Transnational social movements examples. Transnational Social Movement Organizations Course Work Example 2022-10-13

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Transnational social movements are social movements that operate across national borders, seeking to promote social, economic, or political change on a global scale. These movements often seek to challenge the power dynamics of global capitalism and imperialism, and to promote greater social justice and equality for marginalized communities around the world.

One example of a transnational social movement is the global feminist movement. This movement, which emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, has sought to challenge the patriarchy and gender-based discrimination that exists in many societies around the world. The movement has sought to promote the rights of women and girls, including equal pay, reproductive rights, and political representation. It has also worked to raise awareness about issues such as violence against women and gender-based discrimination.

Another example of a transnational social movement is the global environmental movement. This movement, which emerged in the late 20th century, seeks to protect the natural environment and promote sustainable development. It has worked to raise awareness about issues such as climate change, deforestation, and pollution, and has advocated for policies that protect the environment and promote sustainable development.

A third example of a transnational social movement is the global LGBTQ+ movement. This movement, which emerged in the late 20th century, seeks to challenge discrimination and violence against LGBTQ+ individuals and promote greater acceptance and equality for this community. It has worked to raise awareness about issues such as hate crimes, conversion therapy, and discrimination in employment and housing, and has advocated for policies that protect the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Overall, transnational social movements play a vital role in promoting social, economic, and political change on a global scale. By challenging the power dynamics of global capitalism and imperialism, and by advocating for greater social justice and equality for marginalized communities, these movements seek to create a more equitable and just world for all people.

Transnational Social Movements (TSM)

transnational social movements examples

London: New Left Books. Although, some of the disputes which had dogged END's relations with previous Polish movements did emerge in END·WiP relations END Journal no. In such a scenario, support derived from the West was significant in maintaining this manifestation of independent activism. One statement made together by the Polish and Dutch peace movements asserted that "we do not accept the division of Europe. The Transnational Institute timeline 2. Even in the very last issue of END's Journal a letter from a WiP supporter was published which argued that the whole concept of "détente from below" was degraded by a situation where political freedom in the East was still not achieved END Journal no.


What is an example of a transnational social movement?

transnational social movements examples

Princeton: Princeton University Press. Unpublished material from the END Archive, Brighton. In 1980 Taylor recalls having to carry messages in person to Gdansk, as one of the few Western "political tourists" to arrive in the city just as Solidarity was emerging Taylor 1981. This national introversion was confirmed by the experience of those members of END who travelled to Poland throughout the first half of the 1980s. In this paper the claim mentioned above, that the transnational connections which existed between Western peace movements and East European independent social movements were instrumental in causing the end of the state socialism and the Cold War Kaldor 1991, Wainwright 1991 will be investigated. The initiative gained momentum as more women who had experienced violence emerged. Moreover, the END activists discovered such "Polo·centrism" was often accompanied by anti·Russian sentiments which were tantamount to "racist stereotyping" amongst the Poles with respect to Russians Salter 1984: 9.


Transnational Social Movement Media

transnational social movements examples

Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Accordingly, one element in the contemporary challenges to realist orthodoxy has been the emergence of more earnest consideration of transnational actors, including social movements George and Campbell 1990: 287. Yet, social movements themselves proffer alternative analyses and visions of international politics. However, it can also be argued that the fact that such transnational dialogue was occurring at all, no matter how tenuous and disputatious, was of significance Waller 1988. There are several reasons which can explain why an auspicious opportunity to create "détente from below" was apparently lost. This lack of the development of "détente" will be described and explained below. Procedural versus substantive democracy: There are differences between democracy as a set of methods and democracy as a framework for a subjective notion of freedom.


Transnational organization

transnational social movements examples

This divergence between Eastern and Western movements over prioritising peace or human rights may appear to be somewhat peculiar given that respect for human rights is surely integral to the realisation of positive peace. See the peace pyramid figure 6. Lastly, a comparison between democracy and globalisation, and democracy on a national level and international level needs to be assessed. Yet, it was argued, even such dissonant détente was significant because it signalled the irrepressibility of Polish civil society. Currently, t he size of TNCs makes them almost unassailable.


Transnational Social Movements (Chapter 40)

transnational social movements examples

As a product, activist media offer distinct visions of social problems and possible solutions not typically present in the mainstream media. In addition to voting rights, the feminist movement organisations sought to enhance honest election practices, child welfare, and elimination of discriminative practices against women. Pellow 81 TSMOs leverage the strengths of their networks in both developed and developing countries and are in a position to enforce systematic action at multiple levels. Breakthrough in Polish·Western Co·operation: WiP The period after 1985 was to see a marked decrease in the "downright hostility" previously experienced by END in Poland. Studies of the thinking behind the activities of Solidarity tend to concur that one principal idea inspiring the movement was that of "self·limitation" Staniszkis 1984.


Transnational Social Movements

transnational social movements examples

The New Transnational Activism. The term democracy was created in ancient Greece more specifically in the polis of Athens around 508-507 BC. Most theorists demand that the government must provide civil rights and liberties. Many antiglobalization movements, such as protests against the G8 meeting in Genoa in July 2001 and the planning of the European Social Forum in Florence in November 2002, relied on email as well as web-based communications to organize protests, coordinate transportation, and offer accommodation to engaged activists. Conversely, Debenham 2014 asserts that mobilising structures relate to the pre-existing networks and groups. Through their activities, the organisations have been able to promote attainment of social justice amongst women.


Social Movements and International Change: The Case of "Détente from Below"

transnational social movements examples

Transnational social movement, a collectivity of groups with adherents in more than one country that is committed to sustained contentious action for a common cause or a common constellation of causes, often against governments, international institutions, or private firms. Despite these equivocal findings and the recognised need for more research work, has the empirical case, detailed here, done anything to resolve the original question: can social movements cause change in international politics? The wide variation across these collectives and organizations that exists is worth noting, given the impact this has on constructing generalizable analyses from the particular historical and structural conditions of any given group. The conference that led to establishment of the ICW drew women from different backgrounds such as temperance societies, professional groups, moral purity organisations, labour groups, and peace organisations Rupp, 2011. By starting at a national level it will lead us to a global stage because of the support and expansion given by other TSM around the globe in a self-reinforcing process. I did think it was important to point out that this is somewhat of a misnomer—lest we get confused about the goals of the movement because of the title. Radical media: Rebellious communication and social movements. The rationale of establishing the ICW was to enhance coalition of amongst women groups.


Transnational Movements Essay ⋆ Political Science Essay Examples ⋆ EssayEmpire

transnational social movements examples

At A-level sociology, the difference for us is a small one. It can help giving advice and funding local social movement organisations, Due to all of this it is fair to say that TSMs have a big impact on helping promoting and expanding democracy at both levels, national and internationally. Department of Sociology, University of Warwick. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. In this study a series of contacts, amiable or otherwise, across and below the Cold War divide were uncovered. END Polish Working Group.
