The achievement of desire analysis. Richard Rodriguez, "The Achievement of Desire": Analysis 2022-11-09

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The speakers in the poem "The Wanderer" are, as the title suggests, wanderers. These are individuals who have lost their homes, families, and communities and are now traveling alone, seeking shelter and companionship in a world that is often hostile and unforgiving.

The wanderers in this poem are described as being "deprived of kin and lord," suggesting that they have been separated from their loved ones and are now forced to rely on their own strength and resourcefulness to survive. They are also described as being "exiled" and "banished," further emphasizing the isolation and loneliness that they experience as they wander the land.

Despite their difficult circumstances, the wanderers in this poem are not portrayed as weak or helpless. Instead, they are depicted as being resilient and determined, with a deep sense of honor and pride that allows them to endure even the most trying of circumstances. They are able to find solace in the beauty of the natural world, and in their own inner strength and courage, and are able to maintain their hope and optimism even in the face of great adversity.

Ultimately, the speakers in "The Wanderer" represent a universal human experience – the need to find meaning and purpose in a world that is often uncertain and unpredictable. They remind us of the resilience and strength that lies within all of us, and of the importance of holding onto hope and optimism in the face of even the most difficult challenges.

Hunger of Memory Chapter 2: The Achievement of Desire Summary & Analysis

the achievement of desire analysis

Although standardized tests are only one factor in admissions to many colleges, they should not be used at all because they do not accurately predict the success of students in higher educational environments. There are other barriers, besides the language barrier, that make Rodriguez different to his parents. In his sacrifice to become formed by education, he has in effect been changed deeply, so deeply that its not possible to connect with that past life. Being a "scholarship boy" Rodriguez was unable to critically think for himself and was unable to capture and completely understand what he was reading. As we see here, Rodriguez was not simply reading his books mindlessly, or just reading each word without thinking.


Richard Rodriguez “The Achievement of Desire”: Analysis Free Essay Example

the achievement of desire analysis

Francisco knows the value of education and works hard on getting good grades so that he can make money and help his family pay for their needs. This can be seen though the controversial issue of standardized testing. In order for this tower to stand the bricks must be strong. Now a professor of Education and Information Studies at UCLA, Rose moves through secondary school at Our Lady of Mercy on the Voc. Rodriguez himself became, from an early age, that model student, superior to the rest of his peers. He would constantly take in what his teachers taught him and then take these new ideas back to his family. Rodriguez shares with his readers a common challenge for all students: to find a delicate balance between our types of learning.


Achievement Of Desire Analysis

the achievement of desire analysis

Studies show that a typical student takes an average of 112 mandated standardized tests between Pre-K and 12th grade. Rodriguez then continues, arguing that education distances people from their families and origins. The choice between these two worlds, these two extremes, is not a mysterious one, but it is an obvious one according to Rodriguez. He states that he was more interested in sports than Shakespeare 143. Because of this, Mr. From the moment that you are born to the moment where you learn how to read and write, there has been the theory of reading and writing.


Analysis Of The Achievement Of Desire By Richard Rodriguez

the achievement of desire analysis

Rodriguez was submitted into a first-rate Catholic school in the white suburbs of Sacramento,… The motorcycle Diaries In the course of their travel, Ernesto and Alberto discover the reality of their country filled with suffering, injustice and oppression affecting the lower classes of the social hierarchy. He attempts to do this by bringing home his school materials, so that way he can feel like he is still in the classroom. This environment was especially hard for him in his high school years, as he was embarrassed of his parents because they were not like his teachers. His parents find him reading when he should be asleep, when he should be playing outside, in a closet, and thus cannot understand what their son sees in the books. It can't be surpassed out or paid for. Everything he had worked so hard for was finally worth it, as he could enter the real world of academics.


Richard Rodriguez, "The Achievement of Desire": Analysis

the achievement of desire analysis

However, he rejects any belief that education and the home culture can actually exist together. We have all gone through that time in our lives when we move on from being a child and become an adult. When learning this new challenging skill, I am asked to initially overcome fears against the odds, which slowly appear surmountable with the passage of time. He argues that many schools lower the standards of the students to have more satisfied students with low grades. His tone now transforms into guilt.


The Achievement of Desire

the achievement of desire analysis

His desire to read and write created an isolation from his parents. His educational career was all he knew. I used to hate writing, but when I entered my new high school the way I write has been totally impacted and was deeply branded. Rodriguez recalls the moment of intense disillusionment he felt while working on his graduate dissertation. Having understood the main idea of education after many years have passed it becomes obvious for Rodriguez that his parents are the closet people to him and knowledge is just one of the characteristics one has which may be or may not be, but family is eternal. The price Rodriguez must pay for his academic success is more like a loss that he feels.


Analysis of "The Achievement of Desire"

the achievement of desire analysis

In the end, however, Rodriguez returns to his roots and his family, thus completing the circle. The family was barely able to put young Richard through school but the real story is how he developed a relationship with books. Along the same lines, Graff reminds us of the competition of comparing test scores in school 249. He read many non-fiction books, textbooks, and fictional novels, and asked himself why he read them. Promocode: SAMPLES20 Rodriguez begins with recalling his childhood and background, after seeing a part of himself in the fourteen-year old girl, whose excitement and enthusiasm mirror his boy self. Most students came from environments where the written word was sparse, causing them to not practice enough.


The Achievement Of Desire By Richard Rodriguez Analysis

the achievement of desire analysis

He says that his intelligence was not on a low level, but rather he thought of his intelligence to be low because of his teachers and the fact he was in vocational classes, but he soon realizes that pushing to the next level was the key to his success. Becoming more and more educated, Rodriguez understood that he becomes more distant from his relatives. Finally, he remembers his first visit home from college and how talking to his parents felt more like an interview than a conversation. Unlike spoken language, written language does not give the luxury of a back and forth exchange. However, it is not just the teaching that attracts Rodriguez, but rather just the teachers as persons.


Essay on Richard Rodriguez, "The Achievement of Desire":...

the achievement of desire analysis

This made him look for something else, whether that was knowledge given by his teachers or their authority towards him. He describes these two 'worlds' as extremes throughout his life growing up. Juan discloses to Yadira that technical school is a beneficial opportunity for him simply as he enjoys the mechanical aspects and felt that this particular method of education concentrating on mechanical specialty is a better fit for him than attending a traditional college. Throughout his book, Rodriguez undergoes a series of changes and revelations that not only hurts him but enhances him. These are excellent examples of how schools should try to tap into these hidden intellectualisms. As a student, he does not want to disturb the balance, but he always wants to be a successful student, while still being close to his parents.
