The help movie summary. The Help: A Message for Everyone 2022-10-10

The help movie summary Rating: 4,4/10 461 reviews

"The Help" is a 2011 drama film directed by Tate Taylor and adapted from the 2009 novel of the same name by Kathryn Stockett. The film is set in Jackson, Mississippi in the early 1960s, during the Civil Rights movement.

The movie follows the story of a young white woman named Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan (played by Emma Stone) who aspires to be a writer and decides to write a book about the lives of black maids working in white households in the South. Skeeter approaches Aibileen Clark (played by Viola Davis), a maid who has worked for the Leefolt family for many years, to share her story and that of other maids. Aibileen agrees to be interviewed, and eventually other maids, including Minny Jackson (played by Octavia Spencer), also agree to participate in the project.

As Skeeter conducts her interviews, tensions begin to rise within the community as some people, including Hilly Holbrook (played by Bryce Dallas Howard), the president of the Junior League and a close friend of Skeeter's, oppose the book and the idea of black maids sharing their experiences. Hilly and other white women in the community try to undermine Skeeter's efforts and ostracize her, while the maids risk their jobs and even their lives by speaking out.

Despite the challenges, Skeeter persists with her project and eventually publishes the book, titled "The Help," which becomes a bestseller and brings attention to the plight of black maids in the South. The film ends with Skeeter leaving Mississippi for New York to pursue her writing career, while Aibileen and Minny find new opportunities for themselves.

Overall, "The Help" is a powerful and poignant film that explores themes of racism, segregation, and discrimination in the Deep South during the Civil Rights era. The movie highlights the strength and resilience of the black maids as they stand up for their rights and dignity in the face of oppression, and it celebrates the power of storytelling to bring about change. The film also serves as a reminder of the progress that has been made in the fight for racial equality, while also acknowledging that there is still work to be done.

The Help Movie Analysis

the help movie summary

No such feat is accomplished. In an interview with The New York Times, Viola Davis mentioned that she regretted playing the role of Aibileen: "I just felt that at the end of the day that it wasn't the voices of the maids that were heard. As a result of the gross injustice, all the other maids in the community agree to be interviewed for Skeeter's book. The only person who questions her is Miss Skeeter Phelan, Miss Hilly's friend from college who longs to be a journalist. Portions of the most backward and oppressed of the white population bought into the racist argument, but economic and social transformation, including the organized rise of the industrial working class in the 1930s and postwar years, undermined the apartheid system—despite the reactionary role of the Democratic Party and the scandalous betrayals of the trade unions.


The Help Movie

the help movie summary

The movie, filmed well, shows the different views of life and shows different things and values affect different people. The white foreman drove him to a colored hospital, dumped him on the ground, honked the horn, and left. On the other hand, Skeeter has left home, explored, and returned. The close bond between black caretakers and white children Aibileen and Mae Mobley, as well as Skeeter and Constantine show that nurturing love is not limited to blood relationships. Retrieved May 26, 2010. This film attempts to portray what it was like to be a black maid during this time and bring to light racial issues, such as Jim Crow Laws.


The Help Movie Review Essay

the help movie summary

The story focuses on her relationship with two black house cleaners, Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson, during the Civil Rights era in 1962 Jackson, Mississippi. Skeeter and Hilly sit down together when Hilly brings up that blacks carry different diseases than the whites and that she is drafting to have separate bathrooms in every house for the maids, and she is saying all of this in front of one of the maids, Aibileen. In the book Tom was accused of raping a woman who was secretly in love with black men. Retrieved June 26, 2018. It's possible, through effort and understanding, to begin to heal the wounds of racism.


The Help movie review & film summary (2011)

the help movie summary

From 1882 to 1930, some 537 blacks were lynched in the state, and as late as 1955, 14-year-old Emmitt Till was brutally tortured and murdered. Minny also tells the story in her interviews with Skeeter as a form of insurance. White women are used in the movie to help display how poorly treated black people were during this time. The novel also focuses on different types of romantic love. He pins Minny down and starts punching her, but Celia intervenes, smashing the man's head with a fire poker.


The Help

the help movie summary

Instead, the white employers created toilets outside for their coloured maids, in which they were required to use no matter the conditions outside. After months of watching her lie around in bed, Minny discovers Miss Celia crumpled on the bathroom floor, covered in blood. Skeeter later discovers that this critical edge is tempered by love; her mother has cancer, and she wants to make sure her daughter has a good life after she is gone. Throughout the movie, the whites are always referring to the maids with descriptive terms that usually apply to animals. Skeeter pursues to be a famous writer, writing about the injustices white housewives commit against their coloured maids. Mae Mobley begs Aibileen not to leave her. In one scene, her boyfriend storms on her porch after he finds out Skeeter wrote the book.


The Help (2011)

the help movie summary

Retrieved May 20, 2014. Noticing her suspicious behaviour, Hilly follows Minny. Since Skeeter respected the colored people in her community she decided to go against her ethics, and her friends, by asking their maids to tell their stories about racism and their life. Review aggregator The Help rises on the strength of its cast—particularly The performances of left to right Tom Long from The Help is an old-fashioned grand yarn of a film, the sort we rarely get these days. Despite her anger, Hilly can't let anyone know what happened, so she and Minny enter a silent, hateful feud. When she is in the bathroom, she tries to forget about her past traumatic experiences.


The Help Summary

the help movie summary

Some of them being segregation and discrimination. In 2011, the book was created into a screenplay by Tate Taylor. Throughout the play, these particular struggles have been very visible to the readers, like on page 5 of scene one Stanley: "Hey, there! Though not articulated, the subtext here has much to do with elation over the ethnicity of the present occupant of the White House. Minny stands indignantly and tells Hilly that she just ate two slices of her excrement, which mortifies Hilly. She lived with a friend and when she was 15 and went to college there on after. She begins distancing herself from Skeeter, isolating her from social events and eventually firing her from the League newsletter after Skeeter prints a misprint asking for volunteers to drop toilets on Hilly's front yard. The New York Times.


The Help: A civil rights era film that ignores the civil rights movement

the help movie summary

Even though she saves Miss Celia's life, the doctor still treats her cruelly. See Plot Diagram Summary 1962 The Help tells the story of African American domestic workers during the civil rights movement in Jackson, Mississippi, through the eyes of two maids, At her weekly bridge club, Miss Hilly introduces her Home Help Sanitation Initiative, which requests that all homeowners build a separate bathroom for their African American help because she believes "everybody knows they carry different kinds of diseases than we do. Tate Taylor is the director of the film and it was released on August 10, 2011. Chris Hewitt of the The Help doesn't. She was tired and extremely exhausted. Initially, Aibileen refuses to help, terrified of violent punishment should she be found out, but eventually Miss Hilly's insistence on the sanitation initiative changes her mind. It emerged out to be a huge commercial success worldwide.
