The weapon short story. Wish you were here: "The weapon" by Frederic Brown 2022-11-08

The weapon short story Rating: 7,9/10 917 reviews

The weapon is a short story about a young boy named Timmy who lives in a world where violence and warfare are rampant. Timmy is constantly worried about being attacked and always carries a weapon with him for protection.

One day, while out on a walk, Timmy comes across a group of children his own age who are playing a game of tag. Timmy is hesitant to join in at first because he doesn't want to leave his weapon behind, but eventually he decides to put it down and join in the fun.

As Timmy plays with the other children, he realizes that he has been so focused on being ready for violence that he has forgotten how to have fun and be a normal kid. He starts to feel guilty for letting his fear of being attacked control his life and decides to leave his weapon behind when he goes to play with the other kids in the future.

The story ends with Timmy returning home and telling his parents about his decision to leave his weapon behind when he plays with his friends. His parents are proud of him for making this choice and for learning that there are other ways to feel safe and secure beyond just carrying a weapon.

Overall, the weapon is a thought-provoking story that highlights the dangers of living in a society where violence is prevalent and the importance of finding ways to feel safe and secure that don't rely on weapons and violence. It reminds us that it is possible to find peace and joy in the world, even in the midst of difficult circumstances, and encourages us to embrace the power of love and connection over fear and division.

The Weapon Shop

the weapon short story

Dr James leaves us with his thought " only a madman would give a loaded revolver to an idiot. One thought provoking idea, is expressed clearly in the story The weapon by Fredric Brown. Only when Niemand is gone, the scientist discovers what the gift really is: a loaded revolver, which makes him wonder that only a madman would give a weapon like that to a retarded child. As his mind became clearer and his gaze moved around the ceiling, that wretched clock came back into view. A Minie Ball is a bullet for a rifle that has grooves around the entire surface that serves the same purpose as a rifled gun barrel, to keep the bullet steady. The gun is an ideal symbol , for it is a weapon that if not used properly can result in unfortunate consequences, including death. Fredric Brown October 29, 1906 — March 11, 1972 Star Trek.


The Weapon Shops of Isher

the weapon short story

He really had been abducted, he really was trapped. It was probably published in the 1970s, or possibly the early 80s. He found himself in a room. I don't believe it to be a coincidence. It was also published as a paperback by Ace Books and in 1969 by New English Library in the U. Sitting across from him was a petite woman.


The Weapon Too Dreadful to Use

the weapon short story

The other stories were less memorable. Dawe has showed this through many techniques. Europe was able to emerge as a world power because of its economic supremacy and individualism. Or where here really is. She sat forward as her eyes washed over Fredrik from head to toe. The clean conditions, the availability of the time, it all made sense, "Lab rats. Still he couldn't forget the oddly unfamiliar pressure of the chronometer on his wrist—it was like the soft touch of Elora's fingers, when she had fastened it there.


"The Weapon"

the weapon short story

Nobody is willing to help him except, surprisingly, the operators of the weapons shop. None of our ships able to undertake rescue. No shadow of jealousy had ever come over their friendship. Fighting their way through the structure, the two witnessed Cortana's memories of her facing off with After finally reaching the Harbinger, the Weapon monitored the transmissions to another location and attempted to deduce their contents while helping the Master Chief to stop the Harbinger. My radio and transponder died in mid-flight as did my engines.


An Analysis of ''The weapon'' by Fredric Brown

the weapon short story

It was a very thin paperback, with only 4 or 5 stories, and the cover was predominantly black. Dr James, is similar to this, as he does not think about the outcome of the weapon he is creating, completely believes that he is doing the right thing for science, and refuses to listen to other peoples views. This proves to be very effective in conveying themes in this sort of form, as the reader steps in to Charlie's life, understanding how he feels, and his emotions. He is infuriated when a weapons shop, which sells fantastic technology but which is not controlled by the Empress, materializes in his town. Niemand reads him "Chicken Little". His thoughts fixated on his epiphany, but his thoughts quickly began to mush.


Wish you were here: "The weapon" by Frederic Brown

the weapon short story

During his study time one night, a guest Mr. The story is written in third person, giving the reader, an unbiased perception, and a clearer view of what is happening. He seated himself and placed his hands on his knees, "My name is Fredrik. The look in her eyes was wild, crazed, and yet, eerily solemn. He suggests to use the energy left to make a change in the past and make that girl write a letter to his friend, not to him, giving him a advantage in time.


Free Essay: An Analysis of The weapon by Fredric Brown

the weapon short story

She stopped in front of the shelf on her side of the room and placed her hand on its surface. I think that we can interpret the moral of this short story as a kind of comparison with actual conflicts between science or progress and moral or ethics. The weapons shop organization restores his stolen property, and he quietly joins their resistance to the state. Because she loves Tony. When he wakes up, the ship is damaged, the empire lost, everyone in shock. He wanted to connect with her on some level, any level. It wasn't long from then that Fredrik was overcome by the fear, shock, and misery.


Short story: ultimate Martian weapon

the weapon short story

Throughout Charlie Gordon's first months, he describes people laughing and teasing him, but Charlie does not realise this and believes that they are being friendly and affectionate. He looked over to the bed where Joanie should have been but wasn't. His head slightly ached. The fog of his mind began to lift. Strange, when he had worn it for twenty years. I mean, it makes sense.


Lamb to the Slaughter

the weapon short story

Her head fell into her hands and she began to cry. It wasn't a bad dream. When Dr James discovers the revolver MR Neimand has left for his son, he bursts out into anger- all the tension that had been built up throughout the story. In this way when Mr. Given any sort of achronic range finder, Tony Grimm could wipe it out. Halfway down here right leg and across the center of her groin was stained with hues of yellow.


A Literary Analysis of the Weapon by Fredric Brown

the weapon short story

Chicken Little seems so sure that the sky is falling when the acorn hits him on the head and without a second thought runs along to tell the King. He wondered if Tony had ever guessed his love for Elora. There is no media either. His intelligence becomes unbelievable, making it difficult for him to communicate to people on a normal level. Centered approximately four or five feet over the toilet, embedded in the wall was a digital clock display.
