The last leaf plot analysis. The Last Leaf Analysis 2022-10-10

The last leaf plot analysis Rating: 8,2/10 170 reviews

The Last Leaf is a short story by O. Henry about a young woman named Johnsy who is suffering from pneumonia. She is bedridden and has a bleak outlook on life, believing that she will die when the last leaf on the ivy vine outside her window falls.

The story is set in Greenwich Village, a bohemian neighborhood in New York City, during a particularly cold winter. Johnsy is being cared for by a nurse named Sue, who tries her best to lift Johnsy's spirits and encourage her to fight her illness.

One day, Johnsy becomes fixated on the last leaf on the ivy vine and believes that when it falls, she will die. Sue tries to persuade Johnsy otherwise, but Johnsy remains convinced.

Meanwhile, there is a painter named Behrman who lives in the same building as Johnsy and Sue. Behrman is a reclusive man who rarely leaves his room, but he is touched by Johnsy's situation and decides to do something to help. He spends a long, cold night outside, painting a leaf on the wall in the same place as the real leaf on the ivy vine.

When Johnsy wakes up the next morning, she sees the leaf on the wall and is overjoyed. She believes that the leaf has somehow stayed on the vine, and this gives her hope and the will to live. She begins to recover from her illness and eventually makes a full recovery.

The Last Leaf is a touching story about the power of hope and the human spirit. It shows that even in the darkest of times, a small act of kindness can make a big difference. The character of Behrman is a perfect example of this, as his selfless act of painting the leaf on the wall ultimately saves Johnsy's life.

Overall, The Last Leaf is a heartwarming tale that celebrates the human capacity for compassion and resilience. It is a reminder that hope can be a powerful force and that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a profound impact on the lives of others.

The Last Leaf Analysis By O Henry • English Summary

the last leaf plot analysis

Has she anything on her mind worth thinking twice - a man for instance? Sue moves her drawing board and other art supplies into Johnsy's room where she can watch over her friend. He also sacrifices himself for his art, finally achieving his long-promised masterpiece. However, the mention that Behrman is ill "only two days," the fact that he takes a light to paint, and the greater dramatic impact of his painting the leaf on the second, rainy night, makes the latter time frame seem more likely. Sue replies that there isn't one. Name Role Johnsy She is an artist from California who shares an apartment with a woman named Sue. Behrman and Sue return to her apartment where they peer anxiously out at the ivy vine because there is a steady, cold rain falling, mixed with snow. The delightful and sentimental short story entitled " As is the case in many of O.


The Last Leaf Plot

the last leaf plot analysis

He passes away after two days. They met in May while eating at a restaurant, found that they had similar tastes, and decided to share a studio. So, he earns money by serving as a model for young artists. But while doing so, he fell ill due to the exposure to freezing cold weather and heavy rainfall outside. Her request for food and a mirror as well as her statement that she hopes to paint the Bay of Naples demonstrate that her hope has returned along with her health. Johnsy decides that this leaf has given her hope and that she was wrong to want to die. Readers will note that O.


The Last Leaf Analysis

the last leaf plot analysis

Set in the first decade of the twentieth century the story is narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator and after reading the story the reader realises that Henry may be exploring the theme of commitment. Johnsy claims that when the last leaf falls, her death will arrive. Sue explains Johnsy's obsession with the vine to Behrman, and Behrman scoffs and calls it foolish. Johnsy is looking out the window and counting backwards. A number of O. It is short and entertaining. Though as mentioned he changes later on in the story.


The Last Leaf Summary & Analysis

the last leaf plot analysis

In 1907, before the advent of modern over-the-counter medications, it would have been uncomfortable and potentially deadly. Henry personifies pneumonia, naming it Mr. Behrman leaves early in the morning, and Sue gets one hour's sleep. Something that is noticeable when her health improves on her discovery that the last leaf has not fallen. There are only five left now. Johnsy comments that this last leaf will fall during the day, and then she will die.


The Last Leaf by O. Henry

the last leaf plot analysis

An increasingly fatalistic Johnsy becomes obsessed with the leaves falling from a vine outside her window. The doctor finds this silly and asks if there's a man in Johnsy's life who is "worth being troubled about. Henry makes the doctor dislikeable for his sexist comments that neglect the idea that women are complete and intellectual people. Henry wants to surprise readers with the revelation of the last leaf's origin, just as Sue is surprised. Behrman comes up to the floor where Sue and Johnsy live. He talks about the disease like it is an evil sentient being, writing: ''Mr. Behrman to pose for her painting, and they got into a discussion about Johnsy, and she told Behrman that Johnsy expected to die when the last leaf fell from the vine.


The Last Leaf

the last leaf plot analysis

With weariness, Sue does so. Johnsy agrees to sleep but says she wants to be awake to watch the last leaf fall. In describing the streets of Greenwich Village, the author writes that the streets "turn in different directions" and that "one street goes across itself one or two times. She says, "A man? Behrman, on the other hand, is described as elderly and may be in poor health because of his drinking problem. From this perspective, the women emerge victorious: Helped by the old European artist, they defy the illness and the doctor and survive to continue their work as independent women artists. According to the doctor, the will to live is actually half the cure. Is Johnsy Really Dying? Soon, Johnsy recovered from her illness.


The Last Leaf Summary

the last leaf plot analysis

She asks Johnsy if she wondered why it never moved, even in the wind. Friendship Sue and Johnsy are close. Readers can't be certain whether Johnsy is really dying of pneumonia in the story or if she has simply lost her will to life. Rather than at first having empathy for Johnsy. She recognizes that her will to live was stronger than her psychological stress.


Analysis of O. Henry’s The Last Leaf

the last leaf plot analysis

The character wants something or desires something. Though Behrman does end up sacrificing his life for Johnsy. Behrman sacrifices his own life in order to give some hope to Johnsy. Aspiring artists have come there from all parts of the country as do Johnsy, who is from California, and Sue, who is from Maine. He asks Sue if Johnsy is in love with anyone because interest in a man would give her the will to live. Sue mentions her unfulfilled ambition to paint the Bay of Naples, but the doctor dismisses this and asks if Johnsy is depressed over a man.
