Supremacy in a sentence. How to use "supremacy clause" in a sentence 2022-10-31

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Supremacy is the belief that one group or individual is superior to others and should therefore dominate or rule over them. This belief has been used throughout history to justify the oppression and exploitation of certain groups, often based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, religion, or nationality. It has led to countless acts of violence and injustice, as those in positions of power have sought to maintain their dominance over others.

However, the concept of supremacy is not limited to intergroup dynamics. It can also manifest within individuals as a desire to dominate and control others, even within personal relationships. This type of supremacy is often rooted in toxic masculinity or a need to feel superior to those around us. It is destructive and harmful, leading to a lack of empathy and a disregard for the well-being of others.

Ultimately, supremacy is a dangerous and destructive ideology that has caused immense suffering throughout history. It is important that we recognize and reject any forms of supremacy in our own lives and work towards building a more equitable and just society for all. So, it is important to be aware of this concept and actively work towards dismantling systems of supremacy in all its forms.

How to use "supremacy clause" in a sentence

supremacy in a sentence

The judges who governed the island were always at strife, and, as some of them applied to Pisa and some to Genoa for assistance against one another, the Italian seas were once more stained with blood, and the war burst out again and again, down to 1259, when it terminated in the decisive victory of the Pisans and the consolidation of their supremacy in Sardinia. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word "supremacy" can be used in a sentence. They illustrate the right of review or recognitio which the Romans retained, at least in capital causes; the charge brought in this case of acting adversus majestatem populi romani; the claim made by Jesus to be a king; and the result that his judge became convinced that the claimant was opposed neither to the public peace nor to the civil supremacy of Rome. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word "supremacy". We see by the above extracts, that Russia has an instrument of expression as near perfection as is possible in human speech. A change of nationality would not affect the relation between Zinzendorf and his colonists, for their position as his dependents in Germany was purely voluntary, such service as they rendered was freely given in exchange for his legal protection, and his supremacy in Church affairs then and later was a recognition of the personal character of the man, not a yielding of submission to the Count.


supremacy in a sentence

supremacy in a sentence

The supremacy clause, however, has at times been invoked to preempt state concurrent powers, for instance in recent years regarding the regulation of air and water pollution. Put down the kettlebell, get off your StairMaster, sell your mountain bike, and take up a warm spot on your couch while you eat potato chips. Constitution as written bans religious law from superseding our own laws by way of the Supremacy Clause. Of course, the U. In the words of Dr Kriegk, Geschichte von Frankfurt, 1871 , the insurrection completely destroyed the political power of the gilds, gave new strength to the supremacy of the patriciate, and brought no further advantage to the rest of the citizens than a few improvements in the organization and administration of the magistracy.


99 Supremacy Sentence Examples and Meaning

supremacy in a sentence

In addition, we also show how different variations of supremacy can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are Supremacy in a sentence Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word supremacyin a sentence. Example 6 The protest of Bolzius was only a part of the general Salzburger opposition, and to avoid friction in Georgia, Zinzendorf had particularly recommended that the Moravians settle in a village apart by themselves, where they could "lead godly lives, patterned after the writings and customs of the apostles," without giving offense to any; and he promised, for the same reason, that as soon as they were established he would send them a regularly ordained minister, although laymen were doing missionary work in other fields. Master in Sports with a double minor in Politics and Culture. Exhausting as the Turkish wars were to the Venetian treasury, her trade was still so flourishing that she might have survived the strain had not the discovery of the Cape route to the Indies cut the tap-root of her commercial prosperity by diverting the stream of traffic from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. From this review of the history of the Jewish people we learn that the foundation of the religion of God laid by His Holiness Moses was the cause of their eternal honor and national prestige, the animating impulse of their advancement and racial supremacy and the source of that excellence which will always command the respect and reverence of those who understand their peculiar destiny and outcome. The first in order, surrounded by a group in varied and fantastic dress, that confused mixture of violet, red, white, black and speckled garments-with heads shaved, or with tonsures, or with short hair-with red hats, square bonnets, pointed mitres, or long beards, is the standard of the Roman pontiff, who, uniting the civil government to the priesthood, has erected the supremacy of his city into a point of religion, and made of his pride an article of faith. Legally, he didn't have a leg to stand on under the Constitution's Supremacy Clause.


Supremacies Definition & Meaning

supremacy in a sentence

Put the weights down, sit on the couch, and play a video game. Judicial review relies on the jurisdictional authority in Article III, and the Supremacy Clause. Persia indeed for many years showed a strong disposition to reassert the supremacy over Herat which was exercised by the Safawid kings, but great Britain, disapproving of the advance of Persia towards the Indian frontier, steadily resisted the encroachment; and, indeed, after helping the Heratis to beat off the attack of the Persian army in 1838, the British at length compelled the shah in 1857 at the close of his war with them to sign a treaty recognizing the further independence of the place, and pledging Persia against any further interference with the Afghans. On the death of the bishop Mar Athanasius Matthew in 1877, litigation began as to his successor; it lasted ten years, and the decision since reversed was given against the party that held by the Nestorian connexion and the habitual autonomy of the Malabar church in favour of the supremacy of the Jacobite patriarch of Antioch. Where are the potato chips? Much of Shaftesbury's career, increasingly so as it came near its close, is incapable of defence; but it has escaped most of his critics that his life up to the Restoration, apparently full of inconsistencies, was evidently guided by one leading principle, the determination to uphold the supremacy of parliament, a principle which, however obscured by self-interest, appears also to have underlain his whole political career.


Do You Exercise? You're Perpetuating White Supremacy

supremacy in a sentence

To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. If you are white and exercise, you are perpetuating white supremacy. Under the Constitution's supremacy clause, state laws can't interfere with the operation of the federal government. Constitution, a state government cannot limit the uses to which federal agencies put these state-gathered faceprints. The necessity of seeking protection from the sea-rovers and pirates who infested these waters during the whole period of Hanseatic supremacy, the legal customs, substantially alike in the towns of North Germany, which governed the groups of traders in the outlying trading posts, the establishment of common factories, or "counters" Komtors at these points, with aldermen to administer justice and to secure trading privileges for the community of German merchants - such were some of the unifying influences which preceded the gradual formation of the League.


Supremacy in a sentence. The word Supremacy in example sentences. Supremacy dictionary definition. Supremacy pronunciation.

supremacy in a sentence

Thus, it would appear, the whole of the expansion of the Latin kingdom which may be said to have attained its height in 1131, at the death of Baldwin II. Their mutual jealousies, combined with the prestige of the empire, and possibly with the selfishness of the pope, who had secured his own position, and was not likely to foster a national spirit that would have threatened the ecclesiastical supremacy, deprived the Italians of the only great opportunity they ever had of forming themselves into a powerful nation. The plea of its supporters in Arizona is: read the bill for yourself. It was probably true that Germany's policy was directed rather towards being so strong at sea as to make England unwilling to fight her unless absolutely necessary, than towards actually challenging British naval supremacy. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. She researched exercise in America and has determined that working out has racist origins. The predominance of the nobility in this way became as characteristic of feudalism in the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem as the supremacy of the crown was of contemporary feudalism in England; and that predominance expressed itself in the position and powers of the high court, in which the ultimate sovereignty resided.


Supremacy: In a Sentence

supremacy in a sentence

Editorial Cartoonist and writer. The theory of the indefeasible supremacy of the freeholders of England, whose delegates merely, according to this theory, the Commons were, was one of Defoe's favourite political tenets, and he returned to it in a powerfully written tract entitled The Original Power of the Collective Bcdy of the People of England examined and asserted 1701. Unfortunately the fruits of his diligence and foresight were dissipated by the follies of his two immediate successors, Emerich 1196-1204 and Andrew II. In the Church of England and its sister and daughter churches the position of the archbishop is defined by the medieval in the Roman Catholic Church, save as modified on the n one hand by the substitution of the supremacy of the crown for that of the Holy See, and on the other by the restrictions imposed by the council of Trent. This is totally part of a white supremacy project.


Use supremacy in a sentence

supremacy in a sentence

About the same time Martin Luther was in the full course of his protest against the papal supremacy and had already burnt the pope's bull at Worms. White women were told to exercise by white supremacists, then told not to exercise? According to other authorities, the Romans were obliged to surrender the city, to acknowledge Porsena's supremacy by sending him a sceptre, a royal robe, and an ivory chair, to abandon their territory north of the Tiber, to give up their arms, and in future to use iron for agricultural purposes only. We have to be careful about asserting the supremacy of our moral standards on others. You see a boom in the CrossFit mentality of almost like militarized fitness and girding yourself and your body for a fight. The Ghibellines being unable to maintain their supremacy, the city came to be divided into two almost autonomous republics, the comune headed by the podestd, and the popolo headed by the capitano and militarily organized into twenty companies; the central power was represented by twelve anziani or elders. Definition of Supremacy having supreme power and influence Examples of Supremacy in a sentence The president has been able to assert his ultimate supremacy over the prime minister. What happened to all the white supremacists? Most are in some sort of agreement as to the supremacy of the dingle episode, which has this advantage: Borrow is always at his best when dealing with strange beings and abnormal experiences.
