The alchemist ending summary. 'The Alchemist' Summary 2022-10-27

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In the novel "The Alchemist," the main character, Santiago, is a shepherd who embarks on a journey to fulfill his personal legend, or life's purpose, to find a treasure at the pyramids in Egypt. Along the way, he meets several people who help him on his journey, including an alchemist who teaches him about the importance of following one's dreams and the power of love.

At the end of the novel, Santiago finally reaches the pyramids and finds the treasure he has been seeking. However, he realizes that the true treasure was not the gold and jewels he found, but rather the journey itself and the lessons he learned along the way. He also realizes that the alchemist's teachings about following one's personal legend and the power of love were more valuable than any material possessions.

Despite facing many challenges and setbacks, Santiago ultimately achieves his goal and learns the importance of staying true to oneself and following one's dreams. The novel ends with Santiago returning home, a changed man, with a newfound appreciation for the world and the people around him.

In conclusion, the ending of "The Alchemist" is a celebration of the journey of self-discovery and the importance of following one's dreams and passions. Santiago's journey teaches readers that true fulfillment and happiness come from within and that the road to achieving one's goals is often filled with challenges and obstacles, but ultimately worth it.

'The Alchemist' Summary

the alchemist ending summary

He finds nothing buried in the ground. At that sight, he drops to his knees and begins to weep. But men rejected simple things. One of the robbers laughs at him, and says that he has had the exact same dream, except that in his the treasure was buried in Spain. The novel shows us wisdoms and gentle reminders of how to change our lives from what they may be today into the life we have always dreamed of. The wind begins to blow, and it brings with it a familiar scent of perfume. Face is forced to admit everything by the Dapper when his voice emerges from t0he privy that nothing happens at it is shown to us.


Book Summary

the alchemist ending summary

He then makes his first mature decision in his pursuit of his Personal Legend: he can choose to see himself as a victim or as an adventurer. The concept of the wind has changed for him, from the start of the journey he believed that the levanter came from Africa that brought the threat of Moorish invasions. A book about a boy's quest for hidden treasure, seeing new places, meeting new people. When he met Fatima, he was ready to give up his search for his Personal Legend and stay with Fatima in the desert, but through the persuasion of the Alchemist, he left her. Soon after, the alchemist takes Santiago out into the desert to test whether he can find life in the desert. After Santiago cleans crystal all day, the merchant gives him dinner. Cite this page as follows: "The Alchemist - Summary" eNotes Publishing Ed.


What Is The Ending Of The Alchemist

the alchemist ending summary

The conmen and other characters manipulate an illusion for their rich life ahead, however, in the end, all illusions are uncovered and audience experiences a comic catharsis. The alchemist responds that Santiago is an alchemist who can turn himself into the wind, and says that if Santiago has not turned himself into the wind in three days time, the chieftain can kill them. The young man must endure many obstacles. In addition, the story is told like clockwork, told repetitively through memories that essentially keep Santiago alive twenty-seven years after his death. They're here to help! On the third day, he communicates with the wind and the sun and coaxes them to help him create a tremendous sandstorm. As they travel through the desert, the Englishman tells Santiago about the secrets of alchemy. The three conmen Face, Subtle, and Dol are deceiving themselves through shortcuts for achieving their desires, consequently, un-fastened by the same flaws they searched for in their victims, known as the clients.


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Plot Summary

the alchemist ending summary

In most of the comedies, particularly in European and English, it is conventional that the main character, especially the high-class character resolves the conflict between the lower characters. We see both masters, lovewit, and servant, Face or Jeremy, as the opportunist and knows how to have to good fortune in the life disregard of any ethical boundaries. Jonson, with his pitiless satire and wit, criticizes all the social classes. A crystal merchant tells him many reasons why his quest might fail. In The Alchemist, Santiago had to forget that desire to achieve his Personal Legend, but has made it a goal to return to the oasis to live with Fatima after his journey was over.


The Alchemist Themes

the alchemist ending summary

The Alchemist by Ben Jonson Summary Lovewit handed over his house to his butler, Jeremy, while leaving for him hop-yard in London. At the end of the play, he is looted and left with nothing. The only problem is that Santiago has no idea what he is doing. The Alchemist Summary The Alchemist is a novel by Paulo Coelho in which Spanish shepherd Santiago dreams of a long-buried treasure in Egypt. The two part ways. Santiago is pleased that he is working toward his goal of acquiring an even larger flock of sheep.


The Alchemist (Coelho) Summary

the alchemist ending summary

Melchizedek and the alchemist become mentors, while the Englishman provides and example of what happens if you hope to acquire knowledge mainly from books, and the crystal merchant shows him the type of life one leads if one doesn't heed a Personal Legend. It concerns a treasure buried in an abandoned church in Spain where a sycamore tree grows. This straightforward approach of Jeremy has impressed Lovewit. He returns with Tribulation, his priest. These concepts include personal legends, the soul of the world, and omens. As he digs, several people approach Santiago.


The Alchemist Section 13 Summary & Analysis

the alchemist ending summary

Santiago, however, prefers to learn these secrets by observing the world, while the Englishman prefers to learn from complex books. This does not go unnoticed by the alchemist who, in turn, decides to mentor Santiago and to help him reach the pyramids. The church is the same one in which Santiago had his original dream, and he finally understands where his treasure is. For instance, the Anabaptist preacher, Tribulation, uses the money he received a donation to buy goods for a so-called orphan; similarly, Mammon wants his all wealth and property to transfer into gold; thus selling their conscience to do illegal things. He is elder than Face, and more learned to have alchemical expertise.


The Alchemist: Full Book Summary

the alchemist ending summary

Their source of information is Fatima, a girl he meets as she is collecting water from the well and with whom he promptly falls in love. Different instruments come together to play different strings of notes that harmoniously combine to create a symphony. He also faces the second obstacle—love. He sets out on a quest to obtain the treasure. Face and lovewit are the least deceived characters in the play as at the end they are only who are successful.
