Target market coverage. Market Coverage Strategy 2022-10-14

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A target market is a group of consumers that a business has identified as its primary audience for a product or service. It is the group of people to whom a business directs its marketing efforts and to whom it tailors its products or services. Identifying and understanding the target market is a crucial step in the marketing process, as it helps businesses to make informed decisions about how to best reach and appeal to potential customers.

There are several strategies that businesses can use to reach their target market, and the approach chosen will depend on a variety of factors, including the size and demographics of the target market, the marketing budget, and the resources available to the business. Some common strategies for targeting a market include:

  1. Demographic targeting: This strategy involves targeting consumers based on their age, gender, income, education level, and other demographic characteristics. For example, a business that sells luxury beauty products may choose to target affluent women between the ages of 25 and 45.

  2. Geographic targeting: This strategy involves targeting consumers based on their location. For example, a business that sells ski equipment may choose to target consumers in ski resorts or areas with a high concentration of ski enthusiasts.

  3. Psychographic targeting: This strategy involves targeting consumers based on their interests, values, attitudes, and lifestyles. For example, a business that sells eco-friendly products may choose to target consumers who are concerned about the environment and are interested in sustainability.

  4. Behavioural targeting: This strategy involves targeting consumers based on their past behaviour, such as their purchase history or online browsing habits. For example, a business that sells fitness products may choose to target consumers who have previously purchased fitness-related products or who frequently visit fitness-related websites.

Regardless of the strategy chosen, it is important for businesses to thoroughly research and understand their target market in order to effectively reach and appeal to potential customers. This may involve collecting data through market research and analysis, as well as testing different marketing approaches to see what works best.

Effective target market coverage can help businesses to:

  1. Maximize their marketing efforts: By focusing on a specific target market, businesses can tailor their marketing messages and channels to more effectively reach and engage their target audience.

  2. Increase customer loyalty: By understanding and meeting the needs and preferences of their target market, businesses can build strong, long-lasting relationships with their customers.

  3. Improve their bottom line: By targeting the right market, businesses can increase their sales and revenue, leading to improved financial performance.

In conclusion, target market coverage is a crucial aspect of the marketing process. By identifying and understanding their target market, businesses can effectively reach and appeal to potential customers, leading to increased sales and revenue.

Market Coverage: Definition & Strategy

target market coverage

Small new businesses can place themselves against larger and stronger competitors by using concentrated marketing. The competition level is higher in the undifferentiated marketing strategy, when more businesses jump in, it reduces the profitability of the company. A product is positioned with the help of a punch line that carries the unique selling proposition of a product and a promotional message to create a different space in the mind of customers. On the other hand, a large firm, with adequate marketing muscle power and resources, might decide to go all out and expand its marketing efforts to all available market segments. A sales forecast can be defined as the amount of a product that an organization expects to sell during a specific period of time in future. Concentrated Marketing This focuses on a section of the market place. In stalemated industry, it is difficult for the organization to differentiate the products.


Market Coverage Strategy

target market coverage

These costs apply to e-commerce as well, with the addition of referral fees. These terms can include a number of key factors such as placement, price, and even what items retailers can sell. What Is the Market Coverage? This kind of approach employs Examples of concentrated marketing strategy can be found in companies like One of the biggest benefits of this kind of coverage strategy is that the target consumers of this segment become loyal customers and continue to favour even newer products by the same firm. Productive Specialization: It focuses on providing different products to different types of segments. Now that we understand what a market coverage strategy is, let us discuss the different type of market coverage strategy that can help businesses reap the maximum dividends from their investments on advertising their 1.


Target Market Selection Process

target market coverage

Selective Distribution Lastly, there is the Selective distribution method which lies between Intensive and Exclusive distribution strategies. Selecting more than one segment helps an organization to minimize its risk because when one of the segments becomes less profitable, organization can divert its efforts towards more profitable segment. The three levels of distribution density are intensive, selective, and exclusive. Most importantly, they also check the relationship of their product with the marketplace. Product Differentiation: It forms a very important tool for competitive differentiation.


Solved Target Market Coverage: Distribution Density

target market coverage

The purpose of the assessment is to place an effective and efficient market coverage strategy. If the selected segment fails, the company can experience hefty losses. The particular market segment might turn to be unprofitable. If you chose to focus your efforts on all three areas, should you be doing the same marketing to all of these potential customers? Market Coverage Strategies The audience, or potential customer, determines your marketing strategy. What is Life Insurance? It is often known as concentrated segmentation. Marketing executives must address three critical questions when choosing a marketing channel and selecting its intermediaries. Differentiated marketing strategy This kind of market coverage strategy takes into account the heterogeneous nature of the market.


STP Approach

target market coverage

To avoid this problem, companies become more interested in smaller market segments. The goal is to become the leader in that area. It brings up the concept of market coverage. Which one should be selected? This approach is also called top-down analysis. Selective distribution has become a popular distribution channel for marketers, because it allows them to focus their efforts on areas that will provide greater profit contributions. The demerit of surveys is that they consume much time and money of an organization. Additionally, you may use market research and surveys to get additional insights into your target market to inform your strategies.


Market Coverage: Definition, Strategies, Examples

target market coverage

Concentrated marketing has a problem of greater than normal risks. To avoid these problems, many companies choose to diversify in several market segments. Undifferentiated marketing provides the benefits of cost economies. Undifferentiated Marketing Adopting an undifferentiated marketing strategy, a company does not consider market segment differences and approaches the whole market with one offer. You have the opportunity to put a location in an area of high income, middle income, and low income.


3 types of Target Market Coverage every Marketing Manager should know — Mad Marketing

target market coverage

It is risky to take an all or nothing approach. They may send postcards, go door to door, or host block parties to gain exposure. This helps to evaluate the total sales potential of a particular segment. Following are the two approaches for measuring the sales potential of an organization: a. When distributing your offering through brick-and-mortar locations you can expect a hike in costs variable costs and possibly even fixed costs. Product modification to meet the needs of different market segments calls for additional research and development, engineering, or special tooling costs resulting in an overall increase in costs.


Target Market Coverage

target market coverage

Another example of Intensive distribution can be seen through e-commerce. And so life insurance is less important to them. It is important for a business to determine their target market in order to effectively plan, manage, and measure their marketing efforts. Life insurance is a contract between an individual, the insured, and a life insurance company. Instead, this method aims for exclusivity which can increase perceived value and quality of the transaction regarding placement and POS.
