The answer is no by naguib mahfouz. The Answer Is No By Naguib Mahfouz Essay 2022-11-06

The answer is no by naguib mahfouz Rating: 8,7/10 414 reviews

"The Answer is No" is a short story by the Egyptian writer Naguib Mahfouz, first published in 1950. It tells the story of a young man named Hassan who is trying to convince his father to let him marry a woman named Fatma.

Hassan's father is a traditional and conservative man who is opposed to the idea of his son marrying someone he has not personally chosen for him. He believes that Hassan is too young and unprepared for the responsibilities of marriage, and he is concerned that Fatma is not a suitable match.

Despite Hassan's persistence, his father refuses to give his consent to the marriage. He insists that Hassan must first complete his studies and establish a successful career before he can even consider marriage. Hassan is disappointed and frustrated by his father's refusal, but he ultimately agrees to comply with his wishes.

The story illustrates the tension between the desires and aspirations of youth and the expectations and traditions of older generations. It also highlights the power dynamics at play in familial relationships, with the father holding the authority to make decisions for his son.

Mahfouz's writing style is characterized by a simple and straightforward narrative style, which makes the story easy to understand and engage with. The use of dialogue between Hassan and his father also helps to bring the characters to life and add depth to the story.

Overall, "The Answer is No" is a thought-provoking and poignant tale that speaks to the universal themes of family, love, and the challenges of growing up. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of respecting the traditions and values of our elders, while also recognizing the need to make our own choices and follow our own paths in life.

Naguib Mahfouz World Literature Analysis

the answer is no by naguib mahfouz

A shudder passed through her body, but it was unavoidable. She had hoped that her plan would lead Dr. In "The Answer is No," an older teacher feels some apprehension at the new headmaster of the school. The only words that the director utters announce changes in the educational system, a major concern in the novel. For diversion, she tends to her rooftop garden and looks at the neighborhood and its minarets. Then, the first time he was alone with her in his room, he asked her, "How are you? Both of these stories center on the female character and the conflict that exists in the story. The characters live within a rich context of time, place, and heredity.


The Answer Is No By Naguib Mahfouz

the answer is no by naguib mahfouz

We can figure out from what Maguib Mahfouz wrote," How, then, had it happened? His generally tragic works often center their interest on individuals in crisis and examine issues relating to class, ambition, and morality in government. Today, it can be seen in most countries as most women are continuing to make these choices. In his comfortable home at Bayna al-qasrayn, the martinet imposes strict standards of behavior on his family, upholding traditional values, which are undergoing change. Medea fell in love with Jason the moment she met him. Another possible interpretation has to do with the narrator's instinctive desire to be "fair" to Badawi.


The Answer Is No by Naguib Mahfouz

the answer is no by naguib mahfouz

Good luck and money or material possessions, rather than religious or ethical values, guarantee moral standing. With all her strength she hopes that life will pass calmly, peacefully, rather than happily. She has left home twice in the past twenty-five years, veiled and accompanied by her husband, to visit her mother. . London: Ithaca Press, 1974. In her innocence she had not noticed any change in his behavior to put her on her guard.


The Answer Is No By Naguib Mahfouz Analysis

the answer is no by naguib mahfouz

Malḥamat al-ḥarfsh 1977; The Harafish, 1994 is an epic of the common people who are oppressed by poverty, but who also suffer from vices pride, dishonesty, lust, greed that are sources of cruelty and obstacles to greatness. In this demonstration, Kingston shows the gap between the generation born and raised in Asian culture and the generation bathed in the American culture and can therefore only linger in the peripherals of the former. The social trait theory proves that her environment was not only unsupportive but also very dangerous at her once tender age. Keep it to yourself and I'll come and propose to you the day you come of age. Sawyer, but she failed and Dr. She was given many chances to marry again but instead she couldn't from the emotional distress. Said kills an innocent man instead of Ilish, who has relocated.


Naguib Mahfouz Analysis

the answer is no by naguib mahfouz

Following, her decisions, thus made her mother very skeptical about if she got raped because nothing seems to change with her behavior. The story would not make much sense if the roles were reversed. The power dynamics between Kamel and Lila are constantly changing. On their return, she is hit by an automobile, a symbol of scientific progress. Like most cases of rape she did not report because of fear of humiliation, 67% of date rape situation are committed by people who know one another U.


An Analysis of The Answer is No, a Short Story by Naguib Mahfouz

the answer is no by naguib mahfouz

Agatha is the young girl that tried to show her compassion at the creature in the novel Frankenstein. This book enlightens the readers of what really happened and was left out in high school history classes. She is rationalizing, giving herself an out. However, she kept silent, uttered not a word, What, she wondered, did his eyes express? The reader from the beginning sympathizes with the young girl in the story. Mahfouz paints with epic grandeur the dilemmas and aspirations of three generations of the family of Ahmad Abd al Jawad, from 1917 to 1944. They ended up having sex, and Alice soon regretted her decision.


The important piece of news that the new headmaster had arrived spread through the school

the answer is no by naguib mahfouz

She speaks out and tells her story in order to warn other women. Society against women rights prevents Elizabeth to speak up for her tragedy because she has no place and no one to blame to. The girl in the story can, in fact, be any girl faced with a choice that was making her "struggle helplessly in a well strung trap" Mahfouz 12. The Answer Is No By Naguib Mahfuz The important piece of news that the new headmaster had arrived spread through the school. Finally, I was astonished by the persistence and the power that this girl had. In the story she is sexually assaulted by her teacher. When she was raped, she didn't understand what had happened to her, and she was shocked and every inch of her body was trembling.


Free Essay: The Answer Is No

the answer is no by naguib mahfouz

In many stories, he used the narrative techniques of the Arabic tradition to which he is heir. It was the only way she can truly overcome her current situation. Mahfouz uses the stream-of-consciousness technique. They also deal with quests; characters search for the father, for honor, or for political identity. Othman is an excellent worker and is promoted with the shifting of positions. Leiden, The Netherlands: E. Her look of rejection saddens Said.
