Tok vocabulary. IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Vocabulary: The Complete Guide 2022-10-16

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TOK, or Theory of Knowledge, is a central component of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program. It is designed to encourage students to think critically and reflectively about the nature of knowledge, and to consider the ways in which different areas of knowledge may intersect and inform one another.

One key aspect of TOK is the use of specialized vocabulary, which can be somewhat challenging for students who are new to the program. In this essay, I will explain some of the most important TOK vocabulary terms that students should be familiar with in order to fully engage with the program and understand its concepts and ideas.

First and foremost, it is important to understand the concept of "knowledge claims." These are statements that are made about the world and are intended to be accepted as true. In TOK, students are asked to critically evaluate knowledge claims by considering their sources, evidence, and the ways in which they relate to other knowledge claims.

Another important concept in TOK is "ways of knowing." These are the different methods and approaches that people use to acquire and understand knowledge. There are eight ways of knowing in TOK: perception, emotion, language, reason, faith, intuition, memory, and imagination. Each of these ways of knowing has its own strengths and limitations, and students are encouraged to consider the ways in which different ways of knowing can complement one another in the pursuit of knowledge.

In addition to ways of knowing, there are also "areas of knowledge." These are the different subject areas that people study and explore in order to gain knowledge about the world. Some examples of areas of knowledge in TOK include natural sciences, human sciences, mathematics, history, and the arts. Students are asked to consider the ways in which different areas of knowledge relate to one another and how they might inform one another.

Finally, it is important to understand the concept of "prescribed titles." These are the specific topics that students are asked to explore and write about as part of their TOK assessments. Prescribed titles are designed to encourage students to think critically about a wide range of topics and to consider the ways in which different areas of knowledge might intersect and inform one another.

In conclusion, TOK vocabulary is an essential aspect of the program, and it is important for students to be familiar with key terms such as knowledge claims, ways of knowing, areas of knowledge, and prescribed titles. By understanding these concepts, students will be better equipped to engage with the program and to think critically and reflectively about the nature of knowledge.

TOK Vocabulary Flashcards

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The TOK EA essay and IA presentation are simply in-depth investigations of Knowledge Questions. TOK Exhibition commentary A single file document that contains 950 words of commentary based on the TOK exhibition along with images of the three objects and their specific real-world context. In TOK discussions and assessments students need to explain how and why different people view and approach situations in different ways. The idea is to make the use of the three objects evident and obvious so as to weave through the chosen IA prompt. Metacognitive: relating to your own thought processes. Some examples of Shared Knowledge i. For instance, you would be the only one on the planet who understands why your favorite mug shattered, as you were the only one who witnessed it fall from the counter to the floor.


TOK exhibition and TOK exhibition examples

tok vocabulary

Most body paragraphs in a TOK essay will focus on arguing a Knowledge Claim. BELIEF: An acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof. If the same results are found then the original conclusions may be justified. Validity: the property of an argument in which the conclusion follows logically from the premises. Is justification internal or external to one's own mind? JUDGEMENT: The ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.


IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Vocabulary: The Complete Guide

tok vocabulary

The argument can be drawn through the thread of ethics and evidence can be presented with reference to IA prompt chosen. Subjectivity: looking at the world from a personal point of view, under the influence of feelings and emotions. TKPPD FYI this term is part of the older curriculum that will wrap up in November 2021. Confirmation bias: the tendency to believe evidence that supports your opinions, and ignore or discount evidence that goes against what you believe. Some of these terms are specific to the new curriculum and others are part of the older curriculum that will wrap up in November 2021. Dunning—Kruger effect: a cognitive bias where we find it difficult to know the limit of our knowledge and expertise.


The Top 1000

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Personal knowledge is the information that an individual accepts and believes, often based on personal experiences that occurred in the absence of other individuals. You get to critically reflect on the reliability of information treated as knowledge through the twelve TOK concepts. Our goal with this list is simple. As the study of knowledge, epistemology is concerned with the following questions: What are the necessary and sufficient conditions of knowledge? TRUTH: That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. APPLICATIONS: The action of putting something into operation. To give one example of the importance of Knowledge Frameworks, consider a difference between the Natural Sciences and History.


IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Glossary

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COUNTERCLAIMS CCs FYI this term is part of the older curriculum that will wrap up in November 2021. The conclusions a historian draws are more open-ended and may be influenced by bias and other factors in different ways than in the Natural Sciences. The arguments can be drawn on ethical grounds and by making connections between the objects and how TOK manifests the world around us. Empirical Knowledge Empiricism is a term that refers to justification derived from experience, which indicates that empirical knowledge results from observation, experimentation, and direct contact with the senses. This is a counterargument that argues the opposing side of a Knowledge Claim.


TOK terminology

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Justify: to show that a belief or decision is well-founded and reasonable. THEORY: A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. Not an RLE:A discussion of the theory of utilitarianism. We want to keep you from trawling through hundreds of phrases and becoming overwhelmed by convoluted explanations. What is its structure, and what are its limits? TOK students must choose one prompt and three objects that they will based their IA exhibition on.



tok vocabulary

ASSUMPTION: A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof. Plato defined knowledge as justified genuine belief. What are its sources? However, it is important that justification of the contribution of each individual object is included. INTERPRETATION: The action of explaining the meaning of something SCOPE: The extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant. In this way, a little knowledge may lead to an unjustified illusion of greater knowledge. Even experts with knowledge in the same area i. A Knowledge Claim is a TOK topic sentence.



tok vocabulary

LOGIC: Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity. In other words, from the commonly recognized definitions of the terms used to define Forms. As the study of justified belief, epistemology aims to answer questions such as: How we are to understand the concept of justification? Truth based on your belief One of your friends may strongly feel that money is the key to happiness, whereas your dad may fervently believe that teaching is the finest career choice for her. Theory of knowledge TOK , a unique study of epistemology in the IB Diploma Programme, opens up a wide window of reflection on the nature of the knowledge you have constructed as a knower and the process of knowing. KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS KQs Knowledge Questions are the heart of TOK.


tok vocabulary

For full help and guidance with the IB Theory of Knowledge,. Later contributors may also find that earlier research and conclusions are invalid. What makes justified beliefs justified? Utilitarianism: the belief that ethics can ultimately be reduced to the principle that we should maximise happiness. A truth that depicts reality According to the 3. All you have to do is.
