The kansas city gun experiment is an example of. Topic 2 DQ 2022-11-04

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The Kansas City Gun Experiment was a study conducted in the 1980s by the Kansas City Police Department and the National Institute of Justice to examine the effectiveness of targeted police patrols in reducing gun violence in high-crime areas. The experiment, which took place in two high-crime neighborhoods in Kansas City, Missouri, was a randomized controlled trial in which one neighborhood received targeted patrols while the other served as the control group.

The targeted patrols involved a high-visibility policing strategy in which police officers patrolled the neighborhood in marked cars, on foot, and on bicycles. They also conducted undercover operations and worked closely with community members to identify and apprehend individuals involved in gun violence. The goal of the targeted patrols was to disrupt and deter criminal activity, particularly gun violence, and to create a sense of safety and security in the community.

The results of the Kansas City Gun Experiment were mixed. On the one hand, the targeted patrols did lead to a reduction in gun violence in the neighborhood where they were implemented. There was a 25% reduction in gun assaults and a 20% reduction in gun homicides in the experimental neighborhood compared to the control group. This suggests that targeted patrols can be an effective strategy for reducing gun violence in high-crime areas.

On the other hand, the Kansas City Gun Experiment also found that targeted patrols had little impact on overall crime rates. There was no significant difference in the overall crime rate between the experimental and control neighborhoods, indicating that targeted patrols may not be a viable solution for reducing crime more broadly.

In addition, the Kansas City Gun Experiment faced criticism for its methodology and for its limited scope. Some critics argued that the study did not adequately control for other factors that could have influenced the results, such as changes in the local economy or changes in policing strategies in the control neighborhood. Others argued that the study focused too narrowly on gun violence and did not consider other types of crime.

Despite these limitations, the Kansas City Gun Experiment remains an important example of the potential effectiveness of targeted patrols in reducing gun violence in high-crime areas. While the study may not provide a comprehensive solution to the problem of crime, it does suggest that targeted patrols can be an important part of a broader approach to addressing gun violence and improving public safety.

Topic 2 DQ

the kansas city gun experiment is an example of

The intellectual caliber of the police rose C. What pattern does research reveal regarding officers' involvement in use-of-force incidents? One problem was that majority of people in Kansas City drive cars or have modes of transportation, while in New York majority of citizens use public transportation or walk. A second model assumed that the weekly gun crime data points were not independent but were correlated serially, and thus required a Box—Jenkins ARIM autoregressive integrated moving average test of the effect of an abrupt intervention in a time series. It is submitted that Sherman and Rogan 1995 use of the four different models described above attempted to ensure that an acceptable level of triangulation and as such, internal consistency was achieved given the fact that the program design itself did not lend itself to the researcher having data and an opportunity such that responses to the individual items in a multiple-item measure could be checked for consistency. The war against crime cannot be won without bending the rules C. Also, there was no significant displacement of gun crimes to areas surrounding the target area.


Kansas Gun City Experiment

the kansas city gun experiment is an example of

It is to be noted that the evaluator accompanied the officers on 300 hours of hot spots patrol out of 2,256 assuming that the 300 referred to patrol car-hours. And although the data on crime in this period is too spotty to draw definite conclusions, the Council on Criminal Justice notes that about half of all murders are "unknown. There is little evidence that police patrol deters crime. The experiment involved the participation of community members, who were positioned as allies in preventing and solving crimes. Property room data on guns seized, computerized crime reports, calls for service data, and arrest records were analyzed for both areas under the study.


The Kansas city gun

the kansas city gun experiment is an example of

The use of the term "criminal justice system" reflected a view that justice agencies could be connected in an intricate yet often unobserved network of decision-making processes. Private policing is concerned more on loss prevention than on crime D. She was a drug dealer who spent time in jail and prison and then cleaned up her act after she was arrested for the third time. There is little evidence that use-of-force incidents are racially motivated. Reliability of a measure can be described as when a measure yields consistent scores or observations on a given phenomenon on different occasions Bachman and Schutt 2007, p. Pe Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio.


Quiz 3 Flashcards

the kansas city gun experiment is an example of

The correctional population has been consistently decreasing with 7 million people currently under the control of the correctional system Which of the following statements is false? Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Firstly the reliability of measurement of the study is critiqued by examining its test-retest reliability and its internal consistency. The results from the study showed that there was a 46% drop in crime Braga et al. It was based on the premise that seizure of guns and gun crime are inversely proportional. Educated officers have greater disciplinary problems due to job boredom D. Patrol techniques can significantly impact citizens' satisfaction with police. All of the above are correct.


Criminal justice midterm Flashcards

the kansas city gun experiment is an example of

The control group which was used to increase the reliability of results was left untreated meaning that no special efforts or extra patrols were carried out. Sting operations Which of the following is false regarding the use of DNA? Lorem ipsum dolor Donec aliquet. They found that crime in these areas decreased by an average of 25 percent, and the program was effective in reducing homicides. Some of the techniques used included stop and search and safety frisks. This summary gives a brief account of the history of the experiment as well as describes the criminological theories to which the experiment was based, the methodological processes of the experiment and a brief description of the findings of the experiment.


Free Essays on Kansas City Gun Experiment, Examples, Topics, Outlines

the kansas city gun experiment is an example of

In these situations, increased police enforcement is necessary to identify group members who are "vulnerable" to gun violence, including enforcing outstanding warrants. Educated officers are better able to communicate with the public B. DNA databases have more than three million samples of offenders C. They are trained to bob their head whenever a member of the royal family came into view Which of the following is not a factor that distinguishes private policing from public policing? The simple answer is no as it was never done. THE INTERNAL VALIDITY OF CAUSAL INFERENCES Validity is often defined as the extent to which an instrument measures what it purports to measure. According to Grimes, David, A.


The Kansas City Gun Experiment and Other Public Safety Initiatives

the kansas city gun experiment is an example of

This being said if this study would be replicated researchers should account for differences in the people and the lifestyle of the citizens of the target city. The correctional population has been consistently increasing with 7 million people currently under the control of the correctional system b. It must be submitted that as with internal validity, the fact that there was never any opportunity to repeat the study, there was never any opportunity to examine whether the same or similar results would have been obtained in beat 144 over an equivalent period some time using the same policing tactics and or in any other beat for that matter. When she was in prison, she learned a lot from her fellow inmates. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. The cynicism of the job and the personality traits officers are likely to have make them more likely to tend toward corruption D.


[Solved] Explain how and why the Kansas City gun experiment is an example of...

the kansas city gun experiment is an example of

Gun crimes in the 52 weeks before and after the patrols in both the experimental and control group were compared using autoregressive moving averages ARIMA MODELS. Test-retest reliability As funding ran out the study was never repeated under the same conditions in beat 144, thus strictly speaking there was never an opportunity to test whether the same or similar results would have been obtained over an equivalent period some time later. Differentiation between spurious, indirect, and causal associations can be difficult. Organized gangs flourished in the largest cities of the U. When was the term "criminal justice system" first used? The secrecy and insulation from others in society that is a consequence of the police subculture. Instituted university training for young officers B.


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the kansas city gun experiment is an example of

This gives her a chance to be "in the know" but not in trouble. It cannot therefore be validly concluded that the Kansas City Gun Experiment would be as effective in any other beat area. The police practice of shrouding the windows and doors of the briefing room when confidential information is disseminated at roll call. Stop and frisk of someone officers have reasonable suspicion has committed or intends to commit a crime B. If information is gathered differently for one group than for another, this results in biasness. Is this number statistically sufficient to reduce the occurrence of random errors which occur as a result of over-estimation and under-estimation of recordings? The comparison groups are the experimental and control groups. These police officers were three times more effective than their counterparts in regular, uniformed police work, and were able to achieve this with a minimal cost.


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the kansas city gun experiment is an example of

Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Reliability and validity therefore are important in this regard. This strategy has a variety of implications for gun violence. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice. RELIABILITY OF MEASUREMENT The results of this study suggest that there may be clear implications for other cities wishing to reduce their gun crime.
