Swiss gaap vs us gaap. Swiss GAAP FER 2022-10-29

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Swiss GAAP and US GAAP are two different sets of accounting standards that are used to guide the preparation of financial statements. While both sets of standards have similar objectives, there are some key differences between the two that are important to understand.

One of the main differences between Swiss GAAP and US GAAP is the level of detail and complexity in the standards. Swiss GAAP tends to be less detailed and more flexible than US GAAP, which is known for its complexity and stringent requirements. This difference in approach is reflected in the way that financial statements are prepared and presented under each set of standards.

Another difference between Swiss GAAP and US GAAP is the level of discretion allowed in the application of the standards. Swiss GAAP allows for a greater degree of discretion in the interpretation and application of the standards, whereas US GAAP is more prescriptive in nature. This difference can have significant implications for companies operating in different countries and may require them to adopt different accounting practices.

A third difference between Swiss GAAP and US GAAP is the level of transparency required in financial reporting. US GAAP requires more detailed and transparent reporting, with a focus on providing investors and other stakeholders with a clear understanding of a company's financial position and performance. In contrast, Swiss GAAP allows for more flexibility in the presentation of financial information, which may not be as transparent.

Overall, it is important for companies to understand the differences between Swiss GAAP and US GAAP and to choose the set of standards that is most appropriate for their operations. While both sets of standards have their strengths and weaknesses, the choice of GAAP will depend on the specific needs and circumstances of the company.

Financial Reporting

swiss gaap vs us gaap

Amortisation over useful life. Derivatives held for other motives than hedging or trading are to be valued at fair values or according to the lower of cost or market principle in all cases consistent criteria for valuation have to be applied. Discontinued operations — presentation and main disclosures Not addressed. This means that it is hardly possible to ascertain the economic risk arising from benefits promised by the entity from its financial statements — particularly as qualitative disclosures are still rare in practice. Presentation currency Similar to IFRS.


Tax accounting for Swiss Tax Reform

swiss gaap vs us gaap

Income statement Present as either a single-step or multiple-step format. US GAAP Similar to IFRS. Revenue will equal the cost. The cantons themselves are obliged to implement the mandatory guidelines of the FTHA into cantonal law. Specific strict criteria should be considered if the transaction involves real estate. Business combinations Types: acquisitions or mergers All business combinations are acquisitions, thus the purchase method is the only method of accounting that is allowed. Frequency of reporting e.


Useful and relevant financial statements

swiss gaap vs us gaap

Starting with annual reports for 2005 and interim reports for 2006, most Swiss companies whose equity shares are listed on the main board of the Swiss Exchange are required to prepare their financial statements using either IFRSs or US GAAP. The method of offsetting with equity favoured by many entities reporting under Swiss GAAP FER is a lot easier for users, but fails to completely convince in terms, say, of accountability. The Circular on IFRS is revised and amended annually. Can be reported using either the cost model or the revaluation model GAAP does not allow the revaluation model Investment property Property which is not used in regular operations of the company Purely and IFRS concept. The identity of the related party has to be disclosed only if this is necessary for the understanding of the transaction. Derivatives not qualifying for hedge accounting are measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognised in the income statement.


Swiss GAAP FER Definition

swiss gaap vs us gaap

No summary publication can do justice to the many differences of detail that exist between IFRS, US GAAP and Swiss GAAP FER. Liabilities for future losses or other costs expected to be incurred as a result of the business combination cannot be recognised. It states that the inventory at the end of the reporting period is to be recorded at the original cost or the current market price, whichever is lower. The variable interest model is discussed below. Depends on classification of investment — if held to maturity or loans and receivables, they are carried at amortised cost; otherwise at fair value. Since more and more companies are adopting the Swiss GAAP FER standards, KPMG has released its 9th edition of the Swiss GAAP FER brochure. They are written from the point of view of financial statements for single entities, with additions for groups.



swiss gaap vs us gaap

Reporting entities should consider their expected filing position assuming this will be accepted by the tax authorities and define an accounting policy regarding the ordering of the measures unless a particular canton has explicitly defined such ordering in its cantonal tax law. Swiss GAAP will not be permitted. Deferred tax assets on temporary differences and on tax losses carried forward may only be capitalised if it is probable that they an be realised in the future through sufficient taxable profits. Several items have to be disclosed separately on the face of the balance sheet or within the notes. Capitalisation allowed if recognition criteria are met. First-time adoption requires a presentation of the prior year balance sheet in compliance with Swiss GAAP FER only.


Handbook: IFRS® compared to US GAAP

swiss gaap vs us gaap

Goodwill is recognised as the surplus of acquisition cost over the newly valued net assets and to be capitalised as an intangible asset. Within the framework of a Swiss GAAP FER conversion project, it is important to determine the basics regarding the scope of action and design options so management can make well-founded decisions during implementation. This can be a problem if being able to compare different entities is a major concern. The calculation required under IFRS, by contrast, regularly results in significant liabilities. Management, investors, shareholders, financiers, government, and regulatory agencies rely on financial reports for decision-making.


Difference Entre Ifrs Us Gaap Swiss Gaap Fer Summary Example

swiss gaap vs us gaap

Mandatorily redeemable preference shares are classified as liabilities. BDO is your partner for financial reporting standards - from adoption and conversion to interpretation. No tax-deductible temporary difference results if a canton applies the same entry mechanism as proposed by the canton of Zurich and Zug or the entry rules of the canton of Basel-Stadt. Segment reporting — scope and basis of disclosures Applies to SEC registrants. US GAAP is mandatory for companies listed and domiciled in the US.



swiss gaap vs us gaap

Long-lived asset contributions are recorded as revenue in the period received. Both the IFRS and the Swiss GAAP FER contain a description of the objectives of financial statements. Actuarial gains and losses cannot be deferred and are recognised in accumulated other comprehensive income with subsequent amortisation to the income statement. Gross earnings allocated to give constant rate of return based on pre-tax net investment method. Cash flow statements — definition of cash and cash equivalents Cash includes cash equivalents with maturities of three months or less from the date of acquisition and may include bank overdrafts. Swiss GAAP FER Accounted for using the PoC method. Generally recorded at predecessor cost; the use of predecessor cost or fair value depends on a number of criteria.
