Sweat short story summary. Sweat Plot Summary 2022-10-29

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"Sweat" is a short story written by Zora Neale Hurston that was published in 1926. It tells the story of Delia, a washerwoman who works hard to provide for her abusive husband, Sykes. Despite her hard work and devotion to Sykes, he constantly belittles and mistreats her.

One day, Delia discovers that Sykes has been cheating on her with a younger woman and decides to take action. She goes to see a hoodoo man, who gives her a potion that she can use to get rid of Sykes for good. Delia is hesitant to use the potion at first, but eventually decides to go through with it.

On the day that Delia puts the potion into action, Sykes comes home from work in a particularly foul mood. He begins to beat Delia, but she remains calm and collected, knowing that the potion is working on him. As the evening goes on, Sykes becomes increasingly ill and delusional, and eventually collapses on the floor in a fit of sweat. Delia tends to him, making him comfortable and giving him water to drink, but she does not try to stop the potion from completing its work.

In the end, Sykes dies from the potion, and Delia is left alone to ponder the events of the evening. She reflects on the irony of the situation, noting that she had always sweated to make a living for Sykes, and now he has died from sweating himself.

"Sweat" is a powerful story about the struggles of a woman living in a abusive relationship and her eventual decision to take control of her own life. It highlights the strength and resilience of the human spirit and the importance of standing up for oneself.

Sweat: Full Story Summary

sweat short story summary

This transformation is gradually seen through her three marriages. Snake in the Box For three months, Sykes pays for Bertha to stay at a boarding house in town. While she thinks that it is too late for her to find love, she consoles herself with the thought of finding peace in her lovely home. Although she knows that Sykes has brought this upon himself, Delia struggles to turn aside because she is a compassionate person at heart. Sykes continues his abuse of Delia by expressing frustration with her work, although her work reminds him of their position as poor black people in a racist and segregated society. Tracey, Jessie, and Jason make racist slurs and comments at Oscar, and Jason stands up threateningly.


Sweat Plot Summary

sweat short story summary

She sees Sykes's hand grab a window stick and hears dull blows on the wooden floor as he beats the snake to death. An equally important problem that oppresses Delia, but which it ultimately defeats, is religious divisions against the background of gender discrimination. The slaves eventually gained their freedom when they… Zora Neale Hurston in the Harlem Renaissance From the beginning, Zora Neale Hurston was ahead of her time. The narrator feels frustrated by her gender because society has limited her role and ability by defining gender roles so rigidly. Hurston uses foreshadowing and irony to demonstrate the disintegrated relationship between the abusive husband and the diligent wife.


Analysis and Summary of “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston

sweat short story summary

This shows readers that white people are thought to be superior and Summary Of Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston In the short story Sweat by Zora Neal Hurston, the narrator begins the story with an insouciant tone that transforms into a form, assertive tone. This moment of transformative anger pushes Delia towards the independence and strength that she maintains throughout the rest of the shot story. He brought all of this into the house, damaging his own soul and humanity. Her years of hard work to build and maintain their home have brought her a sense of well-earned pride. Delia says, "Mah sweat. Later, Sykes brings a rattlesnake in a box to the house to torment Delia. They claim that Sykes doesn't deserve her.


Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston Summary

sweat short story summary

They also discuss Freddy Brunner, an acquaintance who recently burned his own house down. This is the last straw for Delia. The serpent convinces Eve to disobey God by eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. She barely knows her…. Or he could realize that the house is dark and he doesn't have any matches, and he could leave immediately. The mood becomes tense, and Tracey and Cynthia get into a spat: Tracey clearly resents Cynthia for getting the promotion over her.


Zora Neale Hurston Sweat Summary

sweat short story summary

In her time, doing this was very daring and for her to say the unpopular opinion was exceedingly brave of her. At the beginning of "Sweat," Hurston evokes this connection between snakes and evil when Sykes tosses his snake-like bullwhip on Delia, scaring her and revealing her profound fear of snakes. Two of her almost fable-like stories, "Sweat" and "The Gilded Six-Bits", each portray powerful messages individually. She just doesn't want him around her house. Delia devotes her life to making dirty things clean and prides herself on her clean laundry and tidy house.


Sweat Summary & Analysis

sweat short story summary

The story centres on Delia, a washerwoman in a small central Florida town. He promises her that he will get rid of Delia and let Bertha have the house. Eventually, he comes to bed, still angry, and she ignores him. Hurston was closely associated with the Harlem Renaissance and has influenced such writers as Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison, Gayle Jones, Alice Walker, and Toni Cade Bambara. De nigger woman is de mule uh de world so fur as Ah can see. He terrifies Delia by playing on her fear of snakes, and he beats her frequently, something which started two months after they were married. He pick it up because he have to, but he don 't tote it.


Delia's Tenacity in the Short Story "Sweat" by Hurston

sweat short story summary

So de white man throw down de load and tell de nigger man tuh pick it up. This indicates a patriarchal decision to avoid interfering in the affairs of another man. After two months of marriage, he began to beat her and soon began sleeping around. Delia hears him cry, "Mah Gawd fum Heben! Soon town folks stop by to see the creature. The rattling stops for a moment. She also discusses how she escapes the prejudiceness and gets away by going to listen to music, though; some white folks come in and make conversations with them. The only time Zora would see white people were when they were passing through or coming from Orlando.


Sweat Story Summary

sweat short story summary

Hurton portrays many messages in her stories without having to explicitly spell it out. These stories individually would seem stories that an elder would pass down to a youth to help them establish principles to live their lives by. However, when Delia approaches her husband as he crawls in agony toward her, she has pity on him, which is so strong that she has to walk away. Then, Cynthia, Tracey, and Jessie enter, and Brucie harasses Cynthia until she agrees to talk to him. The snake remains in the box by the kitchen door. .
