The restoration period in english literature. Characteristics Of The Restoration Period 2022-11-06

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The Restoration period in English literature refers to the time period between 1660 and 1700, following the Interregnum and the rule of Oliver Cromwell. This period was marked by the return of the monarchy, with King Charles II taking the throne after the death of Cromwell. The Restoration period is known for its focus on refinement, wit, and intellectualism, as well as the emergence of new literary genres such as the restoration comedy and the heroic play.

One of the most notable features of the Restoration period was the renewed emphasis on social and cultural refinement. The years of Puritan rule under Cromwell had been marked by strict moral codes and a suppression of leisure and artistic pursuits. With the return of the monarchy, there was a renewed focus on pleasure, enjoyment, and the finer things in life. This is reflected in the literature of the time, which often focused on the lives and antics of the wealthy and privileged classes.

One of the most popular genres of literature during the Restoration period was the restoration comedy, which depicted the wit and sophistication of upper-class society. These plays often featured witty dialogue, clever wordplay, and sexual innuendo, and were popular with audiences of all classes. Some of the most famous restoration comedies include William Wycherley's "The Country Wife" and William Congreve's "The Way of the World."

In addition to the restoration comedy, the heroic play was another popular genre during this time. These plays featured larger-than-life heroes who were often based on historical or mythological figures. They often had complex plots and featured themes of honor, bravery, and love. Some of the most famous heroic plays of the Restoration period include John Dryden's "All for Love" and Nathaniel Lee's "The Rival Queens."

Another notable feature of the literature of the Restoration period was the emergence of the essay as a literary form. During this time, there was a great deal of intellectual ferment and debate, and the essay became a popular means of expressing and discussing ideas. Some of the most famous essayists of the time include John Dryden, Joseph Addison, and Richard Steele, who together founded the famous periodical "The Spectator."

In conclusion, the Restoration period in English literature was marked by a renewed focus on refinement, wit, and intellectualism, as well as the emergence of new literary genres such as the restoration comedy and the heroic play. This period was also marked by the emergence of the essay as a literary form, and saw the publication of many influential periodicals and essays.

The Restoration Period in England Timeline & Literature

the restoration period in english literature

This, however, started theater groups that started portraying their own plays for profit and entertainment. Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 2012 : 77—96. What was a "breeches part"? Horace Walpole, The Castle of Otranto, 1764. Alexander Pope is a towering figure in the literary world during this period, among the most famous writers of his day. . His poetry is gentle, winsome, sweet, often melancholy.


What are some Restoration period features, important writers and their works?

the restoration period in english literature

Hume, The Development of English Drama in the Late Seventeenth Century 1976 p. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia 6thed. Charles had no legitimate heir. Famous Restoration Comedies John Dryden, Marriage A La Mode, 1673. To enjoy this book, you have to just relax and go with the flow, laughing at farcical humor, double-entendres, random philosophical discussion, and even occasional blank pages—just following the mind of a charming and interesting man wherever it happens to go. Their king then sends for him to be brought to the kingdom and this is where his satirical abilities begin to show.


English literature

the restoration period in english literature

I really love reading William Cowper. This reflected the mood of the century. There are still pranks and schemes, but no villain looks too evil and it all comes out fine in the end. Therefore I say this: I dare you to read it! To learn more about the cultural background, authors, and styles from this era, read this post: Reading Restoration and 18th Century English Literature Links: Reading Resources—Find Free Texts Online: TIMELINES Restoration Literature: 1660-1700 Significant Historical Dates: 1660: Charles II restored to the throne. The Catholics were being punished. Whig party included those who opposed Charles-II and favoured Aristocratic succession for Monarchy.


The Restoration Period in English Literature: Timeline & Overview

the restoration period in english literature

This effect extended beyond his death, in some instances, and not as long as his life, in others. Horace, Virgil, and Ovid, favorite models for 18th century poets, were writing at this time. Like Restoration comedy, it's difficult to demonstrate exactly when many of the features that are common to this era's poetry ended. The writers expressed superficial manners and customs of the aristocratic and urban society. All of these adventures give readers a radically different perspective to assess human character; on the whole, the picture is not flattering.


Characteristics Of The Restoration Period

the restoration period in english literature

The Stuart dynasty reigned over all of Great Britain from 1603 to 1714 and spent the people's tax money on lavish lifestyles. However, novels slowly divested themselves of the Behn's first novel was The History of a Nun. To read some, search the listed titles online—texts of the poems listed are easy to find. All Answers ltd, 'The Restoration Period Of Jonathan Swift English Literature Essay' UKEssays. Harriet is under control of her old lovelorn aunt, Lady Woodville, whom Dorimont must pretend to court in order to get at Harriet.


The Restoration and the 18th Century

the restoration period in english literature

His poetry often assumes a lyric pose, as he pretends to write in sadness over his own impotence "The Disabled Debauchee" or sexual conquests, but most of Rochester's poetry is a parody of an existing, Classically authorised form. The period from 1660 to 1700 is named as the Restoration period. Misunderstandings In William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing 744 Words 3 Pages In Much Ado About Nothing, wit was the down fall to many of the characters, but it was also used to provide the audience with comedic relief. Like many other writers of his time, Pope honored the Classics, particularly Horace, Virgil, and Homer, adapting classical form and style to English poetry. That goes wrong when a huge helmet mysteriously appears to crush Conrad to death.


Stuart Restoration

the restoration period in english literature

A lifelong Londoner, he loved every aspect of its culture, especially the nightlife and beautiful ladies. Poetry Like theatre, poetry was strongly influenced by the political context of the mid-17th century. The influence of theatre company competition and playhouse economics is also acknowledged, as is the significance of the appearance of the first professional actresses see Howe. The questions mainly dealt with love and health, but there were some bizarre and intentionally amusing questions as well e. Her kindly adopted father has not told her about her true parentage, so she must also navigate the various relatives she meets who want to influence and control her. Where Richardson is earnest, Fielding is playful; where Richardson is didactic, Fielding is satiric; where Richardson is melodramatic, Fielding is sentimental.


Summary of Restoration Period » Smart English Notes

the restoration period in english literature

The Secret Life of Aphra Behn. James Boswell was an intimate friend of Samuel Johnson in his later years, not to mention acquainted with most of the famous writers, artists, and thinkers of the era, including Rousseau and Voltaire. He followed the success of Love Given O'er with a series of misogynistic poems, all of which have specific, graphic, and witty denunciations of female behaviour. They were the Whigs and the Tories. Comedy of manners is a high class comedy because it involves the use of sophisticated wit and is intellectual and totally opposite to slapstick, which requires little skill.


The Restoration: Facts, Summary & Literature

the restoration period in english literature

In this poem Dryden attempted to support the rights of Charles while allowing for the just quarrels of his opponents, a delicate task that most serious readers say he achieved. Great Fire of London. The King openly proclaimed his love of parliaments, his devotion to the immemorial constitution of balance and moderation, his Protestant fervor, and his pious hopes for a national church. This very funny mock heroic poem makes fun of a second-rate dramatist Thomas Shadwell, who annoyed Dryden by continuing to insist that he was the true heir of the late great Ben Jonson. Smollett produces humor as well as social critique by having each different person recount the same incident from their own personal perspective.


The Restoration Period (1660

the restoration period in english literature

This age offered leading authors like Dryden and Congreve whose contribution to the literature is memorable. Learn the timeline of the pre- and post-Restoration periods and understand the political and philosophical context of this period. However, the main focus of the story is when the ship, on which he resides, crashes into a rock and he swims to shore, passing out a mile onto the island. Some examples of new types of theatres were horseshoe theatres, which had balconies in the horseshoe shape and music halls, where the audience could come and go freely and weren 't restricted to certain showtimes. Henry Fielding, Tom Jones, 1749.
