Transvestism and transsexualism. Difference Between Transvestites and Transsexuals 2022-10-12

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Transvestism and transsexualism are two distinct but related concepts that pertain to gender expression and identity. Transvestism, also known as cross-dressing, refers to the act of wearing clothing and adopting mannerisms associated with a gender other than one's own. This may be done for a variety of reasons, including personal expression, performance, or sexual gratification. It is important to note that transvestism is not necessarily tied to one's gender identity and does not necessarily reflect a desire to permanently transition to the opposite gender.

On the other hand, transsexualism, also known as transgenderism, refers to a condition in which an individual experiences a strong and persistent desire to transition to the opposite gender. This may involve hormone therapy, surgery, or other medical interventions to alter one's physical appearance and characteristics to better align with their gender identity. Transsexual individuals may also adopt a new name and pronouns, and may undergo social transition, which involves transitioning in all aspects of life, including employment and relationships.

Both transvestism and transsexualism have a long history, with evidence of gender-nonconforming behavior and expression dating back to ancient civilizations. However, both have also been stigmatized and misunderstood, leading to discrimination and mistreatment of individuals who do not conform to traditional gender roles and expectations.

It is important to recognize and respect the diversity of gender expression and identity, and to support the rights and well-being of individuals who may be marginalized or discriminated against due to their gender expression or identity. This includes providing access to medical care and resources for those who wish to transition, as well as advocating for legal protections against discrimination and violence based on gender identity.

In conclusion, transvestism and transsexualism are two distinct but related concepts that pertain to gender expression and identity. While transvestism may involve temporary cross-dressing for personal or performance reasons, transsexualism involves a desire to permanently transition to the opposite gender through medical and social means. Both should be respected and recognized as valid forms of gender expression and identity, and individuals who may be marginalized due to their gender expression or identity should be supported and protected.

Transgender, Transvestism, and Transsexualism — Ulster University

transvestism and transsexualism

Translated by Csapo, Sigismond; Laurent, Emile. As we have seen, the terms transvestite and transsexual had emerged within a medical context and by the 1970s had become enshrined as diagnoses to designate what were seen as essentially pathological phenomena — gender identity disorders. According to Moser: "It appears that substantial minorities of homosexual MTFs are autogynephilic and non-homosexual MTFs are not. In previous medical publications, I have divided all transvestites into three groups according to the clinical picture they presented. As a working hypothesis, but with good practical uses, the accompanying Table 1. His mental imagery would focus on his breasts, his vagina, the softness of his skin, and so on—all the characteristic features of the female physique.


Transvestism and Transsexualism

transvestism and transsexualism

Hirschfeld first used the term transsexual in 1923. Retrieved October 17, 2022. As a rule of thumb, the term transgender provides information about the extent to which someone identifies with the sex they were assigned at birth. Simultaneously published in: Karasic, Dan; Drescher, Jack, eds. Handbook of Psychology and Sexual Orientation.


What’s the Difference Between Being Transgender and Transsexual?

transvestism and transsexualism

Neither Hirschfeld nor Ellis employed the then fashion able language of degeneracy or perversion, but they nevertheless viewed such people as anomalies to be explained within a medical framework. Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment. To him, his sex organs are sources of disgust and hate. They have also been prominent in the emergence of transgender theory. International Journal of Transgenderism.


H. Benjamin

transvestism and transsexualism

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 3rd ed. They want to be allowed to do so. This is because of its history and roots in the professional fields of medicine and psychology, which used this term to incorrectly label all transgender people as mentally ill or sexually deviant. Although some of those who sought sex reassignment had been or were involved in female impersonation for entertainment purposes, the phenomenon of drag itself avoided the medical gaze. The Gender of Psychology Illustrateded. Among the public, there was praise for Christine for the courage of her convictions; also there was disbelief with criticism of her physicians, as well as outright condemnation on moral grounds. It is not necessarily either one.


Blanchard's transsexualism typology

transvestism and transsexualism

The clinical material that I was able to accumulate grew steadily. Some of these pa tients waver between transvestitic indulgences and transsexual demands for transformation Group 2. The choice of a sex partner is changeable. The homosexual is a man and wants to be nothing else. Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology. A low degree of largely unconscious transsexualism can be appeased through cross-dressing and demands no other therapy for emotional comfort.


Difference Between Transvestites and Transsexuals

transvestism and transsexualism

Lawrence criticized Moser's methodology and conclusions and stated that genuine autogynephilia occurs very rarely, if ever, in cisgender women as their experiences are superficially similar but the erotic responses are ultimately markedly different. This proposal was opposed by the :201 With autoandrophilia was removed from the final draft of the manual. Because of the much more permissive fashions among women, and for other reasons, the problem of transvestism almost exclusively concerns men in whom the desire to cross-dress is often combined with other deviations, particularly with fetishism, narcissism, and the desire to be tied up bondage or somehow humiliated masochism. However, it was the work of Janice Raymond that dominated discussions of the political significance of transsexualism during the 1980s, when her particular style of radical feminism was in the ascendant. Hastings, MD, writes, "Transsexualism can be considered as a more complete role reversal than transvestism," implying that transsexualism and transvestism are part of one and the same continuum, with transsexualism as the more severe form. Bolin 1988 followed a small group of North American transsexuals over a period of two years as they transformed their status from that of man to that of woman.


Classification of transsexual and transgender people

transvestism and transsexualism

Michael Bailey's controversial book, The Man Who Would be Queen. Therefore, a more precise definition for a transsexual would be a person whose sexual identity is inconsistent. Recently, there has been a surge of anthropological interest in transgender, principally in Southeast Asia and in South America Kulick 1998. When he masturbated, he would imagine that he was a nude woman lying alone in her bed. The term transsexualism and synonyms Following the sensational Jorgensen publicity in 1952, I was asked to write an article on the subject for the now no longer existing International Journal of Sexology.


Transgender, Transvestism, and Transsexualism

transvestism and transsexualism

However, before we trace the evolution of the term transgender, its various meanings and the social phenomena to which it relates, we must go back to the end of the nineteenth century and consider the emergence within medical discourses of what came to be known as transvestism and transsexualism. However, they are different in their morphology and physiology. The term transgender can mean different things to different people. Duke University Press, Durham, NC. Queerly Phrased: Language, Gender, and Sexuality. What would be the situation after corrective surgery has been performed and the sex anatomy now resembles that of a woman? It should never be used to refer to the entire transgender community. It is less plausible that a prenatal developmental disturbance could result in a male-bodied person with a brain that had developed like that of an amputee or a plush animal.
