Swamper of mice and men. What does swamper mean of mice and men? 2022-11-06

Swamper of mice and men Rating: 9,5/10 1718 reviews

The swamper in the novella "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck plays a small but significant role in the story. The swamper is a worker at the ranch where the main characters, George and Lennie, are employed. He is described as an old man with "a big push broom" and is responsible for cleaning up the bunkhouse and other areas around the ranch.

Despite his seemingly menial job, the swamper is an important presence at the ranch. He is a source of gossip and information for the other workers, as he is often seen sweeping and listening to their conversations. This makes him an unofficial news reporter of sorts, as he is able to pass on information to others.

Furthermore, the swamper serves as a foil to Candy, the old swamper who is disabled and unable to work. While Candy is bitter and resentful of his situation, the swamper is content with his job and seems to take pride in his work. This contrast highlights the difference between those who are able to find happiness and purpose in their work, even if it is considered low status, and those who are unable to do so.

In addition, the swamper represents the invisible and often forgotten members of society. He is a background character who is rarely noticed or given much attention, yet he is an integral part of the functioning of the ranch. This serves as a commentary on the way that society tends to value certain occupations and people over others.

Overall, the swamper in "Of Mice and Men" may not be a main character, but he is an important and symbolic presence in the novella. He serves as a source of information, a foil to Candy, and a representation of the overlooked and undervalued members of society.

Of Mice and Men

swamper of mice and men

Pants Rabbits: A sexually transmitted disease, known as pubic lice. But they won't do nothing like that. Travels with a Donkey: Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes 1879 , one of Robert Louis Stevenson's earliest published works. What does George find in the box by his bed and what does he assume? Despite his small size, Curley is a lightweight boxer who made it to the Golden Gloves final one year. Candy The old swamper in Of Mice and Men is a character named Candy. As the men back at the ranch discover what has happened and gather together a lynch party, George joins Lennie.


Candy’s Dog Symbol in Of Mice and Men

swamper of mice and men

Slug of Whiskey: Equivalent to a hipflask of whiskey. He is a reminder of how society treats those who seem to be of no use. Welter: A boxer refers to welterweight, a weight class in boxing. When the other men arrive, George lets them believe that Lennie had the gun, and George wrestled it away from him and shot him. What does George find in the box by his bed and why does he get so angry? Throughout the novel, Curley is portrayed as an aggressive, violent man. He is most recognizable for two things in this novel: he is missing one hand and he has a really old, really smelly dog.


Who is the swamper in Of Mice and Men?

swamper of mice and men

A pistol popularly associated with use by German forces in the first and second World Wars. He was dressed in blue jeans and he carried a big push-broom in his left hand. George responds by telling Candy that Curley needs to be careful messing with Lennie, because he is liable to get hurt. Candy's life is tedious and miserable, and he does not feel as if he has any value here. From 1950 on, the term also came to represent mass market paperbacks. He attempts to pick on Lennie and eventually gets into a fight with him. Graybacks: The equivalent of ticks or lice.


Of Mice and Men Chapter 2

swamper of mice and men

Of Mice and Men 1939 publicity still. Lennie is left with Lennie flees back to a pool of the Salinas River that George had designated as a meeting place should either of them get into trouble. Luger: The Luger pistol was an expensive, high maintenance weapon manufactured and used primarily in the German army. He was given two hundred and fifty dollars as compensation, and when he hears George and Lennie talking about their dream of owning a farm, he is quick to offer the three hundred dollars he has in the bank so he can be part of it. Swamper is his nickname. The other men in the bunkhouse, annoyed by the dog's smell, encourage Candy to euthanize him. Lennie is afraid something bad is going to happen.


Of Mice and Men: Full Book Summary

swamper of mice and men

Slim goes to the barn to do some work, and Curley, who is maniacally searching for his wife, heads to the barn to accost Slim. Betty Field Mae and Bob Steele Curley. Candy's character is one that is important in the novel. He fears that, like his dog, he will be deemed expendable at that point, and banished from the safety and security of the ranch. Curley, searching for an easy target for his anger, finds Lennie and picks a fight with him. Zane Grey: American adventure novelist 1872-1939.


In chapter 2, what does the swamper mean by the statement, "Curley's pretty handy"?

swamper of mice and men

A swamper is a man whose job it is to keep the bunkhouse cleaned out. He is most recognizable for two things in this novel: he is missing one hand and he has a really old, really smelly dog. When did George yell at Lennie? They says he wasn't no good to himself nor nobody else. Candy's dog is old and probably dying. George gets angry with Lennie because he has a dead mouse in his pocket, and feel like he always has to take care of him. Parlor House: Could be considered a restaurant, but more often parlor houses were brothels. After When Candy refers to Curley as being "pretty handy," he is essentially saying that Curley is a decent fighter.


What does swamper mean of mice and men?

swamper of mice and men

In fact, he is sure that when he is no longer able to perform his duties here, he will have to leave, and he has no place to go. Curley likes to fight and Candy says he often picks on bigger men to prove how tough he is. The swamper's name is Candy Chapter 2. While everyone seems to like Candy just fine, they do not like his dog. Bunk House: A sleeping quarters intended for use by multiple people.


What does swamper mean from Of Mice and Men?

swamper of mice and men

When they can me here I wisht somebody'd shoot me. He tells how Lennie has often gotten them into trouble. Slim reports that he drowned four of the puppies immediately because their mother would have been unable to feed them. Work Slips: Proof that people had been hired to do a job. He does have a little money put away, however, and hopes to be included in.


Curley Character Analysis in Of Mice and Men

swamper of mice and men

Lennie wants to leave the ranch, but George tells him they must stay. When Candy and George find Curleys' wife dead, Candy seems to know that the dream is also dead. He fears that his boss will make him leave the ranch, once he finds him useless. Jerkline Skinner: Lead driver of a team of mules Stable Buck: A derogatory name for an African-American man who works in the stables. Varro: Marcus Terentius Varro 116-29 B. Candy's only hope in the book, is the thought of living on the farm that George and Lennie want to buy.
