Ted talks internet privacy. Why online privacy matters β€” and how to protect yours 2022-11-09

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TED Talks are a series of influential lectures and presentations on a wide range of topics, including internet privacy. Internet privacy is a significant concern in today's digital age, as more and more personal information is being shared online and on social media platforms.

One TED Talk that addresses the issue of internet privacy is by Glenn Greenwald, a journalist and lawyer who is known for his work on government surveillance and privacy issues. In his TED Talk, Greenwald discusses the importance of protecting internet privacy, and the ways in which governments and corporations can potentially abuse the information that is shared online.

Greenwald argues that internet privacy is not just about protecting individuals from the prying eyes of governments or corporations, but also about preserving the freedom and autonomy of individuals in the digital age. He cites examples of how government surveillance programs, such as the NSA's PRISM program, have been used to monitor the online activities of individuals without their knowledge or consent.

Another TED Talk on internet privacy is by Zeynep Tufekci, a Turkish-American sociologist and technology researcher. In her TED Talk, Tufekci discusses the ways in which social media algorithms can shape our online experiences, and how they can potentially be used to manipulate our behavior and opinions.

Tufekci argues that social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, are designed to keep users engaged for as long as possible, and that this can have negative consequences for our privacy and well-being. She cites examples of how these algorithms can be used to amplify fake news and polarize users, and how they can potentially be used to influence elections and political outcomes.

Overall, TED Talks on internet privacy highlight the importance of protecting our online information and the ways in which it can be potentially abused. They also highlight the need for individuals to be aware of the ways in which their online activities are being monitored and tracked, and to take steps to protect their privacy online.

TED reaches its billionth video view!

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That thinking needs to be upended, Barlow says. Chrome facilitates that mass delivery of your personal data to every advertiser when you browse the web. But that, in many ways, is a system that is built around the kinds of hacks that we had two or three years ago, where it was just financial information that was being stolen. And then analytics companies come in, mine the tweet stream and sell data to companies and governments that want it. Listen in to get their take on the end of magical thinking, quiet CEOs, the latest in sneaker fashion and the collapse of FTX -- plus, an After Hours poem for you.


TED Courses

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TED Talks are a very large collection of 15-minute presentations from various experts around the world on just about any topic you can think of β€” and many that you could not. To close out the year on TED Talks Daily, we wanted to leave you with something special. Think of the Stuxnet worm. So if you have a public Twitter profile, and anyone can follow you, there are still going to be companies and governments that want to see that information. But even she sometimes needs inspiration.


5 Must Watch TED Talks on Data Protection & Privacy

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Data mining innovator Shyam Sankar explains why solving big problems like catching terrorists or identifying huge hidden trends is not a question of finding the right algorithm, but rather the right symbiotic relationship between computation and human creativity. This episode is part of the TED Talks Daily end of year wrap-up, a collection of ideas to help you better understand the trends of the past year and feel ready for the one ahead. Website accessibility advocate Clive Loseby sheds light on why many parts of the web are closed off to those with disabilities -- and lays out some steps to make being online better for everyone. Or there are websites for people with some kind of sensitive medical condition. That way I can remember and share the mindset with others when circumstances allow me to do so.


29 Amazing TED Cybersecurity Talks (2008

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And the response to the sinister side of this technology may have unintended consequences of its own. And how, you may ask, did she study thousands of real passwords without compromising the security of any users? In 2010, over 2. This episode is part of the TED Talks Daily end-of-year wrap-up. Journalist David Rothkopf lays out a few of the major issues that US leadership is failing to address β€” from cybercrime to world-shaking new tech to the reality of modern total war β€” and calls for a new vision that sets fear aside. You can tackle that subject through a TED Talk. You can ask your banks to send you new credit card numbers, and in many cases the banks will know if your card is hacked before you will. He shares how taking stock of your transaction history can unlock surprisingly valuable insights about what drives you to spend and save -- and provides practical tips on how to perform an "emotional audit" of your expenses.


12 Must

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The Top Ted Talks on Cybersecurity To make it easy for you, we watched and sifted through dozens of cybersecurity TED Talks, picked the 12 most intriguing, and assembled them in one convenient place. And so they can pool this information, and then monetize it and use it to deliver ads to people that the company thinks are more relevant. As 2022 draws to a close, we're sharing some of the most perspective-expanding ideas from the TED Audio Collective to give you a sense of the bigger picture, help you better understand the trends of the past year and get ready for the one ahead. Yet encryption, the technology that protects the privacy of email communication, does exist. Christopher Soghoian: Your Smartphone is a civil rights issue The smartphone you use reflects more than just personal taste … it could determine how closely you can be tracked, too. Ben Gurion University Professor Yuval Elovici, who is also head of its Cyber Security Research Center, also discusses the danger of IoT devices.


β€ŽTED Talks Daily on Apple Podcasts

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An Alternative While the future of our privacy looks gloomy, there is an alternative. How And Why Russia Hacked The Us Election Laura Galante May 2017 Hacking, fake news, information bubbles … all these and more have become part of the vernacular in recent years. Privacy settings really only control the distribution of information through the platform. But what is clear from these transparency reports is that governments in the US and elsewhere have an enormous appetite for data. When they all have the same unchangeable password, a hacker needs to figure out just one password to be able to get into all.


TED Talks Daily

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How do we build trust into the IoT? Privacy is both the means and the price to pay for freedom. Will Potter: What are the top few things we should all do to protect our basic information? For encrypted data streams, he could see only the meta data, but even that provides information. From this TED Fellow, learn how some tech companies are working to keep your calls and messages private. In this thought-provoking, slightly chilling talk, he shares details of recent and ongoing research β€” including a project that shows how easy it is to match a photograph of a stranger with their sensitive personal information. In this episode, McGonigal teaches us how to be futurists and talks about the role of imagination and gaming in shaping a future that we're truly excited about. If you can, listen to this with headphones while walking. Lorrie Faith Cranor June 2014 Lorrie Faith Cranor studied thousands of real passwords to figure out the surprising, very common mistakes that users β€” and secured sites β€” make to compromise security.


Edward Snowden: Why Does Online Privacy Matter? : NPR

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The most basic one, and the tip that is really the best bang-for-buck when it comes to privacy, is putting a sticker or a Band-Aid over your webcam on your laptop. For example, with unencrypted data streams, such as when someone watched Hulu on the smart TV, he could see everything. You can read more about Hypponen and other cybersecurity influencers here. Constitution, which protects freedom of speech. In many cases, what affects the quality of the software, what affects the security of a tool, is more about how many people are working on it.


TED Talks, Part 1: The Dark Side of Data and Why Online Privacy Is Important

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Of late, that scope seems to have narrowed. As 2022 draws to a close, we're sharing some of the most perspective-expanding ideas from the TED Audio Collective to give you a sense of the bigger picture, help you better understand the trends of the past year and get ready for the one ahead. As they say: "No, we did not write it ourselves. In the same way that it would be great if we taught financial literacy to young people in schools, I think it would be great if we taught digital security and privacy. As 2022 draws to a close, we're sharing some of the most perspective-expanding ideas from the TED Audio Collective to give you a sense of the bigger picture, help you better understand the trends of the past year and get ready for the one ahead. Melanie is a Milwaukee-based freelance writer.


Why online privacy matters β€” and how to protect yours

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Not just to the dark days of the 1979-81 Iranian hostage crisis but to a brighter, earlier time, when Hollywood regularly turned out smart and engaging films that crackled with energy and purpose. How the IoT is making cybercrime investigation easier You may have heard about the Amazon Echo that was at the center of a 2015 murder case in Arkansas and how the smart-home device was viewed as a potential witness in the investigation. The first thing you really need to think about is, who am I worried about? One is surveillance of private communications, and one is surveillance of what you might call public communications. It's an immersive sound journey through the history of Earth, as told by ecologist and author Stephan Harding. That is a huge misconception. We're excited to share an exercise of that shift with all of you.
