Three stages of production process in economics. Production Function Type: 3 Main Types of Production Functions 2022-10-19

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Greek mythology is filled with fascinating tales of gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures. One of the most well-known and intriguing stories is that of Athena and Medusa.

Athena is the goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts, and is often depicted wearing a helmet and carrying a shield and spear. She is the daughter of Zeus and Metis, and was born fully grown and armored from the head of her father. Athena is known for her intelligence, bravery, and strategic thinking, and is often depicted as a protector of the city of Athens.

Medusa, on the other hand, is a monstrous woman with snakes for hair and the ability to turn anyone who looked directly at her into stone. She is often depicted as a victim, as the story goes that she was once a beautiful woman who was punished by the goddess Athena for being raped in a temple dedicated to the goddess. In punishment, Athena transformed Medusa's hair into snakes and cursed her with the ability to turn anyone who looked at her into stone.

Despite their differences, Athena and Medusa are connected through their association with the city of Athens. Athena is revered as the protector of the city, while Medusa is said to have once lived in Athens and was worshipped as a guardian of the city's gates.

The story of Athena and Medusa is a complex one, with themes of jealousy, betrayal, and the consequences of actions. Athena's punishment of Medusa, while perhaps justified in the context of the story, also highlights the danger of using one's power to harm others. On the other hand, Medusa's story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unwanted advances and the importance of consent.

Overall, the story of Athena and Medusa is a classic example of the rich mythology and storytelling of the ancient Greeks, and continues to be a source of inspiration and fascination for people today.

Stages Of The Production In Economics

three stages of production process in economics

Production with Two or More Variable Inputs : We may now extend our analysis to cover more than one variable input. Secondary factors along with other intermediate products are consumed in the production process. In perfect competition where prices of input and output are included, a firm with the objective of profit-maximization will prefer to add inputs only up till the point where the marginal cost of additional input and additional output matches each other. Let us illustrate the law with the help of Table 3. It refers to the provision of goods and services for sale in the market with a view to satisfying human needs and wants.


Stages of Production in Economics

three stages of production process in economics

Moving outward along a particular ray like OR , the ratio of the two inputs remains constant, but to­tal output increases because more of both the inputs are being utilized. Follow-up The production process goes through various stages, which can be understood with the help of the flow chart. It is important to examine each of them individually, yet, as a part of the whole, in order to be able to measure and understand them. Some products can be produced by inputs that can be readily substituted for each other, e. In the first stage the marginal product is positive and enlarging, in the second stage the marginal product is also positive but is declining, and in the third stage the marginal product is negative. It is because the fixed factor of production is being underutilized in the absence of labour. Three Stages of Production in Economics.


Stages of Production in Economics

three stages of production process in economics

For example, produc­ing one computer every two hours is equivalent to suggesting that the process is producing at the rate of half a computer per hour. For example, hiring an additional employee to produce cans actually results in fewer cans produced overall. Three Stages of Production in Economics. The information in Table 13. How long should each person work on a particular workflow? Production process definition The production process is defined as the process in which the factors of production, i.


Stages of the Production in Economics

three stages of production process in economics

The most typical situation is for a production function to have first increasing then decreasing returns to scale as shown in Fig. The factor price ratio tells the producer the rate at which one input can actually be substituted for another in the market place. What are the three stages of production function? The following are generally the basic stages that are involved in most of the production processes. Suppose that a producer uses three inputs A, B, and C in the production of commodity X. Thus when the second unit of labour is employed, MP L per unit is 25.


Three Stages of Production

three stages of production process in economics

However, consider a combination where capital is more scarce and labour more abundant. Hence it is true that as we add input our output will increase but at a decreasing rate and stay below the average product output. An analysis of Table 3. If the number of units of a variable input is increased, keeping other inputs constant, how output changes is the concern of this law. ADVERTISEMENTS: The marginal product starts declining first, then the average product, and finally the total product. When the TP curve reaches its maximum point c, the MP curve becomes zero at point f, and when the former starts declining, the latter becomes negative. Figure 1 In figure 1, the example clearly states that as per the law of diminishing marginal returns as the labor unit is increased from L1 to L3, the output also reached its maximum but after further increase in input, the output started to diminish.


Production Process: Definition, Types & Examples

three stages of production process in economics

Let us consider a simple example. ADVERTISEMENTS: It can also be explained in another way. We start with a general discussion of what is meant by a production function. In this period, each additional variable input will produce more products. Finally, a point will be reached beyond which total output itself will actually fall, indicating a neg­ative marginal product. To produce a range of output, any given set of input can be used and therefore mathematical function of input differs from the economic output.


Three Stages of Production in Economics

three stages of production process in economics

When L equals 2, however, the marginal product of labour shown in Table 13. Each stage is important from the stand­point of efficient resource utilization as shown in Fig. This is the case throughout stage 1 in as much as the aver­age product of labour is a measure of its efficiency. When the two prices under review are kept constant and production function is changed we get the income change generated. Henceforth as long as the marginal product is leading in a positive direction, the total product is also increasing. In a like manner, if producers wish to reduce output in the short run, they may reduce the quantum usage of only variable inputs.


Production Function Type: 3 Main Types of Production Functions

three stages of production process in economics

The customisation may be on the basis of shape, colour, pattern, product material, etc. The aim of every producer is to get maximum profits, and to achieve this he combines the various resources in such a proportion that a given output is manufactured at the least cost. This is not merely a concept but the law of diminishing marginal returns according to which during production process as input capital, workers, etc. The 3 stages of production are characterized by the slope and form of the overall product curve. Then returns to scale RTS would become negative, as at point A of Fig. For example, if the mean curve represents the number of units produced on average based on a given number of employees, the marginal curve would show the number of additional units produced if one more employee is added. The T-shirt manufacturing company may opt for batch manufacturing, as they would want to manufacture in different sizes from small, medium and large, and also in different colours, say red, blue, green, and yellow.


Three stages of production in the economy

three stages of production process in economics

This content was COPIED from BrainMass. When coordination costs more than offset additional benefits of specialization, decreasing returns to scale begin. In this period, each additional variable input will produce more products. Stage two The second stage is the period in which marginal growth begins to decline and reaches zero. Thus, we observe that the production process is time-specific. And this rule is applicable to variable resource allocation problems.


What are the three stages of production microeconomics?

three stages of production process in economics

If, the input is still kept on increasing then at a stage of this process, the output shall start narrowing to even become negative, if not stopped. It is so because in a competitive world the production managers will be compelled to use the technology that is most cost effective. To find out the marginal product we have to take the first derivative of the production function. Capital must decrease enough to offset the increase in output generated by the increase in labour. The project will be helpful for the manufacturing companies as it relates to the adoptions of production process at various stages and analyzes the level where maximum level of output is attained.
