourselves and our place in the world.

In conclusion, Tuan's concept of space and place highlights the important role that our physical environment plays in shaping our understanding of the world and our place within it. It also underscores the importance of place and the emotional attachments we have to particular spaces, as well as the way in which our sense of self is tied to the places we inhabit. Understanding these concepts can help us to better understand the world around us and our place within it.

Space And Place: The Perspective of Experience by Yi

tuan space and place

However as these places have personality it is true to say that an old pair of shoes or jeans can evoke affection. It's a master work on how we as humans deal with space, place, and time. Still, I found my mind wondering off into the mist before finishing more than a few paragraphs. The meaning of these geometrical terms is enhanced by their metaphorical use in the realm of taste. If what i'm saying seems vague or way out there, this is basically the same way the book flows, except its not that difficult to understand.


Space and Place — University of Minnesota Press

tuan space and place

Yes, this is one of the basic knowledge of 1st year architecture student. If you are mildly interested geography and the way 'spaces' become places, familiar and personal, you would love this book. For instance, using linguistic origins for words defining spatial concepts as evidence of this-and-that argument about how spatial expanses are perceived, or a certain tribe's or indigenous peoples' ways of thinking about the spatial attributes of their world as they see it to argue how primitive man, uncorrupted by a cultural perspective might view the world spatially. My reading choices certainly reflect my very wide range of interests. This is probably more a 3. This book is kind of old and some of the stuff he talks about is like physical human experience which doesn't seem useful for me. We need to experience and embody it.



tuan space and place

To do this I narrow my focus to the closely related "space" and "place" components of environment. And I also am weirded out by some of the anthro-y stuff. I had a difficult time immersing myself into this work. Still, I found my mind wondering off into the mist before finishing more than a few paragraphs. Eminent geographer Yi-Fu Tuan considers the ways in which people feel and think about space, how they form attachments to home, neighborhood, and nation, and how feelings about space and place are affected by the sense of time.


Yi Fu Tuan

tuan space and place

Firstly, a conceptual framework is generated through desk study and non-participatory observation. Cosmogonic myth and directed space: mythological journeys of the ancestral heroes of the Walbiri in central Australia. If what i'm saying seems vague or way out there, this is basically the same way the book flows, except its not that difficult to understand. There is a lot of research involving nonliterate peoples and nomadic tribes. Clearly it represents keen thinking and the author certainly has earned his bona fides in the subject matter.


Tuan, “Space and Place"

tuan space and place

Such spaces lie at the conceptual end of the experiential continuum. The mode of address goes somewhere between academia, aphorisms and philosophy. Hopefully scholars have taken up the task of updating these theories as neuroscience has slowly learned more about the brain and how it operates, which will certainly alter some details of Tuan's ideas about how the senses help people interpret space and place. His voice in the first page sounded like a dear friend to me, someone I've talked at length with over the course of many years. An infant is placed lying on his back or carried by his mother, on whom his world is centred. The book helped rethink my work as a visual artist, it was a hard read at times but I loved it.


(PDF) Yi Fu Tuan Space and Place

tuan space and place

A field of care could be the street in which you grew up in or the playground you and your friends played. Also, logically, think about how you are shaping the environment. There were some bits I really enjoyed and found through provoking and others that just seemed sorta out there. Olsson Dordrecht ; Boston: D. It's part geography, history, psychology, philosophy, and anthropology. I'll mostly put the use of those terms in this book down to it bei Really fascinating and well worth reading. I also describe the practical application of this approach to a design case, namely an interactive museum exhibition.


Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience

tuan space and place

Ego- and ethnocentric organizations of space. None of it was bad per se, but I wish there was less out there and more of the thought provoking. Lots of gems in his lovely writing. An academic "geography" book is not my field at all, but I found it fascinating to read Yi-Fu Tuan's insight into space, place and time. I do not do geography research while his books are always inspiring for my study on cognitive linguistics and linguistic landscapes. We live in space.


Review: Space and Place; the Perspective of Experience by Yi Fu Tuan (1977) Assessment 9 out of 10

tuan space and place

On the 25th anniversary of its publication, a new edition of this foundational work on human geography. . He also has stuff about like how age influences how you experience places. I enjoyed this very much. Taste labels some flavors "sharp," others "flat. In pointing out the shift from places towns, cities, city-states built around a centralized sacred place to modern cities which, to many are hardly "place" at all, it's easy to see parallels into the struggles I see in the church today to really conceive of the importance of place in missional-ecclesial life.
