Tensions and contradictions in health and social care. Negotiating Tensions and Contradictions in Public Benefit Schemes Schemes 2022-10-11

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Health and social care are two essential sectors that play a vital role in the well-being and quality of life of individuals and communities. However, these sectors are often faced with tensions and contradictions that can impact the effectiveness and efficiency of services, as well as the experience of those who use them.

One tension that exists in health and social care is the balance between individual and collective needs. On the one hand, there is a focus on the rights and autonomy of individuals, which means that they should have control over their own health and social care decisions. On the other hand, there is a need to consider the broader societal and public health implications of these decisions, which may require a more collective approach to care. This can lead to conflicts between individual rights and the needs of the broader community, such as in the case of mandatory vaccination policies or quarantine measures during a pandemic.

Another tension in health and social care is the balance between the provision of care and the cost of providing it. Health and social care services are expensive, and there is often pressure to reduce costs in order to make them more affordable and sustainable. However, cost-cutting measures can sometimes compromise the quality and accessibility of care, particularly for vulnerable or marginalized groups. This can lead to inequalities in access to care, as well as a potential trade-off between cost and quality.

A third tension in health and social care is the balance between the roles of professionals and non-professionals. Health and social care professionals, such as doctors and nurses, are trained to provide care to a high standard, but there is also a recognition that non-professionals, such as family members and volunteers, can play a valuable role in providing care and support. However, there can be tensions around the division of labor and the boundaries of responsibility between professionals and non-professionals, which can impact the quality and effectiveness of care.

Overall, tensions and contradictions in health and social care are inevitable, given the complex and multifaceted nature of these sectors. However, it is important to recognize and address these tensions in order to ensure that health and social care services are effective, efficient, and equitable for all. This may require a balance between competing interests and a willingness to find creative and innovative solutions that meet the needs of both individuals and communities.

Recognising the tensions and contradictions surrounding the ‘Crisis within Social Care’ from a Human Rights perspective

tensions and contradictions in health and social care

Class Struggle Tensions and contradictions significantly operate in class system, based primarily on economic statuses, which may be subject to change. Once again health and social care staff seemed to describe common, rather than separate, challenges. Misunderstandings, ambiguities and boundaries around roles and responsibilities of health and social care staff limited the development of constructive relationships. A lady…with advanced dementia, a succession of chest infections and asthmatic. She becomes a bit more unsteady on her feet. Regulatory solutions were also ineffective because they were devised with limited information and generated by bureaucratic experts or technocrats, rather than by individuals and institutions involved in implementation on the ground.


Explaining the barriers to and tensions in delivering effective healthcare in UK care homes: a qualitative study

tensions and contradictions in health and social care

Surely, given what we have just witnessed, is there not a need to question whether or not these forms of institutionalized living are the solution to the numbers of people requiring supported living? Providing an empirical account of the changes is important for the theorization of care and caring relationships because care is a public or collective responsibility although many activities associated with care may occur in private and individuals assume responsibilities for such activities. The loss of productivity is as much as 20%, costing in the region of £400m a year, which can be added to the £500m spent on introducing this system. It is about ensuring that all disabled people have the equality of opportunity in the chances and choices of life like everybody else. Some care home managers described tackling the issue of do not attempt resuscitation DNAR orders directly with residents and families and having to take important decisions about advance care planning without support from healthcare professionals. Crucially, however, Judy goes on to say: Disabled people now found that, in setting up the services, professionals assumed rather than enquired about what help people wanted, determined rather than consulted about what services would be provided, and they, as disabled people, were expected to be passive in their acceptance of what was on offer.


Social contradictions and tensions

tensions and contradictions in health and social care

The findings not only presented under the five main headings that provide a summary of these but also contribute to an understanding what might be seen to comprise good healthcare in this setting. The perspectives of disability studies and care research certainly are different from each other. In light of the media and regulatory scrutiny, it was anticipated that care home staff might feel defensive and that their care was being judged. The schedules were adapted, with emerging themes to be used in later interviews. Introduction There is broad agreement that a crisis within what is known as Social Care exists but there are vast differences of opinion in terms of its causes and what is required to bring the crisis to an end.


Reviewer Lesson 2 Social Contradictions and webapi.bu.edu

tensions and contradictions in health and social care

Interviews The interviews were completed at a time and place to suit the participants and lasted between 20 and 90 min. I had one of my residents admitted last week to hospital with, and we thought she'd had a stroke. Melvin Steadman reminisces with his son, Dr. Which one of the unvaccinated kids in the neighborhood will one day be rushed into the unit limp with meningitis? She tells herself that she will do her best to help each of them survive. Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, 7e. The government must create the environment within which this can happen.


Conclusion: Tensions and Challenges

tensions and contradictions in health and social care

His son Kevin is also a pediatrician, working as a staff physician for a large for-profit multispecialty group that recently opened up an office in town. Understanding program changes requires an analysis of the substance of the changes in law, for example as well as the deliberations and decisions that led to those changes. Facing a dwindling supply of patients, Mel has decided to call it quits. Early in the course of the analysis, the relationship between care home managers and GPs emerged as pivotal in the delivery of all aspects of healthcare. Neither GPs nor care home staff have enough time to meet these needs and many lack the prerequisite skills and training. Equally important, the failures also expose the weaknesses and limitations of these approaches. Those minorities will adapt to the society and change their mode of living and lifestyle, causing their original culture to falter and be influenced.


Negotiating Tensions and Contradictions in Public Benefit Schemes Schemes

tensions and contradictions in health and social care

Methodological approach With the existing paucity of knowledge concerning how healthcare is delivered in care homes, a grounded theory approach , A phenomenological interview study was used to understand how formal healthcare was delivered in care homes. Which window shade hides a homebound elder lying on the floor dehydrated and unable to move, waiting for someone to find him and bring him to the emergency department? Physicians increasingly are being called upon to incorporate considerations of costs when making clinical decisions. Coding framework The accounts offered by participants helped build a picture of healthcare that took place as a composite of the formal contributions of health professionals and the less formal work of care home staff. While it is possible to pursue personalisation within existing resources, the government must accept that achieving the best outcomes requires people to have the level of resource that is right for them. All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.


Social Contradiction and webapi.bu.edu

tensions and contradictions in health and social care

From such an understanding, recommendations could then be made for the design of future provision. And the staff at the home thought she'd got diabetes. . In response, and recognising the need to seize the moment, an array of proposals have emerged that seek to in some manner address the crisis. Disability studies analyse the oppression and exclusion of disabled people and emphases that disabled people need human rights and control over their own lives.


tensions and contradictions in health and social care

She suffers from stiff, painful joints. Social Contradiction and Tension Social Contradiction and Tension - There are instances wherein new ideas and culture being encountered can destabilize the society. Recruitment As part of the National Institute for Health Research NIHR -funded Medical Crises in Older People research programme GPs were approached after recruitment of the care home. Tom Shakespeare 2000 talks about help, referring primarily to reciprocal relationships among peer groups where help is provided on a mutual basis. Ransom is in a quandary. Care home manager 5 Participants suggested that higher levels of support in the community were a key reason for the increasing dependency of the cohort as a whole. In a qualitative study of home support services in British Columbia, Kari Krogh and Jon Johnson examine the negative effects changes to services have had on the lives of people with disabilities.
