The country doctor kafka. A Country Doctor by Franz Kafka 2022-10-21

The country doctor kafka Rating: 8,9/10 744 reviews

"The Country Doctor" is a short story written by Franz Kafka in 1919. It tells the story of a country doctor who is summoned to attend to a patient in a remote village. Despite the doctor's best efforts, he is unable to save the patient and is left feeling overwhelmed and defeated by the experience.

One of the central themes of "The Country Doctor" is the difficulties and challenges faced by those who work in the medical profession. The country doctor is portrayed as a dedicated and compassionate individual who is deeply committed to helping his patients. However, he is also portrayed as being overworked and underpaid, and he struggles to balance the demands of his profession with the demands of his personal life.

Another important theme in the story is the theme of isolation and loneliness. The doctor is isolated in the remote village where he is called to attend to the patient, and he is also isolated from the support and resources that he might normally have access to in a larger city. This isolation exacerbates the difficulties he faces and adds to his sense of despair and frustration.

Despite the challenges he faces, the country doctor remains determined to do his best for his patients. He works tirelessly to try to save the patient, even though he knows that the odds are against him. In this way, the story serves as a tribute to the dedication and perseverance of those who work in the medical profession, and it highlights the sacrifices that they make in order to help others.

Overall, "The Country Doctor" is a powerful and poignant story that explores the challenges and struggles faced by those who work in the medical profession. It is a poignant reminder of the dedication and compassion that is required to be a successful doctor, and it serves as a tribute to the hard work and sacrifice of those who choose to dedicate their lives to helping others.

A Summary and Analysis of Franz Kafka’s ‘A Country Doctor’

the country doctor kafka

Thus the tone of the narrator is defensive. A seriously ill man was waiting for me in a village ten miles distant. Or is he mad? She returns empty-handed — "Of course, who is now going to lend her his horse for such a journey? The method we have pursued here is similar to that applied by Freud in "The Theme of the Three Caskets" in that it begins with a structural analysis the phenomenon of doubling and moves from there to an interpretation of theme. As doctor he is a thing, an object, a tool; as man he is nothing. More and more, the doctor gets involved in surreal experiences as he is transported to his patient by seemingly "unearthly horses" in a blink of an eye. Like Freud's "Dream of Irma's Injection," Kafka's "A Country Doctor" can be read as a wish-fulfillment fantasy motivated by self-exculpation.


A Country Doctor by Franz Kafka

the country doctor kafka

I walked once again across the courtyard. There are many details of this short tale which suggest that the country doctor is an example of the unreliable narrator: the way the groom, whom he has never seen before, suddenly appears; the way the groom appears to make two horses materialise out of nowhere; the telescoping of the ten-mile journey to the village so that it seems to have taken place instantaneously; the fact that the patient appears to be fine until the bloody towel reveals to the doctor that the boy actually has a disgusting and festering wound which the doctor managed to miss upon his initial examination. This study offered a range of career possibilities, which pleased his father, and required a longer course of study that gave Kafka time to take classes in German studies and art history. The horses, meanwhile, having somehow freed themselves of their straps, have opened the windows and are neighing frantically. At the university, he joined a student club, named Lese- und Redehalle der Deutschen Studenten, which organized literary events, readings, and other activities. But the boy who is supposedly unwell appears to be fine. But in the original German, much of Kafka's text is narrated in the present tense: Text begins in traditional past tense, but shifts to present tense at the moment the groom begins molesting Rose top of p.


A Country Doctor (short story collection)

the country doctor kafka

The family and assembled guests are pleased to see the doctor at work. Because he does not lack conscious knowledge of his condition, but refuses to act in the face of his portentous freedom, the doctor, an archetype of the anti-existential hero, deserves his fate. We are also maintaining Moral Paradigm — a similar site about moral and ethical questions: Search library for PDF e-books. Distracted and tormented, I kicked my foot against the cracked door of the pig sty which had not been used for years. German original: "I was in great perplexity. Note how this duality in the structure of Kafka's narrative harmonizes with the thematic of duality and splitting at the level of content, or in the fictional world of the story. Prague-born writer Franz Kafka wrote in German, and his stories, such as " Jewish middle-class family of this major fiction writer of the 20th century spoke German.


A Country Doctor (short story)

the country doctor kafka

People consider his unique body of much incomplete writing, mainly published posthumously, among the most influential in European literature. She screams out and runs over to me. My servant girl was at that very moment running around the village to see if she could borrow a horse, but it was hopeless—I knew that—and I stood there useless, increasingly covered with snow, becoming all the time more immobile. While treating the patient, he fails to find the fatal wound which results in humiliation by the villagers and an endless return trip, losing everything. According to Freud, a dream is our unconscious trying to communicate something to us: something which is often too overwhelming for us to face directly. Thus one of the opening words of Kafka's German text is overdetermined to use Freud's terms by concentrating into one single word these 3 different possible meanings or allusions.


Kafka, "Country Doctor"

the country doctor kafka

Note the similar reflex to shift blame onto others in our previous text, Schnitzler's Lieutenant Gustl. It has 3 very different possible meanings: 1 "dilemma": "I was confronted with a great dilemma. The doctor's thoughts keep returning to the fate of his maid, for which he blames himself. Note also that the act of undressing is a kind of nodal point: it joins this scene to the Doctor's suppressed wish to "undress" with Rose. It remains in present tense until the doctor takes leave of the boy p. A series of It begins with the doctor having to urgently attend a sick patient in a village ten miles away, but his only horse died the night before, so his maid Rosa goes off to find another. What is the doctor's dilemma? But as soon as she was beside him, the groom puts his arms around her and pushes his face against hers.


A Country Doctor by Franz Kafka

the country doctor kafka

Kafka wrote all his published works in German except several letters in Czech to Milena Jesenská. This online library project is still under development and we are adding new e-books often. Structural and Literary Features Opening Sentence: "I was in great perplexity; I had to start on an urgent journey; a seriously ill patient was waiting for me in a village ten miles off; a thick blizzard of snow filled all the wide spaces between him and me; I had a gig, a light gig with big wheels, exactly right for our country roads; muffled in furs, my bag of instruments in my hand, I was in the courtyard all ready for the journey; but there was no horse to be had, no horse. It tells the story of the continuous pressure on doctors, and the never-ending impossible expectations laying on their shoulders. If Gustl's stream-of-consciousness method represented a kind of graphology of the psychic processes, an immediate "inscription" or "recording" of the mental dynamics of an individual character, "Country Doctor" uses first-person autobiographical techniques to exemplify the logic of the Freudian "dream-work" as concretized in a literary text: — split self of autobiography as the split self ego and id of the Freudian psyche; — suspension of temporality and its transposition into spatial relation; annulment of narrative logic in favor of loose juxtaposition and succession of scenes; — visualization of central abstract ideas ambivalence! The text will reveal a distorted fantasy about which the doctor feels shame. The doctor makes the journey to the village, at which he appears to arrive in a suspiciously short amount of time.


A Country Doctor (film)

the country doctor kafka

The Country Doctor as narrator constantly places blame for his failure on others: 1 on the lack of horses; 2 on the Groom 3 on the villagers 4 on the Boy, etc. Crisis; confluence of problems. Because he does not lack conscious knowledge of his condition, but refuses to act in the face of his portentous freedom, the doctor, an archetype of the anti-existential hero, deserves his fate. Initially, the doctor deems the patient completely healthy and feels annoyed that his patients keep calling him at night for no reason, but, after he notices the boy's sister holding a bloody towel, he reexamines the boy and discovers a large, deep wound on his right side that is full of worms. Transition 3: Sister holds up bloody towel symbol of menstruation? Jeztz in der Erinnerung drängt es sich mir so zusammen, daß ich zum Beispiel kaum begreife, wie ein junger Mensch sich entschließen kann ins nächste Dorf zu reiten, ohne zu fürchten, daß - von unglücklichen Zufällen ganz abgesehen - schon die Zeit des gewöhnlichen, glücklich ablaufenden Lebens für einen solchen Ritt bei weitem nicht hinreicht. A conflict in need of a solution. If Rose is raped, I'm not at fault.


A Country Doctor Quotes by Franz Kafka

the country doctor kafka

Each possibility points in a different direction, but each direction proves to be relevant for a deep-psychological reading of Kafka's text. But right away they stood up straight, long legged, with thick steaming bodies. Thus the present tense suggests a kind of convergence, or nearing of the 2 "I"s in the story, the narrated and the narrating I. It also anticipates in its own series of coordinated clauses the structure of the story itself, composed of a loosely linked series of scenes. In terms of Freudian theory "misplacing" is related to the repression or forgetting of significant memories or urges. The family of the boy undress the doctor and place him in bed alongside the patient. A mysterious groom appears from within and supplies the doctor with two magnificent horses to pull his The doctor is almost instantly transported to his sick patient's house.


The Country Doctor by Franz Kafka

the country doctor kafka

The doctor regrets answering the call, which he likens to a false alarm. I had a carriage—a light one, with large wheels, entirely suitable for our country roads. A dim stall lantern on a rope swayed inside. If the Boy is not cured, I'm not to blame. Freud would call this "projection. Operas in German: A Dictionary, pp. During his lifetime, he published only a few short stories and never finished any of his novels except the very short " The Metamorphosis.


the country doctor kafka

Max Brod encountered significant difficulty in compiling notebooks of Kafka into any chronological order as Kafka started writing in the middle of notebooks, from the last towards the first, et cetera. It is, he says, "as if the farm yard of my invalid opens up immediately in front of my courtyard gate". Of course, who is now going to lend her his horse for such a journey? His stories include "The Metamorphosis" 1912 and " The Trial 1925 , Despite first language, Kafka also spoke fluent Czech. The doctor believes the boy should get up and stop malingering, but the boy begs the doctor to let him die. The door opened and banged to and fro on its hinges. His narrative attitude is one of: "If I have failed, it's not my fault, but rather the fault of these other people.
