Tanglewood case 5 answers. 1492912319 Tanglewood Cases Portfolio Progect 2022-10-19

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Tanglewood Case 5 is a scenario-based exercise designed to help students understand the challenges of managing a diverse workforce and how to effectively address and resolve conflicts that may arise in the workplace.

In this case, Tanglewood is a large retail company that has recently experienced a number of conflicts between its diverse employee groups. One such conflict involves a group of African American employees who have complained about the lack of opportunities for career advancement and the lack of support from their supervisors. Another conflict involves a group of Hispanic employees who have raised concerns about discrimination and unfair treatment from their coworkers.

To address these conflicts, Tanglewood's management team must take a number of steps. Firstly, they must conduct a thorough investigation into the complaints raised by the employees to determine the root causes of the conflicts. This may involve speaking with the employees involved, as well as gathering data and evidence to support their claims.

Once the root causes of the conflicts have been identified, Tanglewood's management team must work to develop and implement solutions to address the issues raised by the employees. This may include providing additional training and support to supervisors to help them better understand and manage diversity in the workplace, as well as implementing policies and procedures to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and with respect.

In addition to addressing the specific conflicts raised by the employees, Tanglewood's management team must also take a proactive approach to preventing future conflicts from occurring. This may involve implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives, such as employee resource groups or diversity training programs, to promote a positive and inclusive work environment for all employees.

Overall, Tanglewood's management team must take a holistic approach to addressing and resolving the conflicts raised by its diverse employee groups. By thoroughly investigating the root causes of the conflicts and implementing targeted solutions, Tanglewood can create a more positive and inclusive work environment for all of its employees.

1492912319 Tanglewood Cases Portfolio Progect

tanglewood case 5 answers

For example, seasonal and off season periods. The effects of these kinds of policies are significant on a 99% confidence level or better, and have resulted in better representation in establishments especially minority females and also benefit companies in their own employment growth. The computations for concentration statistics also indicate there may be unintentional discrimination occurring in the promotion practices of the Tanglewood organization. For example, work experience, retail knowledge, biodata, applicant exam, and personality test correlate to performance and promotion potential. Upon performing an environmental scan, we have determined that Tanglewood might have problems filling their vacancies in the future for a variety of reasons. With Tanglewoods internal promotion commitment and their commitment to superior customer service excellence and team work the predictors that relate closely to store associate include the use of the proposed method.


Tanglewood Case 2: Overview (500 Words)

tanglewood case 5 answers

An internal network is utilized at Tanglewood to find new employees through employee referrals, and to promote individuals within the organization. Flow statistics are calculated by comparing the number of people hired and promoted in the organization with the total number of people that apply. The concentration of certain classes is computed by dividing the number of persons in a certain class for any position by the total number of individuals employed in that position. To improve internal recruitment efforts, Tanglewood should review all internal recruitment policies and practices to ensure that there is no room for discrimination. There seems to be a much higher concentration of white employees in the upper management positions as compared to African Americans in upper management. Disparate impact was prevalent in the department manager position for African Americans.


Tanglewood Case 5

tanglewood case 5 answers

Some changes Tanglewood can make to its promotion and development procedures are: Revise its job posting policy—since Tanglewood consistently hires from within, the company needs to clearly state in its job posting policy that diversity is a consideration when filling jobs and will remain an important factor in workforce selection. Plan — formulate strategies for successful EEO results. Encourage — identify and reward proper actions by managers, supervisors, and employees. Assessment Tanglewood prides itself on encouragement of diversity in the workplace. Flow statistics are calculated by comparing the number of people hired and promoted in the organization with the total number of people that apply. Filling positions externally can become a challenge in markets that have a consistent supply of qualified individuals as retail is undesirable due to long hours and low pay. Overstaffing is also part of expansion planning to prepare for growth.


Tanglewood case 5 disparate impact Free Essays

tanglewood case 5 answers

The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures UGESP requires that all organizations keep records that will allow for calculation and comparison of these statistics. African American have the lowest concentration among the three groups. Tanglewood should be able to look to the future and anticipate problems so that it will know how to fix them in order to stay in accordance with EEO laws. There will be 192 shift leaders promoted to a department manager position and 51 department managers given assistant store manager duties. Employee referrals and job services yield the highest volume of applicants and candidates. Even though the unemployment rate in the area is high, recent forecasts suggest that expansion in the professional and managerial sectors of the labor market may reduce the number of individuals available for these jobs. All hiring and promotion decisions should be made on the basis of character and quality of work.


Case 5 Tanglewood

tanglewood case 5 answers

Since Tanglewood only promotes from within, the entry-level position of store associates does not appeal to many applicants. In order to do this, it is necessary to study the flow and concentration statistics of the organization. Retention has a lot to do with employee value. Tanglewood should implement a team environment so that everyone is working together toward the common goal of being committed to diversity. All hiring and promotion decisions should be made on the basis of character and quality of work. Tanglewood believes that it is very important to have complete employee involvement.


Tanglewood Case 5: Disparate Impact Analysis

tanglewood case 5 answers

This list was compiled after looking at many organizations and from them identifying the best practices of promotion and development for equal employment opportunity. Two cases will demonstrate what is not, and what the correct way to approach a hiring situation is. A prima face case is recognized when: 1 the plaintiff perceives a certain employment practice to be tested; and 2 through appropriate statistical investigation and revealing that the test practice has an adverse impact on a certain group. Then, look at the percentage of African Americans employed in the Store Manager position compared to the total number of Store Managers. Tanglewood believes in a workforce of committed, qualified individuals who will help carry the Tanglewood philosophy into the future.


Tanglewood Case Analysis Case Study Example (600 Words)

tanglewood case 5 answers

Once the employee is hired, retention becomes of high importance. Tanglewood relies on its experienced employees as a major source of talent. Core employees view a flexible workforce as having no loyalty and commitment to the organization due to turnover rates in flexible staffing. The methods primarily used vary by region. To defend disparate treatment, Tanglewood should also respond by providing supporting evidence that there is a bona fide occupational qualification that may exist that supports reasons for disqualification. By seeking an out of court settlement, Tanglewood will decrease the amount of publicity and attention that this situation will cause.


Tanglewood Case 5: Disparate Impact Analysis Essay

tanglewood case 5 answers

Part of Tanglewoods expansion strategy was purchasing existing stores rather than building new stores. Tanglewood management team must clearly consider the different methods available as well as the associated cost benefits of each. These statistics are then divided into different groups i. Mechelle Vinson Diversity in the workplace has continued to grow increasingly over the years with an emergence of organizations focusing on diversity management and inventiveness to not only adapt to internal and external challenges, but to also sustain a competitive advantage and maximize vital human resources. These statistics are then divided into different groups i. In this case, you should determine what you want to measure by analyzing KSAOs from the job description and the information on organizational culture in the case, and fitting the selection measures into the plan format as shown in Exhibit 8.


Tanglewood Case 5

tanglewood case 5 answers

Regardless, replacing employees can be expensive, so always hire to retain. Based on your analysis and the affirmative action plan, do you think the company should engage in a specific strategy to change its recruiting and promotion practices? Compute year-end totals for each job in Table 1. Each one of the strategies is designed in a format of this one verses that one concept, making it so one would decide which would be best suited for the company. It is perceived that entry-level sales positions are long hours, low pay, and frequent conflict with lower-level employees. Vinson, its legal outcomes, the importance and strategies to workplace diversity, and conclude with consideration of these strategies and its linkage to and for company stakeholders. Core or Flexible Workforce: A core workforce is made up of regular full and part time employees while a flexible workforce is made up of temporary workers and used on a as needed basis. Read case, pgs 30 to 33 in case book.
