The crucible character flaws. John Proctor Tragic Flaws Essay 2022-10-27

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The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller that portrays the Salem witch trials of the late 17th century. The characters in the play are complex and multifaceted, each with their own flaws and weaknesses. In this essay, we will explore some of the character flaws present in The Crucible.

One character who exhibits significant flaws is John Proctor. Proctor is a farmer who is respected in the community, but he has a secret that ultimately leads to his downfall: he has been having an affair with his former servant, Abigail Williams. Proctor's affair not only jeopardizes his reputation and marriage, but it also puts him at odds with the Puritan community, who view adultery as a grave sin. Proctor's flaw of infidelity ultimately leads to his execution, as he refuses to confess to a crime he did not commit in order to save his own life.

Another character with notable flaws is Abigail Williams. Abigail is a young girl who becomes embroiled in the Salem witch trials and ultimately becomes one of the main accusers. She is portrayed as manipulative and selfish, using the trials to punish those she holds grudges against and to try to win back Proctor's affections. Abigail's desire for power and revenge leads to the suffering and deaths of many innocent people in the community.

Reverend Hale is another character with flaws in The Crucible. Hale is a minister who is initially called to Salem to investigate the accusations of witchcraft. However, as the trials progress, he becomes increasingly disillusioned with the proceedings and the use of torture to extract confessions. Despite this, he continues to support the trials and the authority of the court, even when it becomes clear that the accusations are baseless. His flaw is his blind adherence to authority, even in the face of injustice.

Finally, Judge Danforth is a character with significant flaws in The Crucible. Danforth is the judge overseeing the Salem witch trials, and he is portrayed as stubborn and unyielding. He is unwilling to consider the possibility that the accusations may be false and refuses to consider evidence that contradicts the testimony of the accusers. Danforth's flaw is his inability to see the truth and his lack of compassion for those who are being falsely accused.

In conclusion, the characters in The Crucible are complex and multifaceted, each with their own flaws and weaknesses. John Proctor's flaw of infidelity, Abigail Williams' manipulation and selfishness, Reverend Hale's blind adherence to authority, and Judge Danforth's stubbornness and lack of compassion all contribute to the tragic events of the Salem witch trials.

The Crucible: Character List

the crucible character flaws

Demonstrate how each character displays the chosen weaknesses by using examples from. However, his pride comes in his way and he is afraid…. John Proctor was a highly respected man in the community of Salem, as well as by himself. Abigail does all this for the man that she loves and had an affair with, John Proctor. He is going out of his comfort zone, and confessing the terrible things he has done such as commit adultery, lechery, and signing the Devil 's book. Read an Giles Corey An elderly but feisty farmer in Salem, famous for his tendency to file lawsuits. I come to counsel Christians they should belie themselves.


Examples Of John Proctor's Tragic Flaws In The Crucible

the crucible character flaws

Even after 7 months of no contact, John still lusts for Abigail but loves his wife dearly and wants to please her. . One exaggerated part of the play is a character named John Proctor, who has an affair with a girl named Abigale and is trying to stop the Salem Witchcraft Trials because he knows that the afflicted girls are false. His journey shows that honesty and loyalty are very important traits to have. Some may believe that Reverend Hale is not to blame for all the deaths of innocent people in Salem. Therefore, readers are given the decision to decide whether Hester or the community is guilty of sin The Scarlet Letter.


John Proctor Tragic Flaws Essay

the crucible character flaws

The main characters John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, and Abigail Williams are caught in a love triangle that set off a series of events not only for them, but their entire Puritan community. These events include, the girls accusing some of the townspeople of witchcraft, and the hangings. Abigail is the person that John Proctor slept with when she was there maid. His linguistic style managed to convey the outdated ideals and religiously-based beliefs that led to the trivial claims that endangered the public to a state of mass hysteria. John Proctor presented himself in the guise of a happy and put together man, hiding his imperfections and weaknesses from the rest of the community at all costs. Rebecca remains the voice of reason throughout the play and shows.


The Loss Of Flaws In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

the crucible character flaws

The tragic flaw was the physical attraction he had towards Abigail Williams, yet he had a wife. Abigail was once the servant for the Proctor household, but Elizabeth Proctor fired her after she discovered that Abigail was having an affair with her husband, John Proctor. In my argument I will be discussing and examining each character from least flawed to most flawed. Cheever, have warrants drawn for all of these arrest for examination. There has been many witch trials taken place in salem, of which many people have been accused and persecuted.


Examples Of Character Flaws In The Crucible

the crucible character flaws

Abigail is seventeen, she lives with her uncle Rev. The Tragic Flaw of John Proctor The Crucible by Arthur Miller based on the Salem Witch Trials. Smarter Faster Better The Secrets Of Bein Charles Duhigg Each artist had different experiences of the roles of the individual and of leadership within collaborative projects. Hale is a committed Christian and hater of witchcraft. Parris, on the other hand, demands to have the deed to his home. The other seven died before they were a day old, and Ann is convinced that they were murdered by supernatural means.


The Crucible Character Flaws Worksheet Answers

the crucible character flaws

Read an Reverend John Hale A young minister reputed to be an expert on witchcraft. The whole town of Salem was a greedy community and this was really shown through with Reverand Parris. Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Can you not see the blood on my head!! Though some may argue that he died a heroic and good death, this is inadequate because he died to save himself from a life of shame. I have given you my soul; leave me my name! While English has been one of the most widely spoken languages or a lingua franca in the world. Parris was too terrified of his potential of being a social pariah than the health of his daughter.


the crucible character flaws

Abigail cannot handle the heat of being accused of witchcraft; therefore she attempts to frame many of her friends and Elizabeth, her one-time lovers wife. John Proctor is an example of such a character because he worked so hard to clear his wife's name, but the circumstances of the situation resulted in his death while still keeping his name. Though the trials have religious and supernatural implications. There are many characters who exhibit courage throughout The Crucible. . In act 1 she shows lust by dancing in the woods and tries to get John proctor to fall in love with her. Who Is To Blame? This is a power play as well, as he fears that the residents may cast him out of the town and, therefore, wants an official claim to his property.


Character Study of Reverend Parris in 'The Crucible'

the crucible character flaws

Examples Of Injustice In The Crucible 615 Words 3 Pages In this play the crucible does portrays injustice by Danforth is not following court that is ruled by religion, Abigail intimidating the court, and the accused not having proper court rights. Abigail wants John Proctor for herself because she fell in love with him when he had an affair with her. The story represents a tragic hero who is known as John Proctor, a farmer in Salem; His tragic flaw is his adultery with Abigail Williams, former house servant of …show more content… The effects of the tragic flaw gave bitterness between John and his wife, the truth of his adultery to his former house servant, Abigail Williams, and his execution leading him to become a tragic hero. This final flame causes him to decide between lying about his beliefs to save his life or confess his mortal sins and save his wife. John Proctor possesses a tragic flaw that forces him to hide his prideful mistake, which eventually brings about his downfall. Up to this moment, …show more content… Throughout the play their inner beliefs were challenged.


Character Flaws In The Crucible

the crucible character flaws

How John Proctor's Character Changes In The Crucible 822 Words 4 Pages In the Crucible, many of the characters go through changes because of the intensity of the situation. Cleary, the townspeople do not argue with the signs that the Devil gives them. He was a man that hated hypocrites and died as a tragic hero should. He should be considered a hero because he feels guilt, and therefore tries to make up for the fact that he once had an affair. Lust is desire preoccupied with or exhibiting sexual The Crucible John Proctor Tragic Hero Essay The book the Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller that tells about the Salem witch trials that happened in 1692 when people were being accused of witchcraft many even facing death. Some people think John Proctor is a flawed person because he made a lot of poor decisions, but he is actually an honorable person because he tried to make up for his mistakes.
