Summary trial under crpc. Trial Under CrPC, 1973: All You Need to Know 2022-10-25

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A summary trial is a type of criminal proceedings in India that is governed by the Code of Criminal Procedure (CRPC). It is designed to provide a quick and efficient means of disposing of minor offenses that do not warrant the full procedure of a regular trial.

Under the CRPC, a summary trial is held in cases where the offense is punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or with fine not exceeding one thousand rupees. These offenses are typically classified as "petty offenses" and are considered less serious than other crimes.

The summary trial procedure is simpler and less formal than a regular trial. It is conducted by a Magistrate, who is a judicial officer responsible for handling criminal cases in a particular jurisdiction. The Magistrate is assisted by a clerk, who records the proceedings.

The accused person has the right to be present at the summary trial and to be represented by a lawyer. However, the accused is not entitled to a jury trial in a summary trial. Instead, the Magistrate alone is responsible for determining the guilt or innocence of the accused based on the evidence presented.

The prosecution must present its case first, followed by the defense. Both sides have the opportunity to present evidence and call witnesses to testify. The Magistrate may also ask questions to clarify the testimony or to gather additional information.

Once the prosecution and defense have presented their cases, the Magistrate will consider the evidence and arguments and make a decision on the guilt or innocence of the accused. If the accused is found guilty, the Magistrate will pronounce the sentence.

One of the advantages of a summary trial is that it is generally quicker and less expensive than a regular trial. It is also less formal, which may make it more accessible to people who are not familiar with the legal system. However, the accused does not have the same rights and protections in a summary trial as they would in a regular trial, and the decision of the Magistrate is final and cannot be appealed.

Overall, the summary trial procedure under the CRPC serves an important role in the criminal justice system by providing a quick and efficient means of resolving minor offenses. It allows for the fair and just resolution of cases while minimizing the burden on the courts and the legal system.

Trial Under CrPC, 1973: All You Need to Know

summary trial under crpc

This section also determines the stage whether a case can enter the stage of trial or not. In summary cases, the difference lies at this juncture. It assumes the existence of police and arms them with various responsibilities and powers. Although Section 199 2 of the Code acts as an exception to this where a Court of Sessions may directly take cognizance of an offence without the case being committed to it in case of defamation of high dignitaries and public servants under certain circumstances. Need for Fair Trial: The Indian Judicial System is often mocked as a very time taking institution.


Procedure Of Summary Trial In CrPC

summary trial under crpc

The High Court shall appoint Metropolitan Magistrate as the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate. The training should include mock trails and writing of judgments in summary trials by the trainees. Procedure The method for summary trials is outlined in Section 262 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. Section 264 of CrPC states a condition that in every case tired summarily if the accused does not plead guilty then the Magistrate trying the case must record evidence and mention brief statements for the findings of the case while awarding the statement. Second Stage of the Trial If the accused person pleads his guilt then he will be punished as per the nature of punishment and he will get convicted and if he did not plead then the court will fix a date for going through a further process like examination of a witness, production of any document etc. The provisions of Section 219, 220, 221 and Section 223, override the provisions as mentioned under Section 218 of the Code Of Criminal Procedure.


CHAPTER XXI, Section 260 to 265 of CRPC

summary trial under crpc

This whole step is mentioned in the Section 231. Clause 1 of Section 262 provides that a summary trial has to follow the procedure specified for a summons case except stated otherwise. Trial To further proceed with the various concepts associated with Trial in the criminal system in India, we must learn with the very basic concept of trial. You might be interested: When Things Fall Apart Pema Chodron Summary? According to Section 265 1 , every record must be written in the language of the court. A very important procedural part associated with these kinds of trials is that in summary trials only proceedings are recorded and as such no big part of proceedings are made.


Summary trail in Crpc

summary trial under crpc

One thing which is important to not here is that only small offences are taken as a part of the summary cases, cases which are complicated in nature and are quite big are reserved for summons or warrant trials. According to section 2 x of the Code of Criminal Procedure, a Warrant case refers to any case relating to an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term exceeding two years. It has to ensure that such direction is not inconsistent with any of the directions which have been already issued by any other Superior Court, as per the Constitution, or as mentioned under the Code of Criminal Procedure or under any other law for the time being in force. It is popularly considered that the first two types of Trial procedures are adopted in Warrant Cases while the last two types of Trial procedures are adopted in Summons Cases. And after all the examination of evidence, the magistrate either orders for conviction or acquits the accused. It maintains a balance by providing justice and not overburdening the higher court with petty offences.


Summary Trial under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973

summary trial under crpc

Large number of cases which do not involve serious offences can be disposed of expeditiously. Wharton's Law Lexicon, Universal Law Company, New Delhi. The Criminal procedure code refers to the working of these institutions for the entire time period between when a crime has been committed until the time the sentence against the crime is passed and the case is closed. Criminal laws are present to help the society thrive in a peaceful manner by trying to eliminate as much criminal activity as possible. As executive magistrates are supposed to execute administrative functions they were neither given power to try accused nor pass verdicts. In which cases can you get your client bail? Their object us to provide guidance not direction. For a trial to be considered fair it is essential that it should be devoid of any malice, undue influence and shall always be prudent.


What are the different kinds of trials in Criminal Procedure Code?

summary trial under crpc

Supply of copies to the accused A copy of the police report and other documents relevant to the case should be supplied to any person or persons who appears or is brought before a magistrate at the commencement of the trial. . Chapter XVI would come into play only after this examination is over. The offenses were divided into bailable and non-bailable, back in 1275 by the statute of Westminster. When the case reached the Supreme Court it was observed that the High Court has committed a grave error in examining the evidence or additional evidence.


What is Summary Trial under the Code of Criminal Procedure(CrPC)?

summary trial under crpc

More than three crore cases are languishing in the Courts for various reasons. The third is the date of the report filing against the offence in question. Most of the convicts of the death sentence, get their sentence reduced to 14 years of life imprisonment in accordance with the provisions of CrPC. Sections 251-259 of CrPC deal with Summons Trial. The police should send their report as soon as they complete the investigation and the accused appears in front of a Magistrate before starting the trial. Section 262 of CrPC mentions that the proceedings of summary trial must be the same as a summons trial and also restricts that under no circumstances if the case is tried summarily then the sentence awarded could exceed a term of 3 months.


Summary trials under Crpc

summary trial under crpc

Such an appeal would give the aggravated party another opportunity to present their case to a higher authority or the Appellate Court who would judge the case with a fresh perspective and if there are any wrongdoings, they would be corrected. As the magistrate has the discretion to convict on the plea or not, if on plea the accused is convicted than the magistrate shall proceed according to section 360 otherwise hear the accused on the question of sentence and sentence him according to law. The case is then forwarded to the Magistrate. But, have you noticed some water dripping out of it? Same as other trials in summon cases also the magistrate will comply with section 279 i. Record in summary trials The procedure to formulate a record in summary trials is laid down in Section 263 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.


Summary Trial Explained

summary trial under crpc

The main objective of the investigation directed under this section is to aid the Magistrate in making up a decision to move towards the issue of process and this process should not be thorough and exhaustive in nature. Jeeva Jothi And Ors. The Magistrate has the duty to record the substance of the evidence along with a judgment containing a brief statement of the reasons for such finding, in all summarily tried cases where the accused does not plead guilty. The proviso to the section states that till the time the limitation period to file an appeal against the verdict is not expired, or the appeal is still pending or is not disposed of, the Court cannot pass an order of confirmation. If the accused is not discharged, the magistrate holds regular trial after framing the charge, etc. Every allegation returns one of four findings: sustained the accusation is proven ; unsustained the accusation does not include sufficient proof to support or disprove it ; unfounded the event did not occur or was not based on facts uncovered by the investigation ; or exonerated the alleged incident did occur in fact, but the action of the officer was considered to be reasonable and lawful.


Summary Trials Under Code of Criminal Procedure(CrPC) & Its Procedure

summary trial under crpc

In this case that accused was convicted for an offence under Section 302 of IPC and was subjected to a death sentence. As decided in case of the Inspector of Police vs R. Conclusion: From the above discussion it is evident that the Indian Judicial system is extensive. Retrieving stolen property under Section 411 of IPC, where the value of the property does not exceed rupees 200. Every Executive Magistrate but, the Sub-divisional Magistrate shall be subordinate to the Sub-divisional Magistrate.
