Triage characters. Triage X / Characters 2022-10-11

Triage characters Rating: 8,2/10 690 reviews

Triage is a term that is commonly used in the medical field to refer to the process of prioritizing patients based on the severity of their condition. Triage characters are characters in literature or film who play a similar role, in that they serve as a way to prioritize and evaluate the importance of other characters or plot points.

One way in which triage characters can be used is to help the reader or viewer understand the motivations and priorities of the other characters. For example, a triage character might be used to reveal the inner turmoil or conflict of a main character, or to provide a contrasting perspective on a situation. By observing how a triage character reacts to a situation or how they are treated by other characters, we can gain insight into the values and priorities of the other characters and the overall story.

Another way in which triage characters can be used is to highlight the themes or messages of the story. For example, a triage character might be used to illustrate the consequences of certain actions or decisions, or to represent a particular ideology or point of view. By observing how a triage character navigates a situation or how they are impacted by the actions of other characters, we can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying themes and messages of the story.

Overall, triage characters serve an important role in literature and film by helping to reveal the motivations and priorities of other characters, and by highlighting the themes and messages of the story. Whether they are used to provide insight into the inner workings of a main character or to illustrate the consequences of certain actions, triage characters are an essential element of many great stories.


triage characters

In low-scale disaster with few victims involved, immediate CPR is started in attempt to revive the vital signs. This should be done in a timely fashion while meeting standard guidelines in order to prevent symptoms from worsening. Acceptable overtriage rates have been typically up to 50% in an effort to avoid undertriage. There will be a body collection staging area set up away from any medical staging areas. She ultimately answers to Reika Azuma. Archived from PDF on 2011-07-19. He wasn't aware that Reika could take advantage of it.


Triage (novel)

triage characters

It later turns out that her master is the fake Makoto Ogawa, who has used her on behalf of Syringe. A rival vigilante arsonist. She is an attractive young woman that is implied to be a bit clumsy as some students took a picture of her falling down looking air headed. For example, a geriatric patient with a penetrating injury in the Delayed category can have an 8% survival probability, and a pediatric patient in the Immediate category can have a 98% survival probability. She is cool headed and acts as the voice of reason for her team in the midst of a crisis. The bodies will not be collected until all surviving individuals have been removed from the immediate disaster area.


Triage X / Characters

triage characters

Thankfully however, he only used rubber bullets to knock her out. Some ethicists argue the utilitarian approach to triage is not an impartial mechanism, but rather a partial one that fails to address the social conditions that prevent optimal outcomes in marginalized communities, rendering it a practical but inadequate means of distributing health resources. These include those who aren't breathing and repositioning their airway efforts were unsuccessful. Injuries are potentially life-threatening, but can wait until the Immediate casualties are stabilized and evacuated. Chikage Hizaki, Mikoto refrained from shooting the rival vigilante, who apparently would NOT have been so chivalrous if the initiative was reversed, because Pyrina has not yet been properly identified as a target. Before she can interogate Arashi on what happened, Hitsugi grabs him and tells Mikoto not to get ahead of herself and think that she's his wife.


Triage (2022)

triage characters

He's the victim of a bombing attack that targeted an international medical conference that he was attending. It becomes the task of the disaster medical authorities to set aside some victims as hopeless, to avoid trying to save one life at the expense of several others. JEMS July 2005 pp. Like some of the other members of Black Label, her history prior to joining the Black Label is shrouded in mystery. Warms up to Mikoto quickly after the latter's display of empathy over her loss of family. Australian Journal of Emergency Management.


triage characters

Arashi doesn't hold a grudge though, because he says he wouldn't be here today if not for the doctor's decision, and helping to protect people he cares about. She appears to work several part-time jobs to maintain her younger brothers. Continue to re-triage in case their condition worsens. Astro Taisei AranamiThe heir to a wealthy fortune. He's on the few members of Syringe to have Jet Injector used on him to survive his injuries and have enhanced strength.


triage characters

Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness: S1—S7. Age categories exacerbate this. Annals of Emergency Medicine. National Incident Management System. Like her partner, she often comes across the members of Black Label at the crime scene but she doesn't see them in a negative light like Tartara. During missions, he is usually partnered up with Mikoto and together they make a fearsome duo. Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine.


triage characters

Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Pub. Momokino is Hinako's best friend and acts like a big sister towards her, not hesitating to challenge someone who would bring harm to her. However, this is just a farce as during her missions her true colors are revealed and she is a short-tempered, foul-mouthed renegade that doesn't hesitate to cut loose when the opportunity presents itself. Kominato is a happy and cheerful young girl that tries to get closer to Arashi. . Seeing that Arashi was still alive despite the fact that his body was left in shambles, Mochizuki implanted his son's organs into Arashi's to save his life.


triage characters

Annals of Emergency Medicine. A similar process can be applied to discharging patients early when the medical system is stressed. Nao also appears to be an understanding woman as she is aware of Arashi's frequent absences and doesn't seem to mind. Little is known about her past except that its implied her father performed experiments on her body and as a result, Sayo became mentally unstable and killed him along with the other researchers. Oriha is a genius who started college when she was only 11 while in the United States and when she's not blowing things up during her missions, she acts as a teen idol performing concerts and acting. Its safe to assume that she can be considered the second in command of the group and seems to also be one of the older members of the organization along with Yuuko and Miki. Blick in Swiss High German.


triage characters

These people are in stable condition but require medical assistance. The absolute urgencies are usually treated onsite the PMA has an operating room or evacuated to a hospital. Despite her pleasant and attractive appearance, whenever Sayo is seen with her mask on her brutal and sadistic personality dominates her and she doesn't hesitate to cut down anyone that stands in her way. These will not need advanced medical care for at least several hours. He is in charge of deciding on whether criminals are given "black labels". . PACS is a symptom-based differential diagnosis approach that triages patients according to their presenting complaints and objective assessments such as vital signs and Glasgow Coma Scale, allowing acute patients to be identified quickly for treatment.
