The future of mankind by bertrand russell text. Bertrand Russell, Ideas that Have Harmed Mankind (1946) 2022-10-27

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In his essay "The Future of Mankind," philosopher Bertrand Russell discusses his vision of the future of humanity and the challenges that we will face as a species.

According to Russell, the future of mankind will be shaped by the advances in science and technology, as well as the choices that we make as a society. He predicts that our capacity for knowledge will continue to grow at an exponential rate, leading to unprecedented technological progress and the development of new ways of living. However, he also warns that this progress comes with great risks, as the potential for destruction and suffering will also increase.

One of the major challenges that Russell identifies is the need for global cooperation in addressing issues such as overpopulation, pollution, and resource depletion. He argues that these problems cannot be solved by any one nation acting alone, and that it will be essential for the international community to work together to find solutions.

Another key issue that Russell discusses is the potential for conflict in the future, particularly as nations compete for dwindling resources. He argues that it will be important for us to develop systems of international governance that can effectively manage these conflicts and prevent them from escalating into full-blown wars.

Despite these challenges, Russell remains hopeful about the future of mankind, arguing that we have the capacity to overcome these obstacles and create a better world for all. He encourages us to embrace reason and cooperation, and to use our collective intelligence and ingenuity to solve the problems that we face.

In conclusion, Bertrand Russell's "The Future of Mankind" offers a thought-provoking and insightful vision of the future of humanity, highlighting the potential for both progress and conflict. It serves as a reminder of the importance of global cooperation and the need to work together to create a better, more sustainable future for all.

Bertrand Russell's Unpopular Essays: The Future Of Mankind

the future of mankind by bertrand russell text

Owing to its absence in Russia, the Soviet government has been able to establish a greater degree of economic inequality than exists in Great Britain or even in America. Wilson, 1919 Free Thought and Official Propaganda New York: B. Jan 1915 Russell on just war theory and an early expression of his moral subjectivism. On the other hand, if the danger of war were removed, scientific technique could at last be used to promote human happiness. It was supposed that human sacrifice would improve the crops, at first for purely magical reasons, and then because the blood of victims was thought pleasing to the gods, who certainly were made in the image of their worshippers. I admit that some degree of prevision is necessary, and I am not suggesting that we are completely ignorant. Among the many advantages, of a single world government is that the defence expenditures of every nation would diminish and by this way human beings would be more happy than before.



the future of mankind by bertrand russell text

In South America there is room for immense development. If such a war were to occur, Russell supposed the destruction of human life, and possibly all life, on the planet. The misfortunes of human beings may be divided into two classes: First, those inflicted by the non-human environment and, second, those inflicted by other people. The disturbing antagonism between the two types of theory—the Chinese and the West Asian—has endured to the present day, but with a gradual predominance of the Chinese point of view. This was still the case with the late Parliament, but may cease to be the case with the advent of a Labour Government.


Write a complete summary Of Bertrand Russell's essay "The Future Of Mankind."

the future of mankind by bertrand russell text

Science has not given men 63 more self-control, more kindliness, or more power of discounting their passions in deciding upon a course of action. Nuclear weapons are more than just symbols of destruction and chaos but however hold far more important roles in international politics. The sudden transition will, if it occurs, be infinitely painful to those who experience it, and for some centuries afterwards life will be hard and drab. This would make the spectators so furious that the authorities had great difficulty in preventing them from lynching the penitent and burning him on their own account. There are various arguments that are used against the project of a single government of the whole world.


Bertrand Russell, Ideas that Have Harmed Mankind (1946)

the future of mankind by bertrand russell text

I cannot suppose that it intends to do me good, since it comes in such a terrifying form, and therefore, as a prudent cow, I shall endeavour to escape from it. There was 1,291,425 known deaths in this war. Owing to the fact that there was no equality in marriage men became confirmed in domineering habits. And this will entail such an enormous diminution of population, not only by war, but by subsequent starvation and disease, that the survivors are bound to be fierce and, at least for a considerable time, destitute of the qualities required for rebuilding civilization. These three are: — 1.


Critically analyze Bertrand Russell's, "The Future of Mankind."

the future of mankind by bertrand russell text

Opinion as well as action was difficult to mould from a centre, and local variations marred the uniformity of party creeds. I think such an outcome of a really scientific world war is by no means improbable. True, I have heard men say that they would prefer the end of man to submission to the Soviet government, and doubtless in Russia there are those who would say the same about submission to Western capitalism. Die Gesetze und Elemente des wissenschaftlichen Denken, Mind, n. The pleasures of the mind were considered to be superior to those of the body, and a high place among the pleasures of the mind was assigned to the contemplation of the eternal tortures to which the pagans and heretics would hereafter be subjected.


Critical Analysis

the future of mankind by bertrand russell text

Unfortunately, the solution he found was not a very happy one. If a war is inflamed between the two, it will prove the final knell a bell of death to the existence of mankind on the planet earth. One of the triumphs of early liberalism in England was the establishment of parliamentary control over the army; this was the casus belli in the Civil War, and was decided by the Revolution of 1688. The best among these ways is the idea of mutual agreement. Where they exist, science helps them to be effective; where they are absent, science only makes men more cleverly diabolic. The net result of their labours is to diminish the proportion of the population that can be put into the fighting line, since more are required for munitions. I have no doubt that their strength or weakness depends upon discoverable physiological causes; let us assume that it depends upon the glands.


The Future Of Mankind By Bertrand Russell [1430zqj99o4j]

the future of mankind by bertrand russell text

We could hope that the ultimatum alone would work, that war would not be necessary — but we cannot rely upon that. Table of Contents added by Transcriber. The sudden change produced by science has upset the balance between our instincts and our circumstances, but in directions not sufficiently noticed. Modern methods of printing and advertising make it enormously cheaper to produce and distribute one newspaper with a large circulation than many with small circulations; consequently, in so far as the Press controls opinion, there is uniformity, and, in particular, there is uniformity of news. Little by little, this advantage was increased, and the man ceased to be a fugitive hunter to become the Lord of the Earth. The result of these causes is that, in consequence of scientific inventions which facilitate centralization and propaganda, groups become more organized, 34 more disciplined, more group-conscious, and more docile to leaders.


The Future of Mankind

the future of mankind by bertrand russell text

I do not doubt that, if this regime continues for a generation, it will succeed in its objects. There are first the armed forces of the State; then those who provide munitions of war, from the raw minerals up to the finished product; then the diplomatic and consular services; then the teachers of patriotism in schools; then the Press. Assuming a monopoly of armed force established by the victory of one side in a war between the U. Although, of course, sporadic assassination will still be liable to occur, the concentration of all important weapons in the hands of the victors will make them irresistible, and there will therefore be secure peace. The next step in this long historical process should reduce the two to one, and thus put an end to the period of organized wars, which began in Egypt some six thousand years ago. This is the psychological root of economic nationalism, and war, and man-made starvation, and all the other evils which will bring our civilization to a disastrous and disgraceful end unless men can be induced to take a wider and less hysterical view of their mutual relations. In fact, though these confrontations are still in place, they are in fact no longer solid because of the trend of globalization.
