The hound robert francis. The Hound 2022-11-02

The hound robert francis Rating: 5,1/10 677 reviews

The Hound by Robert Francis is a poem that explores the theme of the destructive nature of greed and the consequences that come with it. Through the use of vivid imagery and figurative language, Francis paints a vivid picture of the hound, a metaphor for greed, and its effects on the speaker and the world around them.

In the first stanza, Francis introduces the hound as a "ravenous beast" that "haunts" the speaker and "gnaws" at their "heart." The use of animal imagery and violent verbs creates a sense of fear and danger, suggesting that the hound is a powerful and malevolent force. The hound's greed is also apparent in its insatiable hunger, as it "devours" everything in its path.

As the poem progresses, the speaker reflects on the destructive nature of the hound and how it has affected their own life. The hound has "eaten up" the speaker's "youth" and "strength," leaving them "old" and "worn." The speaker laments the fact that they have become a "slave" to the hound, unable to break free from its grasp.

In the final stanza, the speaker turns their focus outward, noting the hound's impact on the world around them. The hound has "ravaged" the land, leaving it "bare" and "desolate." The speaker recognizes the hound's destructive nature and the fact that it will continue to wreak havoc unless it is stopped.

Overall, The Hound by Robert Francis is a poignant and thought-provoking poem that explores the destructive power of greed. Through vivid imagery and figurative language, Francis effectively conveys the hound's malevolent influence and the devastating consequences of its actions. The poem serves as a cautionary tale, reminding readers of the importance of guarding against greed and the dangers of letting it consume us.

The Nature of Life in Robert Francis' Poem The Hound

the hound robert francis

Explication: This poem is one long metaphor comparing life to a dog. In vain my tears were wet on Heaven's grey cheek. Still with unhurrying chase, And unperturbèd pace, Deliberate speed, majestic instancy, Came on the following Feet, And a Voice above their beat — "Naught shelters thee, who wilt not shelter Me. That this problem is not only with men but people. When he arrived, he received the note that he should stay away from the moor.


An Analysis of Robert Francis’ Poem The Hound

the hound robert francis

My freshness spent its wavering shower i' the dust; And now my heart is as a broken fount, Wherein tear-drippings stagnate, spilt down ever From the dank thoughts that shiver Upon the sighful branches of my mind. I said to Dawn: Be sudden — to Eve: Be soon; With thy young skiey blossoms heap me over From this tremendous Lover — Float thy vague veil about me, lest He see! What´s taking so long for dinner to be done? But whether they swept, smoothly fleet, The long savannahs of the blue; Or whether, Thunder-driven, They clanged his chariot 'thwart a heaven, Plashy with flying lightnings round the spurn o' their feet: — Fear wist not to evade as Love wist to pursue. I dimly guess what Time in mists confounds; Yet ever and anon a trumpet sounds From the hid battlements of Eternity; Those shaken mists a space unsettle, then Round the half-glimpsèd turrets slowly wash again. All which I took from thee I did but take, Not for thy harms, But just that thou might'st seek it in My arms. Wherefore should any set thee love apart? People who are witnessing said dog. This is an exaggeration because there has to be some sort of middle ground. I knew all the swift importings On the wilful face of skies; I knew how the clouds arise Spumèd of the wild sea-snortings; All that's born or dies Rose and drooped with; made them shapers Of mine own moods, or wailful or divine; With them joyed and was bereaven.


An Analysis of Robert Francis’ "The Hound" Free Essay Example

the hound robert francis

Then, when Sir Henry went back to his hotel, Sherlock Holmes with Dr. Seeing none but I makes much of naught" He said , "And human love needs human meriting: How hast thou merited — Of all man's clotted clay the dingiest clot? Why even did Mom decide to make dinner outside during a thunderstorm?. Theme: how unpredictable and mysterious dogs are to life and its uncertainty. It jumps at my hand either with its teeth or its tongue while I watch this be done to me. I did not find any allusions in this poem. Just be decent human being regardless of gender.


Newton Poetry — The hound.

the hound robert francis

The purpose of this poem is to express his feelings about life. But not ere him who summoneth I first have seen, enwound With glooming robes purpureal, cypress-crowned; His name I know, and what his trumpet saith. For instance, in life people put on these fake and phony appearances and pretend to be on another trustworthy friends. Whether man's heart or life it be which yields Thee harvest, must Thy harvest-fields Be dunged with rotten death? Yea, faileth now even dream The dreamer, and the lute the lutanist; Even the linked fantasies, in whose blossomy twist I swung the earth a trinket at my wrist, Are yielding; cords of all too weak account For earth with heavy griefs so overplussed. The genre of this book is detective: all other books from the Sherlock Holmes Series is written in the same genre. He shows how mysterious and unpredictable dogs are to life with the use of Metaphor.


Questions for Analyzing Poetry The Hound Robert Francis 1 A dog owner 2 People

the hound robert francis

The whole poem is a metaphor because it is a comparison of a dog and life. Watson with Sir Henry back to family house as a security guard. So here all the action starts. Chivalry should exist but with both genders. The poet has mixed feelings on which way life will take him. This book is not the only one: it is the third book in the Sherlock Holmes series.


The Hound

the hound robert francis

These detectives use any methods at their disposable to catch the culprit and put him behind bars. The speaker is explaining how unpredictable life is, and how it can either go really good or really bad. This enforces how uncertain life is towards human beings. I tempted all His servitors, but to find My own betrayal in their constancy, In faith to Him their fickleness to me, Their traitorous trueness, and their loyal deceit. Another member of the family arrives from Canada — Sir Henry Baskerville, already a bit shocked because of the curse. Another struggling third-classman, or better yet third-class woman is the esteemed Emily Brent.


Robert Francis (actor)

the hound robert francis

The pulp so bitter, how shall taste the rind? But, if one little casement parted wide, The gust of His approach would clash it to: Fear wist not to evade, as Love wist to pursue. The sixty-five year old was not living the sweet life of retirement,… Hound Of The Baskervilles Essay The Hound of the Baskervilles is a mystery book solving and putting the pieces together. We learn that the dog is vicious and the owner is innocent. Strange, piteous, futile thing! Watson found that someone chasing him. Nature, poor stepdame, cannot slake my drouth; Let her, if she would owe me, Drop yon blue bosom-veil of sky, and show me The breasts o' her tenderness: Never did any milk of hers once bless My thirsting mouth.


An Analysis of Robert Francis’ Poem The Hound Essay

the hound robert francis

A dog owner 2. His mother Mary Doyle regularly read to him which is where he began his own love of books. When he was asked why he do not going, he said that he has other business to do. I laughed in the morning's eyes. He compares the two by saying that a dog can either hurt him or can be his friend. This transformation in criminal investigations can be seen clearly through two fictitious characters, Sherlock Holmes and Adrian Monk. Across the margent of the world I fled, And troubled the gold gateways of the stars, Smiting for shelter on their clangèd bars; Fretted to dulcet jars And silvern chatter the pale ports o' the moon.
