Topic on dowry system. Dowry System Essay 2022-10-31

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The dowry system is a social practice that involves the transfer of money, goods, or property from a bride's family to the groom or his family, either before or at the time of marriage. It is a prevalent practice in many countries, particularly in South Asia, and it has been the subject of much criticism and controversy.

One of the main criticisms of the dowry system is that it reinforces gender inequality and discrimination against women. The dowry is often seen as a way for the groom's family to financially benefit from the marriage, and it can put pressure on the bride's family to pay a large amount of money or provide valuable items. This can result in financial strain and even debt for the bride's family, and in some cases, the dowry becomes a source of conflict and abuse within the marriage.

Another issue with the dowry system is that it can contribute to the commodification of women, treating them as objects to be bought and sold rather than individuals with agency and dignity. This can lead to a lack of respect for women and their autonomy, and it can also fuel discrimination and violence against women.

The dowry system can also have negative consequences for the women who are subject to it. In some cases, women may be rejected or mistreated by their husband and in-laws if they are unable to bring a sufficient dowry, or if the dowry is seen as insufficient. This can lead to feelings of shame and worthlessness, and it can also contribute to domestic abuse and even murder in cases where the dowry is seen as a cause of conflict within the marriage.

There have been efforts to address and combat the dowry system in many countries where it is prevalent. In India, for example, the Dowry Prohibition Act was passed in 1961, which made it illegal for anyone to give or receive a dowry in connection with a marriage. Despite this legislation, however, the dowry system remains widespread, and it continues to be a source of conflict and abuse for many women.

In conclusion, the dowry system is a harmful and discriminatory practice that reinforces gender inequality and treats women as commodities. It can have negative consequences for both the women who are subject to it and their families, and it should be eradicated. Efforts to address and combat the dowry system, such as through legislation and education, are important in promoting gender equality and protecting the rights and dignity of women.

Dowry System Essay For Students In English

topic on dowry system

So, there is an urgent need that we all start taking action against it. The lack of proper education and awareness is a major reason for these increasing crimes. Such mass wedding ceremonies aim to lessen the rates of violence. Illiteracy: With a literacy rate of 74. History is full of examples where daughters have been married off with immense wealth given to them at the time of wedding. Society should strive for gender equality.



topic on dowry system

Hence, ensuring employment opportunities for the female sect and making education feasible seems the first step to ensure annihilation of dowry system from the society. It is the formulator of laws and executes them to make sure people follow them for the betterment of the society. Accessing material from Vedantu is extremely easy and student-friendly. This is the reason why people get depressed and feel cursed at the birth of a daughter. This is a demon in disguise which poisons the family in no time. Rather, altering the mindset of the masses, and making them realize that a girl child is an entity, not a liability is the long-term solution to the issue.


saravanan velu: GD TOPIC

topic on dowry system

The beautiful gesture of providing a helping hand towards the newly wedded has taken an ugly turn. Answer: The dowry system is a deep-rooted problem and has affected young women mentally, emotionally, and physically. We can also call it dowry violence. The whole system of dowry basically is suppressing women and reducing them to nothing. Many girls and families have to go through this process when dealing with this system is a very old system and it is a custom that was made to help the newlyweds establish their new homes.



topic on dowry system

Strict laws and their implementation will further make it difficult for this tradition to go on and women can be safer. We can teach students in schools and colleges across the country using seminars, webinars, and conferences so that we can have a stronger outreach within the educated class of people which in turn hopefully will help reach everyone else. The ancient India cannot be accounted for the downfall of status of women in the society and the surge of the dowry system. Baby girls were believed to be a curse in many rural parts of the country. It should be completely stopped from all the country wherever it is followed.


Speech On Dowry System In English

topic on dowry system

This legislation marked the inception of an evolution leading to development of a legal infrastructure which effectively monitored the exchange and facilitation of exchange of dowry. Dowry is the practising of adorning the bride with money or valuable gifts by the parents at the time of marriage. Other life-saving mechanism includes Womens Action Research and Legal Action for Women WARLAW : led by Attorney Rani Jethmalani of New Delhi, this is a group of dedicated attorneys, who provide free legal protection and assistance to the dowry victims in India. We as individuals, make up the society, and the first step for change is to be initiated by the society itself. Educated girls have now taken upon themselves to combat this evil in our society. At present there are 6 metropolitan cities,11 sub-metropolitan cities ,276 municipalities and 460 rural municipalities.


Paragraph On Dowry System 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

topic on dowry system

Economic effects: Economy is not just the financial stockpile of the nation. Nowadays not a single day passes without the news of the death of brides due to dowry demands as the story of tyranny indicated up on her. Finally, we must create an environment in which people can speak out against dowry without fear of repercussions. Over the years, even after so many years of Independence in India, people changed the meaning of dowry to fit their agenda and to meet their needs under the garb of social traditions. It is the money that is given during marriage to the boy or their family, even property can also be included in dowry. Dowry practice has become an unusual way of living in our country from a poor family to big personalities.


Dowry System Essay

topic on dowry system

If we see it in our Asian country, then dowry is becoming more important for the groom's side, mainly in countries like India. The Amlekhgunj Raxaul railway has been a historic monument since India was a British colony. The issue of dowry is a complex one, and it cannot be solved overnight. Government should terminate the services of its employer who demand dowry. More than 8000 women are killed because of Dowry! The social organization along with government agency should carry out intensive anti dowry propaganda. Rather, the society owes its infrastructure buildup to the effective contribution of both genders alike.


Essay on Dowry System

topic on dowry system

Initiating Mass Media Campaigning: Media is the propagator of knowledge and the janitor of information interchange. Most importantly all the content on Vedantu is provided for free and it can be easily downloaded into PDF from both the website and mobile application of Vedantu. Fortunately, the neighbours rushed to put out the fire and she survived, but her baby did not. We have provided ten lines on Dowry System in English, to aid you in paragraph writings and essays on this topic as well to assist you during competitive exams and G. Shockingly, even after so much gifting and exchanges, one woman dies every hour due to dowry related reason on an average in the country, which has seen a steady rise between 2007 to 2011, according to official data. When the girl was seven months pregnant, her husband came home late one night, drunk; he beat her, tied her up and, with the help of his mother, poured kerosene on her and lit her on fire.


[PDF Notes] DOWRY SYSTEM: Essay Topics 2023

topic on dowry system

The dowry system is the brainchild of such mindset and is the primary reason behind the plight of women in the nation. Women were not permitted to purchase any real estate, land, or assets. Education is a tool that will help free children from their state and help them evolve into something bigger than themselves. How many death cases have been reported due to Dowry? If the groom's parents are demanding money to get married as a DOWRY then that is completely wrong and illegal. Due to the mounting pressure of brides and their families to provide steep dowry payments, there have been reported cases of women committing suicide. When British authority came into effect, however, women were barred from owning any property.
