The white umbrella lesson plan. The Big Umbrella Activities and Lesson Plans for 2022 2022-11-02

The white umbrella lesson plan Rating: 6,8/10 605 reviews

The White Umbrella is a lesson plan that aims to teach students about the importance of self-acceptance and understanding. It is based on the idea that everyone has their own unique qualities and characteristics, just like how no two white umbrellas are exactly the same.

To begin the lesson, the teacher can start by showing students a white umbrella and asking them to describe it. The students may notice that the umbrella has different markings, stains, or imperfections, but it is still a functional umbrella that serves the same purpose as any other. The teacher can then explain that just like the umbrella, every person is unique and has their own individual traits, flaws, and experiences that make them who they are.

Next, the teacher can have the students reflect on their own qualities and characteristics. This can be done through a brainstorming activity where students write down words or phrases that describe themselves. The teacher can then facilitate a discussion on how each student's qualities and characteristics make them special and unique.

The teacher can also introduce the concept of self-acceptance by having the students reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses. The students can then discuss how they can embrace their strengths and work on improving their weaknesses. The teacher can also encourage the students to be kind and accepting towards themselves and others, emphasizing the importance of celebrating diversity and individuality.

Throughout the lesson, the teacher can use the white umbrella as a metaphor to illustrate the idea that everyone is different, and that is something to be celebrated. The teacher can also use this opportunity to address any negative stereotypes or prejudices that the students may have, and encourage them to be open-minded and accepting of others.

Overall, the White Umbrella lesson plan is a great way to teach students about self-acceptance and understanding, as well as the importance of celebrating diversity and individuality. By using the metaphor of the white umbrella, the teacher can engage the students in a meaningful and thought-provoking discussion on these important topics.

Seventh grade Lesson Second Read of "The White Umbrella"

the white umbrella lesson plan

. The narrator of The White Umbrella is a Chinese American girl who struggles with feelings of embarrassment and longing to be like others. I even played it for my students. Read the Big Ideas and Key Understandings and the Synopsis. You still have a run-on sentence. Make sure you check out their comments in the video in the next section. When we were all back in seats, I asked for some volunteers to share what they noticed for the first time or what they now understood.

Next :: The White Umbrella

the white umbrella lesson plan

Please do not read this to the students. She still thinks it is like being poor. We defined the words that we knew, that could be considered common knowledge, and identified the words that we need to use context and dictionaries to learn. The book was written by Amy June Bates. I think it's really important to ask three or four students to share their questions or words during reading. The audio story is 18 minutes and 25 seconds. Throughout the story, she begins to have a different perspective on her mom.


The Umbrella by Jan Brett Lesson Plan

the white umbrella lesson plan

Both of them were. We found this book was especially good at teaching the topics listed below. They're the stories that confuse you and keep you up at night. It takes time to stop, write a question and word, and share three or four of them, so this activity took about thirty minutes. I placed a sticky note at those places, and ended up with six. They could read the story by themselves or with a small group. This oral second read was successful because they knew the plot, words, characters, etc.


White Umbrella Flashcards

the white umbrella lesson plan

Unfortunately, my school doesn't have enough books for every student. This time, one group latched on to the notion that the father is only mentioned once, and then never again. This is a description for teachers about the big ideas and key understanding that students should take away after completing this task. I think they would actually have built a ship and lake, in order to mutiny and make me walk the plank. They're the ones without happy endings.


Seventh grade Lesson Initial Reading of "The White Umbrella"

the white umbrella lesson plan

I gave one lucky student the job of sitting at my computer and stopping the audio book at the designated times. One student asked, "But what if they won't talk to you because they're talking to someone else? I decided to use the audiobook instead, but it could easily be self-paced. Each student was assigned a book number alphabetical order and they will be responsible for that book number. I had to give student about ten more minutes to finish the vocabulary part. I showed students a list of their names and which book they were assigned, and then directed them to get the books five students at a time.


The Big Umbrella Activities and Lesson Plans for 2022

the white umbrella lesson plan

You may want to check out our genre activities or read our blog post, How many pages are in the book? We stopped at basically the same points throughout the story as during the first read. Last year, if I had told students that we were going to be reading a story in an anthology twice, they would have mutinied. You and your students will love it too! At the end of The White Umbrella, she respects her mom and realizes that her mom likes to have a job. It is a fiction book. Today we had were lots of run-on sentences. The narrator of The White Umbrella reconsiders her mother working throughout the story.


8. The White Umbrella. lesson

the white umbrella lesson plan

My eighth hour is so small we're up to fourteen kids! It did not matter if they were big, hairy, or had 4 legs. Elementary teachers looking for lesson plans and activities for The Big Umbrella will love this post. Who is the illustrator? What could they write for their response? What will I dooooooooo? Helmsley Charitable Trust and the GE Foundation. He loved it, and everyone else was so jealous. I turned around and said, "I'm working with Isaac right now. I could have gone for five or seven. With themes of kindness and inclusivity, this The Big Umbrella picture book by Amy June Bates is a favorite in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms.


The White Umbrella Summary And Thesis Essay Example (300 Words)

the white umbrella lesson plan

What do you think would be the most effective way to create the definition? This includes embarrassment over her own immigrant mother. We have a class set, so this reading had to be done in class. Today's absolutely adorable lesson picture is two of my students reading "The White Umbrella. If students were reading in groups or independently, I wouldn't have to interrupt their reading to tell them to write a question. It includes tons of helpful information about the book and resource recommendations for teachers. For my other classes, I divided them up into three groups.
