The broken calabash. The Broken Calabash 2022-10-26

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The broken calabash is a symbol that has been used in literature and folklore to represent the fragility of life and the fleeting nature of time. The calabash, also known as the gourd, is a hard-shelled fruit that is commonly used as a container in many cultures around the world. It is often used to store water or other liquids, and is prized for its durability and long-lasting qualities.

However, despite its toughness and resilience, the calabash can still break, just like anything else in the world. When a calabash breaks, it is no longer able to serve its original purpose as a container. It becomes useless, and its value is lost. This is a metaphor for the impermanence of life, and the idea that even the strongest and most enduring things can eventually come to an end.

The broken calabash is a reminder of our own mortality, and the fact that life is fleeting and uncertain. It is a symbol of the fragility of existence, and the importance of making the most of the time we have.

In literature, the broken calabash has often been used as a symbol of loss and grief. In African folklore, for example, the broken calabash is often associated with the passing of a loved one, and is seen as a symbol of the emptiness and sadness that is left behind when someone dies. In this context, the broken calabash serves as a reminder of the importance of cherishing the time we have with our loved ones, and of the need to make the most of every moment we have with them.

The broken calabash is also a symbol of the passage of time, and the way in which life changes and transforms over the course of our lives. Just as the calabash can break and become useless, so too can our own lives change in unexpected and unforeseen ways. The broken calabash serves as a reminder to stay present in the moment, and to appreciate the beauty and value of the things we have while we have them.

In conclusion, the broken calabash is a powerful symbol that serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing the time we have. It is a reminder to live fully in the present, and to make the most of every moment we are given.

Free Essay: The Broken Calabash of the North

the broken calabash

Muslims, too, are children of God. A new GOC who is a Christian was posted but he was short changed in his responsibilities by the outgoing GOC as the Special Task Force is removed from his desk and a Muslim Commander appointed to give them direction. With our rich and fertile soils, credible leaders and a persistent people, we have all it takes to have a separate identity other than the Northern mythology. And if some of us should fall, the Angel of the Lord will fight for us. Muslims in Nigeria have always use political power as the trump card that they have to sustain them in political leadership and once in power, they must use that opportunity to defend the Northern Islamic interest, however defined.


The broken calabash: Africa’s dying rivers

the broken calabash

By now, we know how his mind works and how he operates — his terror antics, the mischief, the surprise nature of his life and tricks are all but clear to us. . Churches are barely tolerated and are seen as a menace. We would dress up afterwards, hide our calabash under the Neem tree and head home. Even today, under the current democratic dispensation, army postings, police postings despite denials in certain quarters, are being reshaped in accordance with the whims and caprices of Northern hegemony. I will only have a son who is a man, who will hold his head up among my people" 172. Their definition of the North does not include us.


The Broken Calabash

the broken calabash

That part of the calabash that is broken is going to be a testimony in future. Our conversations would instinctively reduce to undertones as we approached the river valley. None of us enjoys taking the life of any child of God. In peace as in war, there are few to equal the likes of Yakubu Gowon, Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma, Domkat Bali, Gibson Sanda Jallo and several others who fought to keep this nation together. We are no longer in doubt about how well we have read the enemy and understood his antics.


The Broken Calabash Of The North Analysis Example

the broken calabash

Residents of South Sudan struggle through appalling conditions and are in need for life necessities. The Middle Belt has enough manpower, land and natural resources to stand the test of time. In the light of the global Islamic resurgence, the traditions of Jihad have to be reinvented to meet the needs of the twenty-first century. Such, alas, are the times in which we live. Of course, violence cannot be said to be the ultimate. David Lot and Patrick Dokotri. They have had a tradition of learning and rulership that is probably unequalled in the annals of the Western Sudan.


THE BROKEN CALABASH / Spiceytemie's blog / Naijapals

the broken calabash

This maneuvers show that something sinister is happening perpetrated by our so call big brothers from the North. In the light of the global Islamic resurgence, the traditions of Jihad have to be reinvented to meet the needs of the twenty-first century. And if disproportionate force is what is needed to dissuade the Jihadists, then disproportionate force it must be. Many of these attacks are random in character, mostly unexplained and unprovoked. They belong to a global Muslim Ummah in which the Nigerian branch is one of the largest on the African continent. Middle Belt leaders are largely to blame for pandering to this empty, nauseating charade.


The Broken Calabash

the broken calabash

Today, you are unlikely to find anyone from the Middle Belt holding a senior cabinet position in any important department of government. They bought an old car for our chief and a motorcycle each for the elders and promised there were going to build a new school and rehabilitate the old market. Apply wisdom and make good use of the idea. We knew the river was our life and we had a responsibility to protect it. The author points out that territorial control along with the formation of the nation-state also retain their appeal to sub-state Muslim groups that wish to regain control of their historical homelands.


Broken Calabash

the broken calabash

Some parts of our lives can be likened to a broken piece or calabash. Her four grandchildren were her tributaries. However, if she insists on marrying out to a man as her husband, she must marry a wife to take her place in the family. All you have to do is to pick up the pieces and arrange them together using fine clay. From the start of the European penetration, the missionaries who set out to convert the heathens of Africa were mostly concerned with the Niger Delta. Western secularism and materialism have shown themselves to be highly discredited. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power.


The broken calabash. (1984 edition)

the broken calabash

Muslims, too, are children of God. One wonders why there will be such kind of postings in a predominantly Christian population and yet in Kano, Bauchi, Borno, Katsina, Sokoto etc such an opposite postings cannot take place. The questionable and controversial roles of people like the former Army Chief, General Abdulrahman Bello Dambazau and Major-General Saleh Maina, Commanding Officer, 3 Division, on the Jos crisis leaves much to be desired. What is that part of your life that has been damaged or separated into two as a result of force? And we have all but forgotten the arduous sacrifices they made so that our people would have a more dignified future. Such, alas, are the times in which we live.


Odyssey of life with Temilola: THE BROKEN CALABASH

the broken calabash

This maneuvers show that something sinister is happening perpetrated by our so call big brothers from the North. After the marriage ceremony, the man always return back to his people and the brides people to tell them if his wife is a virgin or not. Even when you find it, these are mere errand officers for the Pharoahs. Palm wine and palm oil are important commodities traditionally controlled by males. If the Jihadists expect people to lie back and relax while they kill rape and maim our women and children, then they must think again. The Muslim North has a heritage rooted in the traditions of Jihad and the Caliphate. In peace as in war, there are few to equal the likes of Yakubu Gowon, Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma, Domkat Bali, Gibson Sanda Jallo and several others who fought to keep this nation together.


Creative works of Tess Osonye Onwueme

the broken calabash

Of course, violence cannot be said to be the ultimate. When it comes to representation at the Federal centre, the Middle Belt region always plays second fiddle to the Muslim North in the scheme of things. And we have all but forgotten the arduous sacrifices they made so that our people would have a more dignified future. It is also instructive that just before the outbreak of violence in Jos, a mysterious order came from Abuja transferring all Plateau State indigenes serving in the Nigerian Police Force out of the State. There comes a time when you must stop praying and act; when you must defend your family, your children, and your land. Our folks told us if you ate your totem you may loose all your teeth. None of us enjoys taking the life of any child of God.
