The high cost of low price documentary. Wal 2022-11-08

The high cost of low price documentary Rating: 4,8/10 1998 reviews

The High Cost of Low Price is a documentary film that explores the impact of large, multinational corporations on local communities and the global economy. The film specifically focuses on the business practices of Walmart, the world's largest retailer, and how its pursuit of low prices has led to negative consequences for workers, small businesses, and the environment.

One of the main arguments presented in the film is that Walmart's reliance on low-cost labor and production has led to the outsourcing of jobs to countries with fewer regulations and lower wages. This has resulted in the loss of jobs and economic opportunity in the United States, as well as the exploitation of workers in other countries. The film also discusses the impact of Walmart's business model on small, local businesses, which struggle to compete with the retailer's low prices and often go out of business as a result.

In addition to its impact on the economy, the film also examines the environmental consequences of Walmart's business practices. Walmart has been criticized for its poor record on sustainability, including its contribution to waste and pollution through the production and disposal of its products. The film also highlights the company's controversial history of land use, including its use of eminent domain to acquire land for its stores.

Overall, The High Cost of Low Price presents a compelling argument that the pursuit of low prices can have serious negative consequences for communities, workers, and the environment. It encourages viewers to consider the full cost of the products they purchase and to support businesses that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility.


the high cost of low price documentary

In addition, he incorporates people whose business operations have been affected by the operations of Wal-Mart. According to this concept, environmental justice is a crucial right of the community members, and it must be enforced through legislation and human rights advocacy. A look at Robert Greenwald and his Brave New Films documentary crew explaining how and why they took on Wal-Mart. The role of the state in curbing monopolization is limited because usually, it represents and protects their interests. Critique Although the film does show the negatives of wall-mart, it does less to show us the other side of the story.



the high cost of low price documentary

Finally, the working conditions overseas and undercover cameras. Rattiner Getting Started as a Financial Planner. . This is because consumers of Wal-Mart products are some of the most satisfied. Also, funny in a negative way to here a former manager talk about the anti-union packages available by the company: "If I see two workers talking and they walk away as I approach, they are probably conspiring to form a union. On my final visit to walmart I asked an associate what she thought of the film but I already guessed the answer. Even the small-scale producer who is portrayed as the victim is actually not a victim per se since they also contribute to exploitation since, surprisingly, their prices are usually higher than those offered by Wal-mart are.



the high cost of low price documentary

Schaefer, Bonnie Haaland, and Chapter, p. The film presents a negative picture of Walmart's business practices through interviews with former employees, small business owners, and footage of Walmart executives. This is because the government has also failed to protect the small-scale businesspersons who endlessly have to lock their doors whenever Wal-Mart shows up around the corner. However, what is hidden from the ordinary eye are the processes that are involved in bringing about these products as near to them as possible. Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price, © Retail Project, LLC is a 2005 documentary film by director Robert Greenwald. But as movie scenes show, it is quite difficult to enforce laws on the capitalist moguls.



the high cost of low price documentary

Thus the issue of environmental justice seems not to have been done since the company activities affect all and sundry. The picture is made real through interviews with former employees as well as small business entrepreneurs that were associated with the business practices of Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price has been credited as one of the reasons that Walmart created a public relations "war room" in late 2005 to respond to criticism. New York: Disinformation Company, 2005 1. The issue of land contamination, air pollution, and water pollution are clearly highlighted, especially in Latin America, where the company sources some of its textile products. The New York Times. In turn, it raises a very important issue of monopoly.


the high cost of low price documentary

The director wanted the people to see and hear for themselves firsthand how the operations of Wal-Mart do even affect their lives indirectly in a negative manner. . Learn More Introduction Wal-Mart, the high cost of low price, is a documentary film released in the year 2005. If I want to check the accuracy I can do that myself. The New York Times. This is the reason why the director ensures that most of the scenes within the movie encompass former employees who have had it with Wal-Mart.


the high cost of low price documentary

New York: Monthly Review Press, 1966. Movie ends on a positive note by listing all the towns that successfully blocked walmart's from coming to their neighborhood. Film documents in an easy to watch format the various ways the management of walmart has its hands out to squeeze money and play communities off against each other. Monopoly Capital: An essay on the American economic and social order. In addition, the thaw movie presents the real picture that the audience was required to see. Conclusion The movie itself is well directed.


the high cost of low price documentary

It is important to note that the globalization of Walmart activities in the third world countries, depicted in the movie, contributes to the diminishing of the national agriculture sector and the development of the informal economy. New York: Counterpoints, 2003. Greenwald also uses statistics interspersed between interview footage, to provide an objective analysis of the effects Walmart has on individuals and communities. Looking at the activities of the Wal-Mart corporation portrayed in the movie, the director leaves us pondering the question of whether our governments are working towards making us happy or not. Retrieved 24 November 2022. She bitterly said "I don't know what you are talking about". This is because they get the best goods, services, and even in some cases, the best after-sales services.


the high cost of low price documentary

In addition, the director does not show us a sample of the people whose lives may have been positively impacted by the operations of wall-mart. The company deducts "rent" from their paychecks! A look at Robert Greenwald and his Brave New Films documentary crew explaining how and why they took on Wal-Mart. The interviews of former workers is very authentic. . Even if she hadn't heard of the movie and management never discussed what "associates" were supposed to say if the topic came up would she at least ask me what I was talking about? She was obviously lying. If you even consider yourself a Christian or just want to learn more I highly recommend this movie! The concept of pollution is clearly espoused as one of the most adverse that affects the environment of the same consumers of the company products.


the high cost of low price documentary

The concept of defended neighborhood environmental justice Richard T. Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price. Retrieved 24 November 2012. It is argued that the role of the government is to provide the greatest happiness to a majority of the populace John Locke. Although wal-mart does destroy the environment, at least it does have some environmental protection policies. Sociology: a brief introduction. Retrieved 24 November 2012.
