The spirit catches you and you fall down analysis. Analysis Of Midterm: The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down 2022-10-18

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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down is a poignant and thought-provoking book written by Anne Fadiman that delves into the complex and often contentious relationship between western medicine and the Hmong culture. The book tells the story of Lia Lee, a young Hmong girl who suffers from epilepsy, and her family, who are immigrants from Laos living in California.

At the heart of the story is the cultural divide between Lia's Hmong family and the American medical system, which is unable to understand or accommodate the Hmong's traditional beliefs and practices. The Hmong believe that illnesses are caused by imbalances in the body's natural energies, and that they can be treated through rituals, sacrifices, and the use of traditional healing practices. In contrast, western medicine relies on scientific knowledge and technological interventions to treat diseases and illnesses.

As Lia's epilepsy progresses and she experiences more frequent and severe seizures, the conflict between the Hmong and the American medical system becomes more pronounced. Lia's parents are hesitant to follow the prescribed treatments and often turn to traditional Hmong healers instead, leading to misunderstandings and frustrations on both sides. The doctors, in turn, see Lia's parents as stubborn and uncooperative, and are unable to understand their cultural beliefs and practices.

Throughout the book, Fadiman does an excellent job of highlighting the difficulties and misunderstandings that can arise when two very different cultures and systems of belief collide. She shows the limitations of western medicine in its inability to understand and respect the Hmong's cultural practices, and the importance of cultural competency in healthcare. At the same time, she also recognizes the limitations of traditional Hmong healing practices and the importance of seeking appropriate medical treatment.

Ultimately, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down is a powerful reminder of the need for cultural sensitivity and understanding in healthcare. It highlights the importance of respecting and valuing the beliefs and practices of different cultures, and the importance of finding ways to bridge the gap between different systems of belief and understanding. It is a thought-provoking and moving book that will leave a lasting impression on all who read it.

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman Plot Summary

the spirit catches you and you fall down analysis

This time, they brought with them a cousin who spoke some English. She demonstrated a willingness to learn from them and admirably strong commitment to advocacy on their behalf. Reference List Bailey, Z. These sources, along with various anthropological Ph. The result of this surge of energy through the brain causes unconsciousness and… the spirit catches you and you fall down 1. The workers that exemplified it in their practice did the best that they could with their limited resources.


The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down Analysis

the spirit catches you and you fall down analysis

So it became challenging to them any time they visit Merced's hospital to express themselves. The ANOVA Test is a way of finding out if the particular results of a test are important or significant. Illnesses originate on a molecular level, making it hard for the doctors to hear about the Hmong customs. There are 288 pages in this book. The writing also comes to life through the use of quotes from primary sources. This problem is also relevant to the Hispanic population, as about 25 million people in the United States have limited English proficiency Steinberg et al.


Analysis of "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down" by Anne Fadiman Essay Example

the spirit catches you and you fall down analysis

Eventually, on her third visit, Lia arrives while still seizing. As an example, one Hmong reviewer does not remember epilepsy as bringing honor to a person; she remembers only the stigma attached to the disease. In 1975 a large group of Hmong, who were exiled after Laos fell to comm. Luckily, however, Professor Yanmei was able to show me this amazing book! The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down Essay 1370 Words 6 Pages Cross-cultural methods and approaches should be taken to accommodate for the diverse patient population in our communities. . Lessons learned from The spirit catches you and you fall down: Student perspectives on how cultural differences can lead to health disparities. For example, one of the discussion boards asked us to detail Working On Commoncross-Cultural Communication Analysis 307 Words 2 Pages A culture, by definition, is a set of shared beliefs within a society; learning how to interact with people from different cultures is important in order to communicate and work with each other.


Analysis Of The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down

the spirit catches you and you fall down analysis

Each of these environments interact with the Lee family in different ways. The Hmong may be symbolized by a recurring character in their folktales, the Orphan, who lives by himself on the margins of society, yet is in fact clever, courageous, talented, and superior to those who look down on him. The Merced Hospital Staff believed Lia suffered from Epilepsy. Their revolt was initially successful, but the men were all eventually killed or captured. The population has also been changing in expensive ways: there are now 12,000 Hmong among Merced's 61,000 residents, and, while many chose not to use its services, there are still a large number of Hmong patients requiring higher than average levels of time and attention.


Critique of The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Analysis Free Essay Example

the spirit catches you and you fall down analysis

It begins with the very beginning of the story. The story of Lia The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down is the story of a Hmong Family, the Lees, their journey to America, and their struggles following their immigration. When working in the healthcare field a person cultural background should be respected at all times. In order for this to work both cultures need to first build the relationships and establish a sense of trust between each other. Cultural knowledge is also the basis of competence and comes from the previous aspect. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down is a story that portrays the life of a young Hmong girl named Lia Lee and her battle with heritage and the medical profession. The doctor told her to come back in a year if she still had the same suspicions.


The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman

the spirit catches you and you fall down analysis

Chapter 8 When Anne first meets Lia's parents, Foua and Nao Kao, she's nervous as an outsider about gaining their trust. In Laos, this ceremony took place on the third day after the baby's birth, and the baby isn't considered fully human until the ceremony occurs. Avoiding intimidating and complicated expressions will ensure that people get and understand the message better. As I read more and learned about her transcultural theory, I realized how important this is in my everyday practice. While the Hmong acknowledge epilepsy as a serious and potentially dangerous disease, they also believe it confers on the sufferer a certain mark of distinction. This class gave me the opportunity to view situations from a different perspective, especially through the weekly discussion boards and peer responses.


Analysis Of Midterm: The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down

the spirit catches you and you fall down analysis

Are they similarly responsible, or does each play a different role? Chapter 4 places the present conflict in context by examining more generally the uneasy relationship between the Hmong and the western medical system. The difference is referenced in words so that people can distinguish the difference more easily. However, the treatment process is complicated by the cultural characteristics of the family. . GradeSaver, 27 May 2015 Web. Closer collaboration between the departments of the hospital may have led to a more prompt address by such a route. The txiv neeb ties a cord from Lia to the pig, as before, and gives the pig his spirit money before he kills it.


Analysis: The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down

the spirit catches you and you fall down analysis

But however, if the American Doctors knew about the Hmong people's culture, language and the Lee's thoughts on what was going on with Lia it also could have been prevented a lot. The ceremony was very well attended. Some of the medical advantages that are attributed to marijuana are; helps one to reduce vomiting, reduce on nausea that is induced on chemotherapy levels, alleviates neuropathic pain and significantly aids in the improvement of the sclerosis spasticity processes in hospitals. It comes as no surprise, then, that the Lees stop giving Lia any medication at all for three months. Then, I will proceed my analysis by comparing it with the Western perspectives and practices on healing. In the book, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, Lia Lee is a Hmong child living with epilepsy and struggles to gain control of her condition because a lack of cross culture communication between her parents and American The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down Analysis Introduction The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, portrays two themes. This "flaw" is the flip side of a virtue, a vulnerability of someone whose character is admirable due to possession of that virtue.
